**May Mummies**

@soffphie Sorry, wish I could help, but I'm not entitled to any sort of maternity pay, even from the government, because I was a full time student up till last week. Really sucks, we're going to struggle so much financially because I've had to suspend my studies so won't be getting my usual student loan.
I’m sorry but my mat leave doesn’t start until 30/04, I’m taking annual leave until then so not much help. They did send me a letter just before I went on annual leave explaining my payments though. X

This is what concerns me. I did my matb form ages ago now and im massively concerned about mat pay. I mean its something im legally entitled to right? So i can do something if they mess around for some reason?
We tried to bd last week but it was pretty awkward, dh said I felt different and he could feel the baby etc so it didn’t work out very well, I have no idea how people manage it when they are overdue.

that’s true, the later would be better as will be closer to the other side of the lockdowns etc.

lots of women feel instantly better after having baby when they have been struggling with pregnancy so I’m sure you will too!
My LO was super low for 2 weeks or so before birth. I did have a very fast labour because of that, so if your water breaks, I would not wait too long before going to hospital!

Can't wait to read all your birth stories!:love:

@maythe4thbewit you're doing a great job! And don't worry about the non-sore boobs/nipples, you're not missing anything!:lol: As long as you try giving the boob and he gets the formula after he will be getting enough milk! Plus it's a good thing to get him used to bottles. My little one only had the boob until now almost 15 weeks and she refuses any kind of bottle/formula. She doesn't want a pacifier either so my boobs are almost always out. Lol
This is what concerns me. I did my matb form ages ago now and im massively concerned about mat pay. I mean its something im legally entitled to right? So i can do something if they mess around for some reason?

Yes you are legally entitled to it. Call ACAS or citizens advice or someone if they don’t pay it or you need advice on your rights. X
Yes you are legally entitled to it. Call ACAS or citizens advice or someone if they don’t pay it or you need advice on your rights. X

I actually emailed them this afternoon/evening and at 7pm got sent my statement haha! £200 more then expected over course of year so im pleased about that
@soffphie Sorry, wish I could help, but I'm not entitled to any sort of maternity pay, even from the government, because I was a full time student up till last week. Really sucks, we're going to struggle so much financially because I've had to suspend my studies so won't be getting my usual student loan.

Sorry to read this :(
Did you ever get officially booked in / have a official date for induction?
Sorry to read this :(
Did you ever get officially booked in / have a official date for induction?

Aye sort of, my section will be in week beginning 11th May, but will get the actual day and time the Friday before. 2 weeks to go, so just need to survive that now!
Aye sort of, my section will be in week beginning 11th May, but will get the actual day and time the Friday before. 2 weeks to go, so just need to survive that now!

Hoping the two weeks go quickly for you xx
Hey ladies how are we this weekend?
Its probably because of way hospital are but i do get paranoid about baby movements.. seems routines changed again, hardly any movement all morning but since 2 onwards been pretty consistant jabbing/kicking!
OK very random but my mum suggested the name Iris to me today, i instantly dismissed it thinking argh horrible name.. but i just happened to google its meaning and Aaaah!!!! <3 considering it now if not for a middle name
Hi ladies.

Hope your all ok.

Been such a hectic few days.

Ended up back In hospital with the LO on thursday night. Midwife came round and checked his jaundice levels theyd risen loads, and he was sleeping all the time and eating really poorly. Although he would stay on my bpobs for hours if I'd let him, my milk still hasnt come in and it's been 8 days now.

Anyway, his levels were below treatment threshold but because of his colour and eating they decided to give him a night under the lamp. I cried my eyes out all night there, was allowed to breastfeed him every few hours but only for 10 mins as the poor mite is exhausting himself tying to get milk out.

Were home now, hes still jaundice and still abit sleepy still struggling with feeding. Hes having ten mins of boob and then about an oz of formula on top every 3ish hours now. He still takes a long time to drink this though. Hes having plenty of wet nappies but hasnt had a poo again now in a day. I dont know if I need to ring someone today about that or just wait for the midwife, shes coming round tomorrow?? Hes peeing loads, like at least every two hours and it's clear and pale. Just hasnt had a poo?

