**May Mummies**

Heyya hope everyones doing ok?

Ill prob sound really obsessive but i am getting worried about my teeth now! i know ive basically only got 3 weeks to go but where i had my receeding the gum, the gum still obviously isnt there and now i have quite a obvious big line between the two teeth that were once touching.. and i can feel with tonuge that underneth one has chipped, its either got a small hole that would be a filling or its chipped away enough to cause the now line between the teeth :( Not really sure what to do.. considering this damn virus n all. Dentist wasnt going to act on the gum last time but now it has become painful, not 24/7 and not severe but it is painful. (especially with this new line/gap between the two teeth)
@soffphie It sounds like periodontitis, I've had it before in the past where the gums on my bottom middle two teeth receded so much that I was having to squeeze food out of them daily (I know it sounds gross). I had to have periodontal treatment where they basically scrape and clean under the gums all around to give them chance to heal. Hurts like a b**ch and my gums stayed receded, BUT they reattached themselves in a way, so the problems went away. I was doing well until pregnancy, now I have this one bit inbetween two of my teeth that is red and swollen and bleeds when I brush. It's just the one bit though, so hoping it'll sort itself after birth.
@soffphie It sounds like periodontitis, I've had it before in the past where the gums on my bottom middle two teeth receded so much that I was having to squeeze food out of them daily (I know it sounds gross). I had to have periodontal treatment where they basically scrape and clean under the gums all around to give them chance to heal. Hurts like a b**ch and my gums stayed receded, BUT they reattached themselves in a way, so the problems went away. I was doing well until pregnancy, now I have this one bit inbetween two of my teeth that is red and swollen and bleeds when I brush. It's just the one bit though, so hoping it'll sort itself after birth.

When i first found the gap between the gums i went straight to dentist who dimissed it as simple pregnancy gingervitus. i just swear now there is a black hairline between the two teeth.. im not sure why that would happen
i only have it between two teeth (missing gum and now, i swear, new black gap/hairline between the two) i hadnt tended to look at teeth there for a while but i noticed i can feel with tongue a chip/filling that is required for one of these 2 teeth now...
Do you know if it will stop progressing as soon as give birth? i havent got very long now..

So you have receding gums again? My teeth hurt again as well. its the gum area and the chip/broken bit whatever it is on the tooth itsself. sucks :( and no one will really see you at the moment unless its a emergency.. i may call them monday tho
Maybe give your dentist a call, if they have to work within 1,5m from someone they need a mouth mask, glasses and gloves but are still allowed to treat people. I would give them a ring because that sounds painful!
My oh has periodontitis and has these little brushes he uses to clean between his teeth daily. His gums are receding slowly and he has had to increase the width of the brushes just to keep them clean. Plus he uses paradontax for toothpaste and an electric toothbrush which flashes every time he pushes down too hard on his teeth. But since he cleans them like that, he hasn't had any problems anymore.
Good luck Sophie, not long anymore!x
@maythe4thbewit I hope you're holding your baby boy in your arms now! And try to sleep right after birth. They are still kind of sleepy and tired from the birth and allows Mum to catch up with some sleep. The days after that are the worst in sleep deprivation so try to take advantage of those precious hours!x
I feel so much pressure down below, feel like I’m clenching all the time to hold in a wee, it’s a really odd sensation I feel like baby might fall out lol!

went for a bit of a longer dog walk today and got so tired and exhausted at the end, maybe I overdid it a little bit.
I feel so much pressure down below, feel like I’m clenching all the time to hold in a wee, it’s a really odd sensation I feel like baby might fall out lol!

went for a bit of a longer dog walk today and got so tired and exhausted at the end, maybe I overdid it a little bit.
Exciting news. Would be amazing if baby did just fall out so you didn’t have to push :rotfl: obviously in an ideal world you’d want it to fall out into your hands or into a soft floor xx
Exciting news. Would be amazing if baby did just fall out so you didn’t have to push :rotfl: obviously in an ideal world you’d want it to fall out into your hands or into a soft floor xx

Would certainly make my life easier if it did might make a bit of a mess though! :rotfl: Xx
@maythe4thbewit hope everything is going well, I keep coming back to check for updates xx

I finally got mine and baby's hospital bags packed this afternoon, apart from stuff I need to do the night before. It's starting to feel a little surreal to be honest, like it hasn't quite sunk in, probably because of what happened last time. I probably won't believe it all till he's actually in my arms. Only 2-3 weeks to go, I'll find out at my growth scan tomorrow whether my section will be booked for 37 or 38 weeks. Is it bad that I'm hoping for 37 weeks? I've had steroid shots so not worried about his lungs or anything, I'm just in so much pain and discomfort and want it all to be over.
Sounds like your bodies defo gearing up for birth then! maybe another April mummy

i am due 30th April just always thought I’d be late to be honest, I reckon baby is going to keep teasing me for a while yet though!
@maythe4thbewit hope everything is going well, I keep coming back to check for updates xx

I finally got mine and baby's hospital bags packed this afternoon, apart from stuff I need to do the night before. It's starting to feel a little surreal to be honest, like it hasn't quite sunk in, probably because of what happened last time. I probably won't believe it all till he's actually in my arms. Only 2-3 weeks to go, I'll find out at my growth scan tomorrow whether my section will be booked for 37 or 38 weeks. Is it bad that I'm hoping for 37 weeks? I've had steroid shots so not worried about his lungs or anything, I'm just in so much pain and discomfort and want it all to be over.

