**May Mummies**

@soffphie she has been texting me this morning about baby and does seem genuinely sorry so maybe she did listen to what I said. We will just have to see how it goes I guess.
I’ve been getting a real intense pain in the right side of my pelvis since Saturday, feels like it is right in the joint, I was hoping it would go away after a few days of taking it easy and it is better every morning but by the afternoon I hurt to walk. Midwife said that basically nothing I can do, take paracetamol if I need to but just try to not twist and lift things to aggravate it etc but it won’t get better until baby is here. Not looking forward to the next 2 months now.
I’ve been getting a real intense pain in the right side of my pelvis since Saturday, feels like it is right in the joint, I was hoping it would go away after a few days of taking it easy and it is better every morning but by the afternoon I hurt to walk. Midwife said that basically nothing I can do, take paracetamol if I need to but just try to not twist and lift things to aggravate it etc but it won’t get better until baby is here. Not looking forward to the next 2 months now.

Ive started to get pains as well. It feels like its all around bum and V like all aches and can make me feel like im walking with a limp. It can also shoot down top part of leg. :(

My bumps coming on now. Quite mad. Defo got thicker from side and sticks out at front when look down.
Felt baby move loooads last couple days, still want to catch actual belly move only caught that once
I’ve been getting a real intense pain in the right side of my pelvis since Saturday, feels like it is right in the joint, I was hoping it would go away after a few days of taking it easy and it is better every morning but by the afternoon I hurt to walk. Midwife said that basically nothing I can do, take paracetamol if I need to but just try to not twist and lift things to aggravate it etc but it won’t get better until baby is here. Not looking forward to the next 2 months now.

I've been getting this since about 20 weeks, especially when walking dogs or walking fast. Midwife thinks its either babys head pressing on a nerve or PGP/SPD. Either way theres nothing that can be done except paracetamol apparently. It's not nice. I get it in work now too xx
I've been getting this since about 20 weeks, especially when walking dogs or walking fast. Midwife thinks its either babys head pressing on a nerve or PGP/SPD. Either way theres nothing that can be done except paracetamol apparently. It's not nice. I get it in work now too xx

yeh I’m fine at home but work is really painful, feels like someone has shoved a knife in my groin and is prying my leg out of my pelvis!, I think it’s my shoes so work have said I can wear trainers. I’m hoping that will help it improve. My sister had to Take maternity early due to pgp but i refuse to go down that route even if they have to push me to my desk in a wheelchair!
Had my 32 week consultant appointment/growth scan today.

Baby is now transverse so that may be the cause for the bad pains when moving/walking. Hes also fallen a little on his personal growth chart, still above average but he was on the 90th percentile 4 weeks ago and is now in the 75th. Fluid levels and placenta blood flow was all normal though so their thinking it might be just due to him being transverse/awkward to get accurate measurements. Their bringing me back for another growth scan to check again in two weeks instead of four.

Had a trace amount of protein in urine and bp was initially high when first done, rechecked 5 minutes later and had come done to normal. Have to get weekly check ups now with community midwife though. They've asked for more bloods to check iron levels again and electrolytes/kidney function. He said my ferritin was very low. Didnt say why they needed the other bloods done though, guessing as its liver/kidney function it's to do with them checking for pre eclampsia not sure?

Blood glucose all fine though still no meds for that atm. Xx
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Had my 32 week consultant appointment/growth scan today.

Baby is now transverse so that may be the cause for the bad pains when moving/walking. Hes also fallen a little on his personal growth chart, still above average but he was on the 90th percentile 4 weeks ago and is now in the 75th. Fluid levels and placenta blood flow was all normal though so their thinking it might be just due to him being transverse/awkward to get accurate measurements. Their bringing me back for another growth scan to check again in two weeks instead of four.

Had a trace amount of protein in urine and bp was initially high when first done, rechecked 5 minutes later and had come done to normal. Have to get weekly check ups now with community midwife though. They've asked for more bloods to check iron levels again and electrolytes/kidney function. He said my ferritin was very low. Didnt say why they needed the other bloods done though, guessing as its liver/kidney function it's to do with them checking for pre eclampsia not sure?

