Meets up north?????

can u cross ur legs till after the 17th october claire? :D
Sadly like the other meet it's a maybe for weekday although doubtful because I work & I'd have to book a holiday but a definate if it's a weekend.
I'm at a loss then Lozzi an I can't really be losing a full day's pay!
Think you only get X many days in a year don't you? An I'm not even sure if it's full day's pay!
im in northumberland, so i think its abit far for me to travel :(

but iam sure u ladies will have fun :cheer: there any reason why we shouldn't have it on a weekend? A weekend would be good for me...infact it would be better than a weekday even.
i can do more a less anytime, the only times i cant defo not do is 7th sept, or 19th oct, other than that im all yours ladies :D
I can't do 25th September (Lydia's birthday), but other than that I'm fine.

Is there anybody that can't do weekends? Because if we can all do weekends then it makes sense to have it on a weekend so then Wobbles (and anybody else who might have work etc.) won't have any problems.
Weekend would be best for me especially if it is when Emily is back at school
Just a little word of waring though If we go to tropical world PG ladies be careful, i went last Yera when carring Jack and barley got in when i was on the verge of passing out!!!!

I thought of rounday at first, is there an indoor bit if it wangs it down???
i can't remember
yeh tropical world is really warm inside.

There's the Lakeside café at Rounday's open 10am till 5pm every day....although it does get kinda packed on weekends. Still I'm sure we could squeeze in.
I was thinking if we do it sorta end Augst begging of Sept weather shouldn't be too bad

well maybe :rotfl:
Okay, I think the best bet would be for everyone to answer the following on which they would prefer:

end August:
September (state beginning, middle, or end...bear in mind Robbie is there beginningish):
October (state beginning, middle, or end):

weekday or weekend:
Any is good for me exept begging of Oct both Jack and Emilys birthdays
I can't do end of August (B/Holiday weekend), or the last 2 weekends in September. Other than that I'm good.

I'd prefer a weekend as well - I work full time and don't have much holiday left this year.

September would be good, (Robbie's there 8th/9th)
I think beginning of sept but not 2nd sept. End of sept would be no good to me as I'm due 22nd Sept so don't really want to be travelling really. So would either go for end of Aug, beginning of Sept (not 2nd) or middle of Oct. Though I do think it would be nice to do while the weather is still ok, it starts to get a bit crap towards Oct. I only know places in Leeds for a night out but the suggestions that have been made about places sound good though. Would be wicked if I could get picked up from train station, that would be a great help.. :hug:
3rd September's a Sunday? Can anyone do that? Not sure how it affects the trains.

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