I feel awful, I feel like my body has starved him and I'm such a rubbish mum. He looks so angry when I take him off boob to give him bottle, he doesnt like bottles and I'm struggling to get the formula down him xxx
OK very random but my mum suggested the name Iris to me today, i instantly dismissed it thinking argh horrible name.. but i just happened to google its meaning and Aaaah!!!! <3 considering it now if not for a middle name

I love Iris so much. If our surname didn’t have an ‘is’ sound in the middle of it I totally would have chosen it as our number one name.

@maythe4thbewit I hope Luke gets better soon! Sorry you’re going through such a rough time :(
Hi ladies.

Hope your all ok.

Been such a hectic few days.

Ended up back In hospital with the LO on thursday night. Midwife came round and checked his jaundice levels theyd risen loads, and he was sleeping all the time and eating really poorly. Although he would stay on my bpobs for hours if I'd let him, my milk still hasnt come in and it's been 8 days now.

Anyway, his levels were below treatment threshold but because of his colour and eating they decided to give him a night under the lamp. I cried my eyes out all night there, was allowed to breastfeed him every few hours but only for 10 mins as the poor mite is exhausting himself tying to get milk out.

Were home now, hes still jaundice and still abit sleepy still struggling with feeding. Hes having ten mins of boob and then about an oz of formula on top every 3ish hours now. He still takes a long time to drink this though. Hes having plenty of wet nappies but hasnt had a poo again now in a day. I dont know if I need to ring someone today about that or just wait for the midwife, shes coming round tomorrow?? Hes peeing loads, like at least every two hours and it's clear and pale. Just hasnt had a poo?

I feel awful, I feel like my body has starved him and I'm such a rubbish mum. He looks so angry when I take him off boob to give him bottle, he doesnt like bottles and I'm struggling to get the formula down him xxx

I’m so sorry you’re struggling, wish I knew what to suggest to help, you are doing the best you can for him. If you’re worried, call someone for help, there is no shame in getting help. Xx
OK very random but my mum suggested the name Iris to me today, i instantly dismissed it thinking argh horrible name.. but i just happened to google its meaning and Aaaah!!!! <3 considering it now if not for a middle name

I love the name Iris, any flower based names to be honest x
Hi ladies.

Hope your all ok.

Been such a hectic few days.

Ended up back In hospital with the LO on thursday night. Midwife came round and checked his jaundice levels theyd risen loads, and he was sleeping all the time and eating really poorly. Although he would stay on my bpobs for hours if I'd let him, my milk still hasnt come in and it's been 8 days now.

Anyway, his levels were below treatment threshold but because of his colour and eating they decided to give him a night under the lamp. I cried my eyes out all night there, was allowed to breastfeed him every few hours but only for 10 mins as the poor mite is exhausting himself tying to get milk out.

Were home now, hes still jaundice and still abit sleepy still struggling with feeding. Hes having ten mins of boob and then about an oz of formula on top every 3ish hours now. He still takes a long time to drink this though. Hes having plenty of wet nappies but hasnt had a poo again now in a day. I dont know if I need to ring someone today about that or just wait for the midwife, shes coming round tomorrow?? Hes peeing loads, like at least every two hours and it's clear and pale. Just hasnt had a poo?

I feel awful, I feel like my body has starved him and I'm such a rubbish mum. He looks so angry when I take him off boob to give him bottle, he doesnt like bottles and I'm struggling to get the formula down him xxx
Newborn days are extremely heavy. You are NOT a rubbish Mum! It's normal to feel overwhelmed in the beginning. I also had a lot of trouble breastfeeding with my first and had to top up with formula too. Nobody judged me for giving her formula but I made myself feel bad because I couldn't give her what she needed from me. Eventually, after 8 weeks I switched entirely to formula and she thrived and she got her Mum back. I honestly think we are our own enemy when it comes to breastfeeding.
I do think it's normal for newborns to drink very slowly. I remember it would take about 20 to 30 minutes to finish a bottle. He will get less sleepy soon but now he needs every bit of energy to grow.
He does seem to have enough wet nappies so I wouldn't worry about him getting enough milk.
One day without a poo will not really matter but if it continues, I would suggest putting a glysterine suppository up his bum. It comes out easily after that!
You're doing all you can, @maythe4thbewit, if anything you're being a great Mum!x

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