Blood glucose all fine though still no meds for that atm. Xx

It does make sense that your measurements would change if the baby is now transverse, still plenty of time for him to turn.

seems they really are keeping an eye on everything for you, hopefully your bp was just white coat syndrome rather than anything else x
It does make sense that your measurements would change if the baby is now transverse, still plenty of time for him to turn.

seems they really are keeping an eye on everything for you, hopefully your bp was just white coat syndrome rather than anything else x

I'm guessing so. I have really bad anxiety in hospitals, my heart rate sky rockets have why I had to have an ecg last time and then having an echocardiogram next month. You can tell the difference by looking at my smart watch. It's crazy. My blood pressure it normally fine though, and when they took it again 5 minutes later it had gone back to normal. Have been checking it in house and it's been normal. Last night in fact it was 90/54.

Still plenty of time for him to turn yeah, hopefully my bicornuate uterus doesn't get in the way at this stage though. I can feel him tying to turn at least that's what it feel like. When I'm in bed I can feel lots of movements on both sides and like pushing at the bottom left side ans stretching at the top right side where his head is as if hes tryin to turn around but then he stops. Still have plenty of time tho xx
Long story short i had a scan today, weight wasnt done but all sizes were and perfect size still :)
Requested a gender check & they also confirmed girl & got a "potty" shot to go wiv it :)
Must be a girl huh? Still so shocked.
Was surprising how apparently her bum and legs were up under my ribs eeeek & heart rate 140bpm.. they were happy with that tho
Glad you got to see your baby again, are you starting to think of girls names now? X
Glad you got to see your baby again, are you starting to think of girls names now? X

We might throw some around but i hate the idea of having a pre named baby. Think will wait till birth and see what she looks like :) gotta have some element of surprise almost right?
Havent got a estimated weight but this was on report FL, HC was what i was interested in.. bang on middle? Do you think that means they will be of average weight at 50% so far? Where it says 267mm and 52mm does that really mean the actual size head and legs??

I have no idea! I’ve not had a scan since 20 weeks! Getting jealous of all you ladies getting to see your babies!
I have no idea! I’ve not had a scan since 20 weeks! Getting jealous of all you ladies getting to see your babies!

You should go! Recommend the 4D just make sure people you go with dont encourage any gender reveals (rolls eyes) :)
Im so pleased i had the 4D.. yeh gutted i broke my rule about the gender but overal it was the first & only scan ive enjoyed. Nothing like seeing baby in person and being able to visualise features. Mines also bald as anything haha. Maybe will be like me & bald at birth! Haha. Lots of people are saying how much she looks like me already
Both seen & felt baby physically turn today for first time. We went to the theatre today and she was going mad for it loved it. Was actually quite distracting. Absolutely nax got home felt that turning sensation and watched and omg stomach proper proper moved made me scream out loud , hubby was like wots going on u ok? all worried and i was like ermmm babies proper moved and i freaked out, makes me cringe and shiver honestly, but in a good way :) haha
I have no idea! I’ve not had a scan since 20 weeks! Getting jealous of all you ladies getting to see your babies!
Honestly, at this stage, you don't really get to see much in scans because they're so much bigger than at 20 weeks. When I had my growth scan the other week we got to see the top of his head, tummy and legs, nothing to even print out.

@soffphie awwww, so happy for you! I wanted a little girl initially, and did have a slight pang of disappointment when I found out he is a boy, but that didn't last long. I'm just happy to be having a healthy rainbow baby finally. We do have a name picked out already though, we had names for both boy and girl picked out! He's going to be Logan Samuel :D
Honestly, at this stage, you don't really get to see much in scans because they're so much bigger than at 20 weeks. When I had my growth scan the other week we got to see the top of his head, tummy and legs, nothing to even print out.

@soffphie awwww, so happy for you! I wanted a little girl initially, and did have a slight pang of disappointment when I found out he is a boy, but that didn't last long. I'm just happy to be having a healthy rainbow baby finally. We do have a name picked out already though, we had names for both boy and girl picked out! He's going to be Logan Samuel :D

I love the name Logan! X
My gums getting quite sore now :( (that hole i have in it) i went back to dentist last week didnt have pain and he just said cause pregnant and didnt offer to do anything and didnt advise anything either..
When i ate eat food gets trapped between teeth making it sore & i have had to take paracetamol for the pain now. Dont really wanna go back unless have to as he wasnt helpful last week.

@Jetina Love the name :)

I love how i could almost identify baby now if i saw them like i can see their face in my mind. Last night actually ended up dreaming about them and looked same as did in 4D (i know thats not ganna happen exactly btw haha)
Find bodies amazing.. to think babies head is 26cm.! Freaked me out a bit as i was like.... Hows that ganna fit!? Haha
Wow had such a BADDDD day today, felt heavily sick pretty much all day. Drunk some drink and thought was ganna throw it up.. smells are also irritating nausea again like it used to. Hope its just one bad day x

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