**May Mummies**

@soffphie Who cares where a name has come from if you like it, they were all made up at one point. :)

Actually this isn’t true. People didn’t sit around combining noises that sounded good to make names (which is what seems to happen with modern name creation, I’m chiefly looking at you America ;) )

There’s a world of difference between Zedeynfito (a word I just created by stringing some sounds together) and Catherine which has an etymology (a history) or development from a root word in an ancient language and, therefore, a legitimate meaning :)

I don’t have much of an issue with people using modern invented names provided that they own it and proudly say ‘It has no meaning. I made it up because I thought it sounded good!’ Or, in this case, if Soffphie is comfortable saying ‘Yes her name is Aerith, after the girl from Final Fantasy.’ Then great! Go for it! :)

It’s when people lie that really bothers me. For example, take my fake name above and imagine someone saying ‘Zedynfito is a beautiful name. It means ‘summer birds’.’ That would be a downright lie. If they want a name with a genuine meaning then they should have chosen one or else be brave enough to admit it’s ‘made up’.

Naming a human person is an important decision, as we all know, and I love it when people put a lot of thought and research into finding the correct name for their child. I just want people to be confident in whatever route they take at the end of the day :)


PS Names are one of my Autistic ‘special interests’. I even produced reports for Nameberry.com for two years. Apologies if I offended anyone whilst trying to explain my reasoning :)
@SockVortex I disagree, just because it has a meaning doesn't mean it wasn't made up/created for the purpose of being a name. Catherine hasn't been a name since the dawn of time, for example. Someone decided to use that as a name at some point.
@SockVortex I disagree, just because it has a meaning doesn't mean it wasn't made up/created for the purpose of being a name. Catherine hasn't been a name since the dawn of time, for example. Someone decided to use that as a name at some point.

There's a difference between made up (sounds brought together because they sound nice) and using a route word to create a name. For example, Shakespeare invented Miranda from the Latin route 'mirandus'. :) That's the kind of difference I mean: taking a name from an existing route word versus pulling sounds out of thin air.
@soffphie Gonna be honest here and admit I’m a bit of a name snob, I’m not keen on made up names, so I’m not keen on the final fantasy one, people will ask your daughter where her name is from as it’s unusual and they won’t have heard it before, so she’ll say it’s a character from a computer game, some people will think that’s cool and other people will snigger behind her back - they shouldn’t but they will, it’s a huge responsibility naming a child, it’s the name they are going to be putting on job applications when they are older, the name they are going to be using when introducing themselves to people, maybe at important business meetings, she may be applying to work at somewhere very traditional and corporate and you don’t know what her personality is going to be like - she may not be able to style out being an aerith (or whatever the final fantasy name was), it might make her cringe and dread having to introduce herself to people, please don’t give her a bizarre fake name from a computer game, it’s not fair on her - that would be one of those parenting decisions which is massively in the interests of the parent not the child, from your list I like Anna and Millie x
There's a difference between made up (sounds brought together because they sound nice) and using a route word to create a name. For example, Shakespeare invented Miranda from the Latin route 'mirandus'. :) That's the kind of difference I mean: taking a name from an existing route word versus pulling sounds out of thin air.

I didn't mean that all names are just sounds pulled out of thin air. Doesn't matter if it's made from an existing word, or is a bunch of random sounds, all names have been created at some point. That's all I was saying. Not sure why you're arguing semantics anyway, my point was I like the name Aerith. You don't, so that's that.

@night owl You make some good points. I taught a 16yo girl named Bel'anna once. She hated explaining that it was a Klingon name her parents got from some episode of Star Trek. Poor girl! lol
Not sure why you're arguing semantics anyway

Because I'm autistic :) But yes, let's leave it at that.

