**May Mummies**

I feel you there! Everyone talks about nesting, and I'm here just wanting to sit on my fat ass and watch tv or sleep, sometimes both. In so much discomfort and pain with my bump now.

Had my scan and consultant appointment today. Scan is looking much better, they reckon my last one was probably a blip because he was lying awkwardly or something. He's back above the 10th centile now and following the pattern he was before, estimated at a healthy 5lb 6oz at the moment. C-section has been booked for 3 weeks time (38 weeks), but won't have the actual day and time till the Friday before. does mean I have another 3 weeks of feeling like this though. :(

only 3 weeks to go though! You’ll have your baby soon!! Hoping you start to feel a bit better too x
Evening ladies.

We are home.

I'll write a short version

It was horrendous, after being in that pain since Thursday, they didnt check me untill Saturday morning when I was already 8cm dilated by that point. Rushed me upto labour ward, hubby arrived. No one could believe I was that far along and not in obvious pain on he outside. Asked for epidural, went in fine. No releif from pain, kept telling them nothing had changed that I could still feel everyone including that freezing cold spray and could still move about normally.

They kept saying give it time and that it must be working or id be shouting like the other women that you could hear.

Anyway, after another 12 hours of active labour, no relief from epi the anethatist came and apologised and asked if I wanted another one sited. I said domt bother as I was hoping it was close at this point. About another hour went by before I started pushing. Had some gas an air, was exhausted by this point as I'd been in active labor for ages now. Pushed for three hours and they kept losing babys heartbeat even though hey could see babys head coming and then going back, even kept losing it with the clip monitor. Light story short, room flooded with about 10 doctors, said they were going to cut me right then and get him out with forceps. Literally about 30 seconds before they were about to start, he comes shooting out, soaking the midwife in blood and they almost dropped him on the floor. :rotfl:

Had very nasty 2nd degree tears that they thought were 3rd at first and also a burst blood vessel they thought was a graze at first. Stitched the tears without about 30 stitches, hen had to come back 30 minutes later to stitch he 'graze' which was a burst blood vessel.

Got home yesterday night, am in absolute agony waking and moving. I can't even wipe after weeing. I feel horrendous. Blood loss was just under the threshold for PPH too. Midwife is coming on thursday and is going to look at stitches, cant bear the thought of anyone touching anywear near down there atm. :think:. Also I'm really constipated ans havent been to the loo since last Wednesday and I am so scared of breaking the stitches. I'm struggling with breastfeeding to, cant seem to find a position where we are both comfy to latch, the pain is horrendous atm and I think I'm going to have to feed him some formula soon if he doesnt start feeding properly. HV came today, hes only lost 6% so their happy with that.

He was born Saturday night and was 7lbs11 so nowhere near what they were predicting.

Pics to follow xxx
Oh my... What a story @maythe4thbewit ..
Welcome to your LO!! What is his name?

What a nightmare of a birth. If you need to switch to formula to get some relief and some sleep I wouldn't hesitate. Maybe you and your oh can take shifts feeding the baby so you can recover a bit.
When I was in hospital with my first I was torn a bit internally and they gave me sanitary napkin which was imbibed with water and placed in the freezer. They were a godsend! Maybe you can try that too.
The longer you wait to go to the toilet, the harder it will get. You won't rip those stitches but I also had a hard time and I wasn't even sewn! Take some laxatives if you are struggling but don't wait too long anymore!
I hope you can recover quickly hun!x
Thanks ladies.

Currently in bed with a bag of frozen peas under me. Been to the loo, had stool softeners but now seem to have bit if diarrhoea. Hope it doesn't come with tummy cramps too that would hurt. That would awful.

LO's name is Luke :D

My milk still hasn't come In either which isn't helping with feeding. Has four days old tomorrow. He just cant seem to latch any more either cant seem to get it right at all.

OH has been invaluable. Only thing he cant do is feed him.

