Meets up north?????

can't do 3 sept, am organising a surprise 50th birthday party for mum on 2nd sept and have family coming up to stay for the weekend, so that would be no good to me.
Depends if I get this new job. If not (probably not as Iv not heard anything in over a week) then any time is good for me as I can just book that day off work.

I tink end of september/begininging of october would be best for me but Im pretty easy really (not like that :wink: )
just done a route planner and apparently only 1hour 8mins for me to get there, nearer than I thought :D
I Know how to get to leeds Too, been their before but saying that i did go 12 miles out side of leeds as well cos matty didn't tell me about the ring road so i was in the wrong lane for it.
Okay, so the way I see it, we've got :

1 person that can't do weekdays, and 1 person that would prefer not to, the rest can.
Days that are no good to people are:
August Bank Holiday weekend
2nd, 3rd, (8th/9th robbie) 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th,. 28th, 29th and 30th Sept
beginning of October, 19th October

phew doesn't leave a lotta dates lol.

that leaves this weekend, which is kind of short notice for everybody I would have thought.

other than that, we've got:
the weekend of 16th/17th September. Now 16th Sept is my dad's birthday but it's no biggie as he'll probably be going out with his wife anyway, so I can always see him another day.

How does that weekend strike everyone?
mum2bclaire, do you think that would be pushing it a bit for you? Roundhay Park is very close to a hospital lol.

Or else we're looking at October:
maybe 14th/15th October...that's a kind of mid October weekend.
Although tbh mum2bclaire, I doubt you'll be up for a meet so soon after you give birth. More than likely you'll be knackered and totally up to your eyes in it (you have been warned lol).

As for Sundays, yeh trains to and from Leeds are less frequent on Sundays, although they aren't TOO bad.
I can do any days apart from Mon, Tues and Weds as am at work :(

Leeds is near me (and I have Robbie tickets) Yay!! :cheer:

Just wanna ask is anyone else in same boat as me i.e. TTC, no baby and no bump? Wouldn't want to go if I was the only one plus will have to see what effect the IVF drugs have. Might have to give it a miss if tearful hormonal lunatic puts in an appearance. :oops:


I think the 16/17 sept would be ok :? wouldn't really want to come beginnning of oct - hopefully baby will have put in an apperance by then and yep i'll be up to my eyes in it... :lol: I was induced with haylea who was 15 days late, kinda guessing this one might be the same... :? Anyways as long as we're not too far away from a hospital then I guess I'll be ok...
Love n hugs :hug:
16th or 17th Sept is good for me too.

Helen - I don't have a bump yet and don't have a baby either. You should definitely come, it's a meet for everyone!

mum2bclaire said:
I think the 16/17 sept would be ok :? wouldn't really want to come beginnning of oct - hopefully baby will have put in an apperance by then and yep i'll be up to my eyes in it... :lol: I was induced with haylea who was 15 days late, kinda guessing this one might be the same... :? Anyways as long as we're not too far away from a hospital then I guess I'll be ok...
Love n hugs :hug:

nah we're not far from a hospital at all. My house is 20 minutes walk from the park in one direction, and about 15 minutes walk from the hospital in the other direction.
So in a car, from the park to the hospital, it's literally only about 5 minutes.
Hello, I have just seen this. Is any thing sorted out? I am about a hour from leeds I think.

I don't think anything's been finalised yet, we've just been throwing ideas around to see who can do what.
Hi guys,

Just wanna say not to worry about weekends I doubt I have the pennies over the next couple of months to be going & it makes the 'weekend' thing that little bit easier.

Hope you all have a good time though on the day you all decide on.

Helen, im TTC and theres a possiblility i might be able to go but it will depend on some things so will have to see for now.
aww wobbles it doesn't cost anything in the park, and tropical world is really cheap. is it just transport that you'd be forking out for?
Awwww Leeds is still to far for me (about 3 hrs on train) :( :( :(

Will hopefully get to meet yous all sometime.
Helen I shall be there with bells on - and no baby & no bump...
Hopefully with AG in tow depending on when!!
Would probably end up with a few of us TTCers there!! :cheer:
Shall we settle on Saturday 16th September? Is there anybody that is NOT okay with that date?

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