Hi ladies.
Hope your all ok.
Been such a hectic few days.
Ended up back In hospital with the LO on thursday night. Midwife came round and checked his jaundice levels theyd risen loads, and he was sleeping all the time and eating really poorly. Although he would stay on my bpobs for hours if I'd let him, my milk still hasnt come in and it's been 8 days now.
Anyway, his levels were below treatment threshold but because of his colour and eating they decided to give him a night under the lamp. I cried my eyes out all night there, was allowed to breastfeed him every few hours but only for 10 mins as the poor mite is exhausting himself tying to get milk out.
Were home now, hes still jaundice and still abit sleepy still struggling with feeding. Hes having ten mins of boob and then about an oz of formula on top every 3ish hours now. He still takes a long time to drink this though. Hes having plenty of wet nappies but hasnt had a poo again now in a day. I dont know if I need to ring someone today about that or just wait for the midwife, shes coming round tomorrow?? Hes peeing loads, like at least every two hours and it's clear and pale. Just hasnt had a poo?
I feel awful, I feel like my body has starved him and I'm such a rubbish mum. He looks so angry when I take him off boob to give him bottle, he doesnt like bottles and I'm struggling to get the formula down him xxx