I’m not surprised it feels surreal for you, I don’t blame you for hoping it’s 37 weeks, I’d want to meet my baby more quickly too! X
@maythe4thbewit hope everything is going well, I keep coming back to check for updates xx

I finally got mine and baby's hospital bags packed this afternoon, apart from stuff I need to do the night before. It's starting to feel a little surreal to be honest, like it hasn't quite sunk in, probably because of what happened last time. I probably won't believe it all till he's actually in my arms. Only 2-3 weeks to go, I'll find out at my growth scan tomorrow whether my section will be booked for 37 or 38 weeks. Is it bad that I'm hoping for 37 weeks? I've had steroid shots so not worried about his lungs or anything, I'm just in so much pain and discomfort and want it all to be over.

If your a 37 week'er we will have babies at basically the same time haha
I think i know what you guys will say haha but do i go on at the hospital tomorrow to send me this app to input bp data? (again)! So far ive been putting it onto a app that generally tracks BP but not one that the hospital can see.
I have asked hospital every time seen them and rung once about this app still nothing @ point of giving up! Im thinking maybe give them a call tomorrow, but after that leave it. Im back in hosp Weds anyway for my once weekly stuff
I would @soffphie give them another call.

I called today because for the past two hours baby has been going crazy, moving all over the place, very unusual, my baby is much more of a laid back one and will have a short session but never one like this. So I called hospital as that’s what my midwife has said to do if they increase or decrease and the woman on the phone didn’t even seem to understand why I was calling and said they wouldn’t have me in to monitor due to covid and that they’d only tell me baby is moving, which is what they want anyway.

I felt a bit silly calling but then you read online it can be a sign baby is in distress ... feeling a bit anxious and I hope baby is ok.
@SugaryIris that's terrible! I called my unit for that exact reason last week, and they had me in to check us over as it was so unlike him. Kicks Count encourage us to call if there is ANY change, not just reduced movements. If it's still different in the morning please call them again and tell them it doesn't feel right. They ended up keeping me on the CTG for well over an hour because he was going crazy so his heartrate was constantly elevated, and they needed to see what it was like when he was resting so they had a baseline. This is what your unit should do if you tell them your baby's moving a lot more than normal.
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@SugaryIris that's terrible! I called my unit for that exact reason last week, and they had me in to check us over as it was so unlike him. Kicks Count encourage us to call if there is ANY change, not just reduced movements. If it's still different in the morning please call them again and tell them it doesn't feel right. They ended up keeping me on the CTG for well over an hour because he was going crazy so his heartrate was constantly elevated, and they needed to see what it was like when he was resting so they had a baseline. This is what your unit should do if you tell them your baby's moving a lot more than normal.

i know, that’s what I thought, all she suggested was playing some relaxing music to calm baby so I could get some sleep! I’m going to keep an eye on baby today and if they are reduced/increased again I’m going to call back.
38+4 and the exhaustion is another level.

I’ve been trying to clean my en-suite and it’s taken me over an hour, and I’ve done a pretty rubbish job, because I’m just so tired, I keep having to sit down and catch my breath every 5 minutes then I cry because I’m tired and frustrated with myself. I thought you were supposed to get a burst of energy as your due date approaches... I seem to be the opposite!

feeling very grumpy and fed up right now and so jealous of all you ladies being induced as you will get a date when baby will arrive!
38+4 and the exhaustion is another level.

I’ve been trying to clean my en-suite and it’s taken me over an hour, and I’ve done a pretty rubbish job, because I’m just so tired, I keep having to sit down and catch my breath every 5 minutes then I cry because I’m tired and frustrated with myself. I thought you were supposed to get a burst of energy as your due date approaches... I seem to be the opposite!

feeling very grumpy and fed up right now and so jealous of all you ladies being induced as you will get a date when baby will arrive!

I feel you there! Everyone talks about nesting, and I'm here just wanting to sit on my fat ass and watch tv or sleep, sometimes both. In so much discomfort and pain with my bump now.

Had my scan and consultant appointment today. Scan is looking much better, they reckon my last one was probably a blip because he was lying awkwardly or something. He's back above the 10th centile now and following the pattern he was before, estimated at a healthy 5lb 6oz at the moment. C-section has been booked for 3 weeks time (38 weeks), but won't have the actual day and time till the Friday before. does mean I have another 3 weeks of feeling like this though. :(

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