Maybes cycle 18, will this be the one?? Yes!!! :-)

If you are in a position to see someone privately then that would be a good thing as the nhs don't really prescribe progesterone other than that you can walk into a chemist all over Europe and buy very cheaply!

i have my first private consultation this week, eeeek, have my list of questions so will see what he says. Can't beleive you cant buy it in the UK but can buy it over the counter in Europe- so random!!

thanks :)
I've not been having CD 21s but I already OV if you use opks you should know what dpo you are...

Im testing weds 9dpo!:)

I don't use OPKs as I've had too many false positives and I've only had 3 periods in the last 8 months, so it's all a bit all over the place. I'm just hoping Clomid kick started my ovaries. So I'm now just working off my last cycle which would have meant I OVd last Sunday, CD 16. We've DTD CD10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20 and 22. I'm hoping that's enough as I'm knackered and would quite like a little break now!

Good luck for your test! x
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Lol I know the feeling!! :)

Good luck for your results tomorrow.

Good luck to all you ladies in your 2ww I hope it brings good news.

I am now 8dpo not much to report feeling a bit sicky today and have belly ache but that could just be the Met, couldn't handle the 1500mg just felt awful so sticking with 1000mg as that's not as bad.

Won't be testing unless af is late!
Ahh good luck vic! I have everything crossed for you!!:)

Good luck girlies :)

I was just struggling to remember when our last sticky BFP was, it's way over due anyway! :shock:

Thanks Lou!

Spoke too soon when I said nothing to report as I've been out for a long walk and have some moderate cramping...


Well I'm no better off than yesterday, maybe a little worse.

I called the doc for results of 21 day bloods this morning and the receptionist said the doc hadn't looked at them yet so she couldn't tell me anything. I called again in the afternoon and spoke to a different one so thought I'd try my luck and ask if she could give me a number. She said the results look complicated (how so when only testing progesterone?!) but it looked like 1.

Doc just called as I was typing was less than 1 :-(

100mg Clomid and trying every other day since CD10. Gutted.

Bugger it I'm going to drown my sorrows with booze. I'm giving up on the Clomid for a few months even though I have 2 months at 150mg as I just want to have a break of the pressure and see if my cycle returns to normal.

Good luck to everyone else xx
Sounds like a sensible plan, Jacq. Good luck xx
Hi Jacq, sorry for your bad news, your plan sounds good especially the vino I'm dying for a glass!!

I'm considering stopping Clomid next month and going au naturel, if I can bare to go back to late OV....

Hope you feel better soon.:)

Kirsty- Thank Hun, aren't we all!! :wall2:

Well 8dpo today :)

I did my FMU you know the kind where your bursting all night but are too comfy and cosy to go, and thought where's my pee pot but stopped myself!

It's kind of made me tempted to wait til 10 dpo as I was quite chuffed with myself but I bet I won't!

I nearly forgot to mention, the cramping I mentioned yesterday lasted a few hours, it was fairly noticeable, I just did 2 big sneezes now and felt a little cramp each time, maybe I'm just symptom spotting too much but they found me...I wasn't looking I swear!!

How's everyone else?:)

Maybe well done you for not testing to early, have you decided what day you will test ??

I totally agree with thinking every single thing could possibly be pregnancy related, I over analysy every single thing even when I try my hardest not to..... Drives me nuts

So its now cd10, not feeling any different to normal, but around 7.30 yesterday evening I got a very strong metallic taste in my mouth. I tried eating some fruit, chocolate, glass of milk but nothing would get rid of it, even when I brushed my teeth it was still there. Woke up this morning and I still have it, feels quite literally like I am sucking on a penny YUK!!!
EEK!! I reckon that's a good symptom!!:)

I reckon I'll test tomorrow!

Are you deffo waiting?:shock:


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