Maybes cycle 18, will this be the one?? Yes!!! :-)

Hey Maybe did you manage to get in some :bd: yesterday???

I had planned on getting in one more session but I was just to tired :oooo:
that little BD'ing cartoon make me laugh ALOT. ITs very graphic for a cartoon!! he he he x
I missed my final BD on SMEP cos we only had an hour's window between me getting in from work and him going out and his mate turned up! What is the idea behind that final one, it seems ages after ov?
I think it's the just in case one as you can ovulate a few days after positive opk

How are you doing maybe? How many dpo are you now?
Hi Girls!!

4 dpo today! :)

I BD'd for the last time on Wednesday, hubby wasn't to chuffed as he was ready for an early night- oh well!!

I started taking my progesterone today, one in the morning and one in the evening, I have used it before and I stayed preggo for the longest and AF was over a week late although that was still a chemical pregnancy, I also used it a few months ago and AF came anyway, so whether it helps I'm not sure but there's no harm can come from taking it and as Clomid has a negative effect on the endometrium I thought I'd give it a try.

Like I've said before I'm having a month of trying everything and I think if all this doesn't work I'll perhaps try a natural cycle next month- I don't fancy going back to unpredictable OV and long cycles though.....

Oooh I nearly forgot to tell you, I have a LOAD of tests!! 30 10 miu cheapies, 14 20 miu midstreams, and a diggi!! I will test from 9dpo so I only have to wait til Wednesday to :test:

How are you all getting on?

You know what, te way you talk sounds exactly like I feel. Not wanting to go back to long cycles, considring trying a natural cycle though, the chemical pregnancy nightmares... oh its such a stress isnt it, You know what though, we will get there I know it. This is gonna be your year I just know!! and hopefully mine too.
I was interested to know what you have been told about progesterone. I too will be taking it with next cycle. What are the pros on the endometrium front?? x
Hi Lara!

When progesterone drops it triggers AF to arrive by taking it when you have low progesterone or a short luteal phase it can delay AF and stop the endometrium lining breaking down so perhaps giving more time for proper implantation.

The reason it is sometimes given alongside clomid is because clomid is an anti estrogen which can lead to a thinner lining not as receptive to an embryo, progesterone can help build a better lining.

Who's prescribed you yours? Are you on Clomid yet?

Fx this will be the year too! :)

Hey! Thanks for the info. I have read about the luteal phase bit, which I don't think is my issue. I did however, have a thin lining on the scan in one of my chemical pregnancies so if clomid makes it thinner then I guess I should ask about this. If I am not currently pg (looking unlikely) then I am due to take clomid next week when AF comes (from day 2). This is prescribed by my ObGyn. What hasn't been prescribed though is progesterone along side this. she has prescribed progesterone only if I get a positive pg test. Then she has said I will start progesterone suppositories. Do you think this is a mistake? You have been prescribed progesterone from the outset WITH your clomid..? Is that the first cycle they have done the two together? x
Hi Hun,

My progesterone's a funny one as although it's use after OV has lead to lot's of success stories it's not been proven in a clinical trial because in most trials done so far there's always another factor like IUI or IVF so there are no results proving that progesterone on it's own does work.

Some docs prescribe after OV anyway as it can do no harm.

My doc said like yours to take at a positive test, but did say if I wanted to take it after OV anyway I would, I think part of the reason they say not to is that it can delay AF for a couple of days.

Clomid itself is meant to raise progesterone and for me I think it must as my boobs do go HUGE near to AF!!

This is the first cycle doing both and it's been my decision.

This is really helpful information. And I really appreciate it. This cycle I have, I assume, had a decent amount of progesterone as my temps have been high and my boobs very sore and quite a lot bigger. So I guess for this cycle I will go with it and take progesterone if I get a positive pg test.
I am looking forward to taking clomid in that I wont have to wait another 6-8 weeks to ovulate, but less excited about the fact I am not doing things "naturally". I had hoped to try a good few sessions of reflexology as that seemed to trigger ovulation quicker in me (but who really knows) but my health insurance will only cover me until April at this point so thought it a good idea to get as many cycles in with my private doc as possible.

