**May Mummies**

Sorry you’ve had a bad day, hope today is better for you x

Hi thank you. Not had the old going in kitchen and gagging stuff but am struggling to want to eat, well i can eat but im back too with i dont wanna eat this or this or that.. have to see how it goes!
I had my midwife appointment at 28 weeks.
Birth classes will be a Sat or Sun apparently, which is great. they are going to email/call me apparently.
She said she wasnt going to take any bump measurements
& then urine test come back 2+ protein and they started asking me about if i do/donot have symptoms of pre clempsia, id say not, but i was told if i get any of this i must go straight to labour ward. How weird is that???? Find out result Friday.. not worried but then i may get a shock..

My work routine has changed again, doesnt sound like its for the better and i am a bit concerned.. dont think my company are too fussed on making sure im kept safe personally. Just glad im coming to end of work with them now. ill either end 3rd april but not take leave till 20th or ill leave 24th april but no later.
I definitely had a little bit of a melt down last night, must have been feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I was crying with DH last night because I was scared about whether I will ever feel like me again or whether that girl is gone forever. Will I be a wife again? Will I feel attractive again? Will he find me attractive? Will I be a good mum? Will the baby be happy?

33weeks today, getting close now.
I definitely had a little bit of a melt down last night, must have been feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I was crying with DH last night because I was scared about whether I will ever feel like me again or whether that girl is gone forever. Will I be a wife again? Will I feel attractive again? Will he find me attractive? Will I be a good mum? Will the baby be happy?

33weeks today, getting close now.

Aw thats so normal tho.
I had a big melt down last week over something different to do with baby. Whole lifes ganna change isnt it.
Take it as it comes, its something we have all wanted for so long & the alternative of still TTC would be heartbreaking wouldnt it. This is what i i tell myself when i feel guilty over having baby, what sort of life it will have, what sort of life we will have etc..! Im sure your baby will be very lucky in life & be very happy.
P.S theres plenty of attractive women who are also pregnant :) & plenty that regain pre pregnancy bodies quickly if that is something you want to do youll do it
33+4 today. Appointment with midwife showed urine was clear and BP fine so just a case of what she called doctors blood pressure last week haha!

Baby is still transverse though which she commented was very unusual this late and that she wouldnt be surprised with a breech baby but that transverse was very uncommon so late. Back next week to hospital for another growth scan to see that hes growing properly after dropping on his growth chart last week.

Hope everyones well! X
33+4 today. Appointment with midwife showed urine was clear and BP fine so just a case of what she called doctors blood pressure last week haha!

Baby is still transverse though which she commented was very unusual this late and that she wouldnt be surprised with a breech baby but that transverse was very uncommon so late. Back next week to hospital for another growth scan to see that hes growing properly after dropping on his growth chart last week.

Hope everyones well! X

I’m sure it’s just because he is sitting funny that he appears to have dropped on the chart but at least you’ll get to see baby again!

I was up at 4.30 again this morning, this pregnancy insomnia is driving me mental!
Hiya guys im probably going to sound very very stupid! but i am considering cancelling my growth scan Wednesday at the hospital. Is this stupid?
Basically my hospital has had 1 corona death and atleast 1 positive since, plus another general positive in the area. (and thats the ones we know about).
I have sort of had a scan (private admittidly) where they took head and leg size and both sat on 50% so we know roughly where we are, tho of course the NHS doesnt and the midwife has said they wont accept any measurements off a private scan.
I’m sure it’s just because he is sitting funny that he appears to have dropped on the chart but at least you’ll get to see baby again!

I was up at 4.30 again this morning, this pregnancy insomnia is driving me mental!

The insomnia is driving me mad too. I think working nights doesn't help either. Ugh on my nights off I've been up from about 2am every morning so irritating. Xx
Hiya guys im probably going to sound very very stupid! but i am considering cancelling my growth scan Wednesday at the hospital. Is this stupid?
Basically my hospital has had 1 corona death and atleast 1 positive since, plus another general positive in the area. (and thats the ones we know about).
I have sort of had a scan (private admittidly) where they took head and leg size and both sat on 50% so we know roughly where we are, tho of course the NHS doesnt and the midwife has said they wont accept any measurements off a private scan.

I wouldnt cancel it. So far the studies they've been able to do on pregnant women show that they are no more at risk than the general population, the way things are ongoing now aswell you could literally get it from anywhere in the community aswell. Theres an outbreak in my area and also a bigger outbreak in the area I work in, and I work in a hospital so not really got a choice to avoid anyway. I also have really bad asthma which makes it even worse. No pregnant women have died from it, and it doesn't seem to pass to the baby, some babys were born premature in the study but it was unclear weather or not that was because of mums condition. Overall though most of the pregnant mums and babys that have had it have been fine.

