**May Mummies**

Only 'symptom' ive noticed and cant even be sure it is one, is i now wee a lot! (but this could be just pregnancy related?)

I do seem to be suddenly hit with third tri issues - i now get a ligament type pain in my leg and bum almost.. I also think i have a receding gum, this has really upset me because ive read to get it fixed you need grafts etc.. (i hope i just read wrong stuff), there is a gum hole in teeth near back, if left apparently the teeth can fall out-never had gum issues in my life

your gun issues would need to be extreme or long term to fall out, my gums started bleeding and my dentist said it’s normal for guns to bleed or become inflamed during pregnancy. Just get yourself to the dentist to check all ok then up your oral hygiene game until the baby is here x
They did my growth scan on Wednesday because of being in for reduced movement on Sunday. He's measuring a bit small, about 2lb 3oz and about a week behind in measurements. Not sure how the percentiles work, but he's sitting just above the bottom line in the ok range. I'm not too worried though, apparently measurements from scans are known to be inaccurate most of the time, plus both me and my hubby weren't particularly big babies, both just over 6lb.
We've got a lot of the vital stuff for him, even our bedside crib turned up yesterday. Just lacking the big furniture bits for the nursery now, but we can't get them till the room is sorted, all the baby stuff is just piled up on one side because there's just no room in there yet.
They did my growth scan on Wednesday because of being in for reduced movement on Sunday. He's measuring a bit small, about 2lb 3oz and about a week behind in measurements. Not sure how the percentiles work, but he's sitting just above the bottom line in the ok range. I'm not too worried though, apparently measurements from scans are known to be inaccurate most of the time, plus both me and my hubby weren't particularly big babies, both just over 6lb.
We've got a lot of the vital stuff for him, even our bedside crib turned up yesterday. Just lacking the big furniture bits for the nursery now, but we can't get them till the room is sorted, all the baby stuff is just piled up on one side because there's just no room in there yet.

Are they going to get you in for another scan to monitor or were they not too concerned?

so long as baby has somewhere to sleep when they arrive all the other stuff can follow later. When are you planning on sorting the nursery?
Are they going to get you in for another scan to monitor or were they not too concerned?

so long as baby has somewhere to sleep when they arrive all the other stuff can follow later. When are you planning on sorting the nursery?

They're having me in for regular growth scans from now anyway because of the circumstances around my son who was stillborn at full term. He was 10lb 13 oz and had cherubic features, which is apparently typical for a diabetic mum, but I tested negative for GD the entire time. The letter from my consultant back then that's kept on my medical record advises to treat me as a diabetic mum regardless of negative tests, so that's what they are doing. To be fair though, the daddy was 6ft 7, so he was always going to be a big baby, my husband is only 6ft though, so hopefully this wee guy will be average size.

I want to try and get the nursery ready before he arrives, even though he won't be sleeping in there for a good while. I can't imagine trying to prepare it when I'm sleep deprived and looking after a newborn, especially when some of my uni assessments have been pushed back to the summer to ease the workload now for me. Plus I just like to be organised, but it means that we're having to rejig our own room before tackling the nursery, we seem to have a LOT of "stuff". Mother-in-law is helping though, she lives with us and has time off work soon, so hoping to get the decorating done then so we can get the furniture. We'll get there!
4D scan done!! Only took 3 goes..lol.
Cant believe its my last private scan before birth so sad, enjoyed it tho. Was great. We found out Gender and.... Its a Girl!

We love how in 1 pics its lips are all screwed up from being cross. Was being prodded to move :p x

4D scan done!! Only took 3 goes..lol.
Cant believe its my last private scan before birth so sad, enjoyed it tho. Was great. We found out Gender and.... Its a Girl!

We love how in 1 pics its lips are all screwed up from being cross. Was being prodded to move :p x

View attachment 90243
Awww congrats on finding out... We're you planning not to then curiosity took over or planning to? Glad it went well even if 3 attempts. So happy for you xxx
Awww congrats on finding out... We're you planning not to then curiosity took over or planning to? Glad it went well even if 3 attempts. So happy for you xxx

Honestly this morning no intention to find out then excitment of situation took over, my dad left at second scan and took back a piece of paper with gender on.. after third scan i said to my mum ah i cant find out feels wrong, and she was like noo your dad knows now.. and true he would somehow let it slip etc.. so we found out with confetti cannon was a great way to do it
Honestly this morning no intention to find out then excitment of situation took over, my dad left at second scan and took back a piece of paper with gender on.. after third scan i said to my mum ah i cant find out feels wrong, and she was like noo your dad knows now.. and true he would somehow let it slip etc.. so we found out with confetti cannon was a great way to do it
Awwww what a nice way. It is so hard to not find out and if your dad knew. Least can plan and esp if you wanted the middle name you know with girl will be nice and fitting xxx
Awwww what a nice way. It is so hard to not find out and if your dad knew. Least can plan and esp if you wanted the middle name you know with girl will be nice and fitting xxx

Thanks Jac hope pregnancy treating you well??
Yeh it does feel like i can actually plan and buy things now - before wasnt going to buy playgym or rocker till knew sex so would have been after birth but now i i c :) it doesnt massively change nursery plans but i will get one of them pink hanging things over crib (really dont know what its called but i know what i i mean!)
They're having me in for regular growth scans from now anyway because of the circumstances around my son who was stillborn at full term. He was 10lb 13 oz and had cherubic features, which is apparently typical for a diabetic mum, but I tested negative for GD the entire time. The letter from my consultant back then that's kept on my medical record advises to treat me as a diabetic mum regardless of negative tests, so that's what they are doing. To be fair though, the daddy was 6ft 7, so he was always going to be a big baby, my husband is only 6ft though, so hopefully this wee guy will be average size.