I just don't know what to do for the best right now. Xx
Also little man is a little bit jaundice and his score was lower today when health visitor came round and he was a little bit more yellow. I really dont think he is getting enough feed atm.

Jve just made him up a bottle of formula. Midwife at the hospital suggested I thought about combi feeding ans stressed it wanst necessary a bad thing and just might take a bit longer to get breastfeeding properly.

He is screaming his heart out bless him. Its heartbreaking to watch. The formula is cooling, hes just had a go on the boob but it just isnt enough atm and he cant stay latched properly.

I feel like an awful mum already xx
@maythe4thbewit massive congratulations! What a mad birth story though, hope you recover quickly. Best tip I can give you is frozen maternity pads, and if you have anything like spritz for bits or bottoms up spray that on it first. Pooping after a tear is a bitch though, if you go too long you might need to see someone about it to make sure you don't get impaction. Straining with it could burst stitches.
@maythe4thbewit massive congratulations! What a mad birth story though, hope you recover quickly. Best tip I can give you is frozen maternity pads, and if you have anything like spritz for bits or bottoms up spray that on it first. Pooping after a tear is a bitch though, if you go too long you might need to see someone about it to make sure you don't get impaction. Straining with it could burst stitches.

Thanks lovely. I've been for a poo now, had some softens but now seem to have abit of an upset tummy which is quite bad too eeek!

Thanks for the tips, I have some cold pack things coming off amazon but theyve been deleyed! :-( do you think wetting a pad and sticking it in the freezer would work ??

Having that first poo earlier was just as scary as giving birth. Hubby did offer to come sit with me :rotfl: but I thought I should just man up and go.

Even just sitting down on the chair or bed hurts. When will it get better? Its day 3 today and seems worse :think: I cant even begin I explore/touch the area. To what went on. Xx
Oh @maythe4thbewit you are doing an incredible job, it doesn’t matter if you breastfeed or bottlefeed, do what is right for you and your baby, all that matters is that they are fed.

I hope the pains ease off soon, I’m still laughing that Luke just flew out right at the last minute! I love the name by the way.

I know you feel a little lost right now but you sound like you’re doing a cracking job x
@maythe4thbewit - massive congratulations to you on the birth of Luke. so sorry you had such a tragic birth but Well done mummy. You did it!! You are doing an amazing job <3
Please don’t stress about breastfeeding, the main thing is he is fed so whether that’s formula or breast do whatever is best for you both. Xxx
I had to really crop these pics in to be allowed to upload them!! Haha but our cot bed, fitted sheet and chalkboard wall in background :)

Still got a shelf to do, beige to patch up in places, move stuff into drawers and curtains up!

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Thanks ladies.

He had half a bottle of formula last night and boobed abit and abit of colostrum.

Hes had a bit of feeding off boob this morning but still to sleepy to really want to. I'm going to top him up with formula again. I dont want his jaundice getting worse. My milk still hasn't come in, my boobs arent even sore or anything and I'm barely getting any colostrum now either.

Trying to upload some pics.

DH has been amazing last few days. Dont know what I would have done without him. Xx

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Thanks ladies.

He had half a bottle of formula last night and boobed abit and abit of colostrum.

Hes had a bit of feeding off boob this morning but still to sleepy to really want to. I'm going to top him up with formula again. I dont want his jaundice getting worse. My milk still hasn't come in, my boobs arent even sore or anything and I'm barely getting any colostrum now either.

Trying to upload some pics.

DH has been amazing last few days. Dont know what I would have done without him. Xx

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ohhhh myyyy goshhhhh!!! He is genuinely one of the cutest newborns I’ve ever seen! He is just perfect x
Massive congratulations @maythe4thbewit. He is gorgeous, soon that horrendous experience of birth will be a distance memory.
Rest as much as you can to recover, don't put to much pressure on yourself to feed sometimes to stress doesn't help xx

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