**May Mummies**

Congratulations @maythe4thbewit what a beautiful baby boy.
I had stitches down below last time so I can totally sympathise.i used witch hazel on a clean pad that was kept in fridge to help with pain. Arnica also was good too.
I went to midwife appointment today and surprise was sent to hospital.
High BP & 2+ Protein.
Anyways when i got there they asked me what my current plan was etc and i said about the whole app and how hadnt got it thru yet and one lady chirped up saying your not entitled to the app just take ur BP .. wots the actual point in that? I have my consultant (telephone i hope) appointment thurs and can see her being peed and saying im not taking it seriously bla bla (again.)
I think the ward i was on see it as i am having baby in 2 weeks and now they cant b a***d to do anything, when midwife was on fone you could tell they really didnt want me going in. All they say when you leave the unit is if you feel unwell come straight in.
At the moment it seems to be the diastolic? (Bottom number) thats bad 90+ top one hoovers around 120-140ish.

I feel like if they dont care i shouldnt care. Ill keep eye on baby movements etc tho obviously.
BP meds dont seem to be changing the readings either the readings if anything are getting gradually, slightly worse
@maythe4thbewit He's such a cutie!:love:
Formula can actually help really well with jaundice as well as lying near a window so he has a bit of sun exposure. My first born was tested daily for jaundice since it would break down so slowly. Also had to give her formula to help her out.
I agree with the other mums (or mummies-to-be lol) that it doesn't matter if you give Luke formula or the boob, as long as he gets fed! How much weight has he lost so far?x
@maythe4thbewit He's such a cutie!:love:
Formula can actually help really well with jaundice as well as lying near a window so he has a bit of sun exposure. My first born was tested daily for jaundice since it would break down so slowly. Also had to give her formula to help her out.
I agree with the other mums (or mummies-to-be lol) that it doesn't matter if you give Luke formula or the boob, as long as he gets fed! How much weight has he lost so far?x

Thanks lovely!

Hes had a mix today, doesn't seem to be confused by boob and bottle yet. Hes happily taking both. Hes had boob followed by 3 bottles of formula throughout the day, boob till hes finished then formula, he doesn't finish the formula it's been more of a top up. Also hang expressed and given him 3ish mls of colostrum.

Hed lost 6% by day 3, they were happy with that he went from 7lbs11 to 7lbs3. Midwife coming next on Thursday.

Hes currently asleep on my boob but suckling too. Hope hes getting some.

I went to midwife appointment today and surprise was sent to hospital.
High BP & 2+ Protein.
Anyways when i got there they asked me what my current plan was etc and i said about the whole app and how hadnt got it thru yet and one lady chirped up saying your not entitled to the app just take ur BP .. wots the actual point in that? I have my consultant (telephone i hope) appointment thurs and can see her being peed and saying im not taking it seriously bla bla (again.)
I think the ward i was on see it as i am having baby in 2 weeks and now they cant b a***d to do anything, when midwife was on fone you could tell they really didnt want me going in. All they say when you leave the unit is if you feel unwell come straight in.
At the moment it seems to be the diastolic? (Bottom number) thats bad 90+ top one hoovers around 120-140ish.

I feel like if they dont care i shouldnt care. Ill keep eye on baby movements etc tho obviously.
BP meds dont seem to be changing the readings either the readings if anything are getting gradually, slightly worse

Sorry your having a tough time soff.

Are they upping your medications or anything?have they put you on asprin?

Sounds like their all being strange and contradicting each other. Xx
I went to midwife appointment today and surprise was sent to hospital.
High BP & 2+ Protein.
Anyways when i got there they asked me what my current plan was etc and i said about the whole app and how hadnt got it thru yet and one lady chirped up saying your not entitled to the app just take ur BP .. wots the actual point in that? I have my consultant (telephone i hope) appointment thurs and can see her being peed and saying im not taking it seriously bla bla (again.)
I think the ward i was on see it as i am having baby in 2 weeks and now they cant b a***d to do anything, when midwife was on fone you could tell they really didnt want me going in. All they say when you leave the unit is if you feel unwell come straight in.
At the moment it seems to be the diastolic? (Bottom number) thats bad 90+ top one hoovers around 120-140ish.

I feel like if they dont care i shouldnt care. Ill keep eye on baby movements etc tho obviously.
BP meds dont seem to be changing the readings either the readings if anything are getting gradually, slightly worse

hopefully your consultant will make more sense tomorrow as nobody else seems to have a clue what is going on. I’m so sorry, it must be so stressful xx
Thanks lovely!

Hes had a mix today, doesn't seem to be confused by boob and bottle yet. Hes happily taking both. Hes had boob followed by 3 bottles of formula throughout the day, boob till hes finished then formula, he doesn't finish the formula it's been more of a top up. Also hang expressed and given him 3ish mls of colostrum.

Hed lost 6% by day 3, they were happy with that he went from 7lbs11 to 7lbs3. Midwife coming next on Thursday.