I want to try and get the nursery ready before he arrives, even though he won't be sleeping in there for a good while. I can't imagine trying to prepare it when I'm sleep deprived and looking after a newborn, especially when some of my uni assessments have been pushed back to the summer to ease the workload now for me. Plus I just like to be organised, but it means that we're having to rejig our own room before tackling the nursery, we seem to have a LOT of "stuff". Mother-in-law is helping though, she lives with us and has time off work soon, so hoping to get the decorating done then so we can get the furniture. We'll get there!

I’m sure it will all come together in time x
4D scan done!! Only took 3 goes..lol.
Cant believe its my last private scan before birth so sad, enjoyed it tho. Was great. We found out Gender and.... Its a Girl!

We love how in 1 pics its lips are all screwed up from being cross. Was being prodded to move :p x

View attachment 90243

ahhh! You found out! Congratulations hun! Our first little girl of the group! This is why I’m not having any private scans I think curiosity would take over!
It was my baby shower today, it was such a lovely day. Only downside was my sister, who hasn’t really spoken to me since I got pregnant didn’t come. I don’t know what I expected. She hasn’t even asked what the gender is, when my due date is and got me alcohol for Xmas because she ‘forgot’ I was pregnant. Fair to say I had a little bit of a cry after and laid into her w bit about the whole thing after. I’m fed up of her putting a grey cloud over what should be the most amazing time of my life.
Your baby shower looked Beautiful hun. Your hubby is such a good baker. Was wondering if you could put some of that cake in the post to me :rotfl:
You also looked very beautiful.
How awful of your sister to not attend your baby shower, I get that she has had her problems but to treat her own sister like that in what should be the most special time of your life is god damn nasty. Did she apologise at all after you laid into her?! Xx
Hi @SugaryIris sorry about your sister. Has situation been resolved?

Yes, whole caught up in the 4D and excitement of it and persuasion of hubby, mum and dad i agreed and it was too late by the time i thought i cant find out feels wrong! I did say to hubby tho if we are finding out we are doing it with a cannon or something exciting, i refuse just to be verbally told. He's a big child anyway so was excited to do the cannon (honestly rolls eyes etc etc lol).
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I've had comments this weekend that im starting to really show. Do agree, i dont have a tiny stomach anyway and noticed its almost move up and pushes out earlier. I actually hate the way it looks tbh..as im like is it cause ive gained tons of weight or cause of baby? i am 27 weeks and according to W2TW baby is 1/3 of size it will be so still got quite a bit of growth to go?
Ive also noticed when i sit down my jeans are tight around belly now, i need to unbutton them, again if this was just 'fat' i have been fatter then i am now and not had this problem so i can guess its baby? I do feel like a massive lump at the moment, all bloated n horrible
I actually rung up Window 2 The Womb today ladies out of Pure Paranoia because whole gender thing doesnt feel real! I havent known for basically 28 weeks, babys always been called 'it' hubbys always said 'he' as has my mum and as i had accidentally found myself doing.. to find out its a girl after all this time is surreal and strange and doesnt feel real.. i probably sound mad and stupid- i literally rung up window to the womb to ask likelyhood of it being accurate (they probably felt quite insulted tbh) i explained best as i could that its because its so strange to know after so long etc etc and hasnt sunk in properly..
i said how she said at start or somewhere around there when asking if we wanna find out gender.. she said how babies legs were shut but they would try.. (that in itsself made me nervous its now wrong).
we had to all look away from the screens when she was looking and it took some time.. felt like ages it probably wasnt but felt it, it made me think she wasnt sure and it took her time cause of that, lady on phone said they are told to triple check, lady on phone also said its pretty obvious at 27 weeks and the only time they have ever been wrong and was adement its very very few cases is because its so early..guessing she means 16 week scans there, she said being it was done at 27 weeks it would be 100% guaranteed pretty much (tho their website claims 99% anyway lol) she also said if sonographer wasnt sure she wouldnt have guessed and would have said cant tell you basically. I did look at screen v v v briefly to see what was going on as it took some time and i could see two open legs or legs that looked spread and normal so i can guess she was looking at 'potty' shot at the time..
sorry for paranoia.. :)
Sorry, havent been on in a while. Heads been all over the place and busy with work.

Hope everyone is well!!

Congratulations on a baby girl @soffphie ! Have updated the front x
Your baby shower looked Beautiful hun. Your hubby is such a good baker. Was wondering if you could put some of that cake in the post to me :rotfl:
You also looked very beautiful.
How awful of your sister to not attend your baby shower, I get that she has had her problems but to treat her own sister like that in what should be the most special time of your life is god damn nasty. Did she apologise at all after you laid into her?! Xx

she did eventually, after being adamant that she hadn’t done anything wrong. To be honest I think I had to do it now rather than waiting until the baby was here, if she didn’t show up to meet baby, I’d be devestated.

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