How have you found clomid? Many side effects? x
cool, hope its the same for me :eek:)
Will be watching your progress on this cycle with intrigue, good luck!

Just hoping my af comes promptly now as looking forward to getting on with the next cycle, so much quicker (hopefully) than normal!! x
6dpo today have no obvious symtoms but I did wake up with a huge cold sore this morning :( haven't had one in way over a year!!

Hoping it doesn't mean I am coming down with something as DH has man flu at the moment!!!
Maybe please keep this thread updated - i now have 7 cycles charted with short leutal pase and spotting and thinking about progesterone so interested to see how others get on with it. hope this is it!!
Hi Jaq,

There's gonna be a few of us testing together! Vicky and Kirsty too!

I'm 6dpo and nothing to report although I was driving on Friday and had some warm sharp feeling pains at the top of my uterus, it wasn't a usual bit of lady bits pain, it was on and off for about 5/10 mins....

Maybe, I am gonna be stalking you a bit now if you don't mind. I am starting clomid tomorrow. Just 50 for day 2 to 6
In your experience - when do you expect to ovulate? And should i expect any blood work done and at what point?
I am having bloods done tomorrow which is as close as we could get to cd 1 (annoying coming on on a Sunday)
And then I'm sure they said about day 21??
And a scan?
What do you think I should be expecting?

So being 6dpo - is that a usual time for you to get implantation? I'm a late implanter I think. When will you be testing this time?? X
It's baby time, sorry I missed your reply earlier!:)

I think I wrote a reply to jaq's other post..

Anyway I never had low progesterone confirmed I often had ok but not brilliant cd21 results but everyone said I was fine!

The first time I tried progesterone was after 4 chemicals I'd begged my nhs consultant to give it to me but as it isn't officially proven to work the wouldn't even consider it. I bought it myself in the south of France in the end!!

That next month I caught and stayed preggers for the longest ever about a week, and I do think it was down to the progesterone..

After it all went tits up for the 5th time was when I saw the private doc had my hysteroscopy and got diagnosed with a uterine septum and then had the op to remove it, it's now assumed by the private doc that that was my problem not progesterone however I do have a prescription of progesterone I'm to take when preggers to 'support the endometrium, he doesn't think I need to take it from OV but doesn't mind if I do...

If you are in a position to see someone privately then that would be a good thing as the nhs don't really prescribe progesterone other than that you can walk into a chemist all over Europe and buy very cheaply!

I also took it the first cycle after my op and AF came on time so it wasn't much use that time.

Lara, sorry she got you :hugs::hugs:

You will find it so much easier with early OV and it will be around cd 13/14 but BD from cd 7 as my first month I OV'd on cd 11!! I had my scan on cd 12 and had already OV'd!

You will have a scan around cd 12 to check how many follicles there are and cd 21 bloods to confirm you OV'd I never had cd 21's though.

In terms of implantation I once had a clear BFP at 9dpo so that must have been early, the other 3 times were 10 dpo and the last time when I took progesterone was actually 12 dpo
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Hi ladies. I'm possibly 7dpo today but with my cycles it could be anything really. I had some af type pains for a few hours yesterday. Nothing really painful, just noticeable. Of course I'm hoping it could be implantation but I have no other symptoms to accompany it.

I can probably get the results from my CD21 bloods tomorrow but don't really want to as science will probably just piss all over the only thing I have: hope. Does anyone else get like this about their 21 day bloods?! Ho hum! My progesterone was a measly 3 last cycle, so I'm hoping for a serious improvement on that especially given I think the Clomid brought on my period last cycle and it was a really long and heavy one.

What day is everyone testing? I'm not even thinking about when, but if at all. I guess I'll find out tomorrow if there's any point using my stash of FRERs and CB Digis!

Good luck to all xx

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