I taught a 16yo girl named Bel'anna once. She hated explaining that it was a Klingon name her parents got from some episode of Star Trek. Poor girl! lol

Ah B'Elanna Torres from Voyager! Wow, that must have been quite a burden for the poor girl.
Wooah sorry to cause a name debate on here haha :)
I do get some of your pointers tho, I do think to myself shes got to put this on a CV/College application, if she gets married it will be called out etc.
We do like the idea of it being unique rather then super traditional, but like i said it will really depend on what we end up calling her when see her she could look a Millie or a Anna for example. Its a tough ole job naming a child :)
Sorry if TMI... so I’m getting period type cramps (they aren’t contractions and don’t have a definite start and stop) but they are accompanied by the urge to poop, I’ve been twice today already ... feel like I might have an accident, not sure if I’m poorly or if just another pre-labour sign teasing me.
Sorry if TMI... so I’m getting period type cramps (they aren’t contractions and don’t have a definite start and stop) but they are accompanied by the urge to poop, I’ve been twice today already ... feel like I might have an accident, not sure if I’m poorly or if just another pre-labour sign teasing me.

Ive been getting quite a few period type cramps recently :/ ive definately noticed a sudden increase of pulling pains when i move around etc as well...
Im hoping your a May 1st Birth! <3 x
Sorry if TMI... so I’m getting period type cramps (they aren’t contractions and don’t have a definite start and stop) but they are accompanied by the urge to poop, I’ve been twice today already ... feel like I might have an accident, not sure if I’m poorly or if just another pre-labour sign teasing me.
I heard that going for a poo frequently or having a bad tummy is a sign.. your body clearing out ready for labour. Try some peppermint tea if you have it and drink plenty of water.. hope it's the start for you! X
Sorry if TMI... so I’m getting period type cramps (they aren’t contractions and don’t have a definite start and stop) but they are accompanied by the urge to poop, I’ve been twice today already ... feel like I might have an accident, not sure if I’m poorly or if just another pre-labour sign teasing me.

Sorry to jump threads this is how I felt when I went into labour with my DD. Exciting :) xx
Thanks ladies, nothing has come of it yet but I’ll keep on my ball and hopefully something will happen soon
Pre Eclampsia sucks!
The hospital called me today about some blood results and when i told them my bp for day etc i was told to come in. After doing reflexes i was asked if i ever felt disoriontated etc .. well i do, on/off more off then on. Now got to stay in overnight to see whats going on with BP/Bloods. If bloods show a further drop in platelet count they want me to see a consultant about a earlier induction :(

When we did the ctg she said stomach felt hard? Whatever thats means.?
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Pre Eclampsia sucks!
The hospital called me today about some blood results and when i told them my bp for day etc i was told to come in. After doing reflexes i was asked if i ever felt disoriontated etc .. well i do, on/off more off then on. Now got to stay in overnight to see whats going on with BP/Bloods. If bloods show a further drop in platelet count they want me to see a consultant about a earlier induction :(

When we did the ctg she said stomach felt hard? Whatever thats means.?

I don’t know what that means, I thought pregnant bellies were supposed to be hard? Mine is like a rock.
I don’t know what that means, I thought pregnant bellies were supposed to be hard? Mine is like a rock.

Just seemed she was surprised by it sort of thing? Who knows lol.

Bloods r stable tho so no talks of even earlier induction (phew!) Looks like trying to do somit with BP and meds now. Hate hospitals, same ward same bed as wen i was last in with HG,
Just seemed she was surprised by it sort of thing? Who knows lol.

Bloods r stable tho so no talks of even earlier induction (phew!) Looks like trying to do somit with BP and meds now. Hate hospitals, same ward same bed as wen i was last in with HG,

At least they are taking it seriously and not dismissive. Hope you manage to get some sleep, I hate sleeping in hospitals
Maybe the nurse or consultant caught a contraction @soffphie . My midwife could tell when I had contractions just by looking at my belly, let alone feel it.
Hope you will get an answer soon hun!x
Happy Due date @SugaryIris X

V v bad day for me again, think ganna b stuck in here for longer then i wanted to be BP back up and only 2 points of something or something like that. I feel completely awful and unable to concentrate headache is just awful. Theyve now given me codeine

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