Evening ladies.
We are home.
I'll write a short version
It was horrendous, after being in that pain since Thursday, they didnt check me untill Saturday morning when I was already 8cm dilated by that point. Rushed me upto labour ward, hubby arrived. No one could believe I was that far along and not in obvious pain on he outside. Asked for epidural, went in fine. No releif from pain, kept telling them nothing had changed that I could still feel everyone including that freezing cold spray and could still move about normally.
They kept saying give it time and that it must be working or id be shouting like the other women that you could hear.
Anyway, after another 12 hours of active labour, no relief from epi the anethatist came and apologised and asked if I wanted another one sited. I said domt bother as I was hoping it was close at this point. About another hour went by before I started pushing. Had some gas an air, was exhausted by this point as I'd been in active labor for ages now. Pushed for three hours and they kept losing babys heartbeat even though hey could see babys head coming and then going back, even kept losing it with the clip monitor. Light story short, room flooded with about 10 doctors, said they were going to cut me right then and get him out with forceps. Literally about 30 seconds before they were about to start, he comes shooting out, soaking the midwife in blood and they almost dropped him on the floor.
Had very nasty 2nd degree tears that they thought were 3rd at first and also a burst blood vessel they thought was a graze at first. Stitched the tears without about 30 stitches, hen had to come back 30 minutes later to stitch he 'graze' which was a burst blood vessel.
Got home yesterday night, am in absolute agony waking and moving. I can't even wipe after weeing. I feel horrendous. Blood loss was just under the threshold for PPH too. Midwife is coming on thursday and is going to look at stitches, cant bear the thought of anyone touching anywear near down there atm.

. Also I'm really constipated ans havent been to the loo since last Wednesday and I am so scared of breaking the stitches. I'm struggling with breastfeeding to, cant seem to find a position where we are both comfy to latch, the pain is horrendous atm and I think I'm going to have to feed him some formula soon if he doesnt start feeding properly. HV came today, hes only lost 6% so their happy with that.
He was born Saturday night and was 7lbs11 so nowhere near what they were predicting.
Pics to follow xxx