Hes currently asleep on my boob but suckling too. Hope hes getting some.


you sound like you’re doing such a good job! And another gorgeous photo, keep them coming! They get me so excited for my baby that I almost cry! X
38+6 and can’t believe only 8 days until my due date! Starting to feel very nauseous, not enjoying the return of this symptom and not had a very good nights sleep. Baby is also very low and when I’m sitting I struggle to close my legs so I’m sitting very unladylike lol dh keeps accusing me of flashing him!

DH thinks baby is going to come before my due date but I think they are going to keep teasing us and keep us waiting a little longer.

with your ladies inductions you will probably have your babies before me! Lol.

how is everyone doing? Getting excited yet?
@maythe4thbewit Hes so lovely :) x
@SugaryIris if babys moved down maybe it will soon be time for you?
For me last 2 times on CTG monitor shes been so high up (think to make a point she doth protest to 37 week kick out :p) even the midwives etc been surprised.

I have to admit now ive come to adjust to idea of a induction, there is a sense of niceness in knowing when to expect the baby - we can have a lovely final night in house before all changes forever for example.. (prob just a takeaway n chill but still) :)
@maythe4thbewit Hes so lovely :) x
@SugaryIris if babys moved down maybe it will soon be time for you?
For me last 2 times on CTG monitor shes been so high up (think to make a point she doth protest to 37 week kick out :p) even the midwives etc been surprised.

I have to admit now ive come to adjust to idea of a induction, there is a sense of niceness in knowing when to expect the baby - we can have a lovely final night in house before all changes forever for example.. (prob just a takeaway n chill but still) :)

i don’t think so, I had a show 9 days ago and still nothing, I know with first time labours they can drag out all of the early signs of labour for weeks before anything gets going so I think baby is just going to take their sweet time getting ready lol.

yeh I am envious, you can do your final prep of your bag and get everything ready the night before. I doubt you’ll sleep much the night before though because you’ll be so excited!
@SugaryIris OK so i have read that to BD naturally can help trigger labour, like apparently softens cervix etc, tbh might be something we do before i go in Weds just to help? lol. i really dont fancy a 3 day wait and stay for baby arrival.

I think its going to be so weird, leaving the house and knowing when you come back your whole lifes changed - i dunno whole pregnancy for me has felt so unreal its hard to think theres a actual baby in there. And im ganna sooo miss those kicks and punches and random hiccups etc. I wonder if ill feel better once ive given birth? will my sickness/nausea just stop. will my headaches go away. will i still be as tierd as i am now? (probably on the last one right haha)

@Jetina nothing wrong with being the last one, atleast we are 1 week or so closer to being out of this Coronavirus rubbish, i had started to wish for a 42 week birth before whole pre eclampsia thing
@SugaryIris OK so i have read that to BD naturally can help trigger labour, like apparently softens cervix etc, tbh might be something we do before i go in Weds just to help? lol. i really dont fancy a 3 day wait and stay for baby arrival.

I think its going to be so weird, leaving the house and knowing when you come back your whole lifes changed - i dunno whole pregnancy for me has felt so unreal its hard to think theres a actual baby in there. And im ganna sooo miss those kicks and punches and random hiccups etc. I wonder if ill feel better once ive given birth? will my sickness/nausea just stop. will my headaches go away. will i still be as tierd as i am now? (probably on the last one right haha)

@Jetina nothing wrong with being the last one, atleast we are 1 week or so closer to being out of this Coronavirus rubbish, i had started to wish for a 42 week birth before whole pre eclampsia thing

We tried to bd last week but it was pretty awkward, dh said I felt different and he could feel the baby etc so it didn’t work out very well, I have no idea how people manage it when they are overdue.

that’s true, the later would be better as will be closer to the other side of the lockdowns etc.

lots of women feel instantly better after having baby when they have been struggling with pregnancy so I’m sure you will too!
Baby fed for about 2 and a half hours last night a then woke again at half 7 and had half hour on the boob followed by a quarter bottle formula afterwards around 10ish, I have no idea of hes getting enough, my boobs still arent sore or full, no sign on milk coming in, and still only getting a syringe or two of colostrum out whenever try. Tried the breast pump again, nothing. Its day five now. Where is my milk? So frustrating.

As my breastfeeding classes got cancelled, I watched this to learn about breastfeeding and I found it quite informative. I think she answers some of your questions in it so might be worth a watch x
Hey ladies, how have you guys found maternity pay from employer? So, my leave officially began 20th April. last Friday i requested a statement for what ill get and when (im not even sure if they will pay me like im a normal employee, ie once a month or not).. I have done my own calculator online but id like to see a official one from employers as well.
Based on calc online i should get some mat pay in April pay.
HR said they would send me a statement Monday but its Thursday and heard nothing. What do i do if they dont pay me it at all etc?
Hey ladies, how have you guys found maternity pay from employer? So, my leave officially began 20th April. last Friday i requested a statement for what ill get and when (im not even sure if they will pay me like im a normal employee, ie once a month or not).. I have done my own calculator online but id like to see a official one from employers as well.
Based on calc online i should get some mat pay in April pay.
HR said they would send me a statement Monday but its Thursday and heard nothing. What do i do if they dont pay me it at all etc?

I’m sorry but my mat leave doesn’t start until 30/04, I’m taking annual leave until then so not much help. They did send me a letter just before I went on annual leave explaining my payments though. X

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