Also the nhs dont just check size at the growth scans, they also check other things, like he placentas health, position, blood flow from the cord etc.

I personally wouldn't cancel a hospital appointment, but its upto to you really, need to weigh up the risks against benefits xx
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Hiya guys im probably going to sound very very stupid! but i am considering cancelling my growth scan Wednesday at the hospital. Is this stupid?
Basically my hospital has had 1 corona death and atleast 1 positive since, plus another general positive in the area. (and thats the ones we know about).
I have sort of had a scan (private admittidly) where they took head and leg size and both sat on 50% so we know roughly where we are, tho of course the NHS doesnt and the midwife has said they wont accept any measurements off a private scan.

I wouldn’t, i imagine you are in a completely different department of the hospital, if you are worried, take hand sanitizer and use it everytime you leave a room and again when you leave the hospital.
Thanks guys its only cause i have asthma etc got worried about implications of catching it in worst case scinario
Thanks guys its only cause i have asthma etc got worried about implications of catching it in worst case scinario

I have severe asthma too, and now with he gestational diabetes it puts me at an even higher risk. But at this point its spreading in the community so pretty useless and pointless to avoid necessary hospital appointments, you could literally catch it anywhere. Like @SugaryIris says, just make sure to wash your hands/use he sanitizer at the hospital regularly and try to avoid touch your face as much as you can x
When youre like wakey wakey kiddy heres a full english bfast and milkshake for ya...
Finally getting a reaction!!!

Went to town & genuinely think it will be last time in a long while now, went to supermarket was mayhem. Queues down aisles, stockpiling of loo rolls etc. Cant get any bleeding paracetamol anywhere (concerning me a bit now!)
Went into the cafe and 2 men shouting at a women saying it wont save u etc (she had cleaning stuff and loo rolls), people wearing masks. Made me feel damn paranoid. Was using sanitizer gel quite a bit.
Oh, and in a video game shop staff wearing gloves. -_-

Online shall be my friend now i think!
Time to stay in & focus on nursery perhaps, but for now im so tierd and achey from walking around (pregnancy not corona related haha) that i shall prob nap!

Oh and a newspaper had a report of how a baby was born with Coronavirus. Fun of Media
When youre like wakey wakey kiddy heres a full english bfast and milkshake for ya...
Finally getting a reaction!!!

Went to town & genuinely think it will be last time in a long while now, went to supermarket was mayhem. Queues down aisles, stockpiling of loo rolls etc. Cant get any bleeding paracetamol anywhere (concerning me a bit now!)
Went into the cafe and 2 men shouting at a women saying it wont save u etc (she had cleaning stuff and loo rolls), people wearing masks. Made me feel damn paranoid. Was using sanitizer gel quite a bit.
Oh, and in a video game shop staff wearing gloves. -_-

Online shall be my friend now i think!
Time to stay in & focus on nursery perhaps, but for now im so tierd and achey from walking around (pregnancy not corona related haha) that i shall prob nap!

Oh and a newspaper had a report of how a baby was born with Coronavirus. Fun of Media

Yeah the sources are abit iffy on that news story. They domt know weather the baby caught it in uteruo (highly unlikely as no other baby has been born with it and no evidence it is passed like that) or weather they caught it off mum after theyd been born, (highly likely considering how it spreads). Either way mum and baby are likely to do well and recover given he info ans studies done on pregnancy that they already have to go on. X
30 weeks! (Roughly)! Good day to start the nursery?
I hate that ive uploaded this but... A bump pic as im laid down in bed :)

Hi ladies, hope you're all doing well! I keep meaning to reply to some of the discussion going on, but been so tired this week! Managed to finally capture some movement yesterday when he was going crazy, think he's been turning round. I can't figure out how to upload it, but you can see my bump move side to side. This was going on for a solid hour!
Hi ladies, hope you're all doing well! I keep meaning to reply to some of the discussion going on, but been so tired this week! Managed to finally capture some movement yesterday when he was going crazy, think he's been turning round. I can't figure out how to upload it, but you can see my bump move side to side. This was going on for a solid hour!

Whenever i go to film it baby stops moving Oo lol. :)
I got some very nasty kicks yesterday, first one that made me jump up.. basically kicked me so hard felt it in bum and V not even sure how pos but it really hurt.!
Hoping everyones well. Im thinking of leaving scan this week now, i know a lot of people may disagree but my asthma is awful as it is and it would be worse we think to go and accidentally catch something vs not go. Our consultant has never been that informative anyway, every time its been a case of why are you here etc? And we know from a very recent scan that skull and femur are on the 50% range anyway-
Ive also decided not going to go out unless nec'. No restaurants, cinema etc. I will go to work and visit family but thats it. It might sound OTT but i couldnt imagine anything worse then ending up hospital, having to give birth then not being able to see baby etc.. again im probably really over blowing things!

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