**May Mummies**

How exciting @maythe4thbewit - these pains will all be worth it in the end when your holding your little darling.
Try and get as much food in you as possible as like @SugaryIris said you will need all the energy.
Will be thinking of you <3 xx
Thanks ladies. No real progress and hey had a scare with babys heart rate earlier.

Still regularly contracting Every 1.5 mins for well over 60 seconds this has been going on from 10pm last night, it is absolutely relentless with no break in between, their pretty much back to back. Despite this I'm not even a CM dilated.

Propess fell out at 10am this morning :sad:, midwife came to hook me upto monitor at 11:45am to check baby was happy before inserting another pessary. Baby was going absolutely nuts, heartbeat all over the place and then after about half hour his heart rate flattened and my tummy was contracting so much I couldn't feel his movements so they were concerned he was in distress. Monitored for another hour with doctor and midwife checking every five mins. They were happy after that that his heart rate and movements were normal even though I cant feel them due to back to back contractions.

Midwife did an internal around 1pmish and couldn't even get fingertip in cervix so another pessary has been inserted.

I am so fed up. No sleep due to no break from pain and no progression despite lots of pains. :-( feeling very depressed and lonely. Missing my husband and dogs, sounds pathetic I know :rotfl:. Just uncomfortable and fed up now, and also worried about baby. Xx
Thanks ladies. No real progress and hey had a scare with babys heart rate earlier.

Still regularly contracting Every 1.5 mins for well over 60 seconds this has been going on from 10pm last night, it is absolutely relentless with no break in between, their pretty much back to back. Despite this I'm not even a CM dilated.

Propess fell out at 10am this morning :sad:, midwife came to hook me upto monitor at 11:45am to check baby was happy before inserting another pessary. Baby was going absolutely nuts, heartbeat all over the place and then after about half hour his heart rate flattened and my tummy was contracting so much I couldn't feel his movements so they were concerned he was in distress. Monitored for another hour with doctor and midwife checking every five mins. They were happy after that that his heart rate and movements were normal even though I cant feel them due to back to back contractions.

Midwife did an internal around 1pmish and couldn't even get fingertip in cervix so another pessary has been inserted.

I am so fed up. No sleep due to no break from pain and no progression despite lots of pains. :-( feeling very depressed and lonely. Missing my husband and dogs, sounds pathetic I know :rotfl:. Just uncomfortable and fed up now, and also worried about baby. Xx
Oh what a rough time you are having hun. I can't believe your not even a CM dilated and you have so much pain. I really hope this second pessary does something for you. You dont sound pathetic at all. Its not nice going through all this alone. I hope the hospital are treating you well xxx
Oh what a rough time you are having hun. I can't believe your not even a CM dilated and you have so much pain. I really hope this second pessary does something for you. You dont sound pathetic at all. Its not nice going through all this alone. I hope the hospital are treating you well xxx

Midwives have been lovely.

The other ladies on the ward had pessary a day before me and arent even contracting regularly yet here I am been having regular long lasting contractions for 18 hours and I havent even dilated. :-( I literally cannot move from them.

Their non stop, midwives could even feel how tight they were when they were palpatating my tummy.

Just had some more paracetamol. Been back on the monitor, he seems happy atm, their going to keep a closer check on him now though they said after earlier. Have to take the pessary out at ten past five and then shes going to examine me and pop me back on monitor and decide then weather to give me the gel then or abit later on if I'm still having regular contractions when pessary comes out.

I feel so miserable and hormonal. Feel like bursting out crying at everything.

Oh what a rollercoaster of a day! I’m not surprised you’re feeling emotionally. What you’re doing is exhausting so do be easy on yourself!

hoping that once things get moving they start moving quickly for you, you’ve obviously just made such a lovely home for baby that they aren’t ready to leave just yet x
Nothing new to report really

Still in agony, contractions still one and a half minutes ans lasting well over a minute. Been having blood and discharge everytime I've gone for a wee but no signs of watera going. Although no ones examined me since 1pm yesterday afternoon anyway.

Still struggling to feel baby move cause of contractions being pretty much constant. They want to keep a close eye on him with mentor although tbh I havent been on it as many times as hey said they were going to, they keep putting it off.

Everyone has gone/ is waiting to go upto labour ward that I came in with now, just me sat here in the corner contracting away. Had about two hours sleep, been asking for some paracetamol since half 3, but keep getting pushed to the back of the list. Keep being told how paitent I am. I know what its like working in a hospital ans being constantly nagged but I am starting to feel like I am being left behind now because I havent been making a fuss.
Getting really fed up with the constant pain now and still worrying about babys movements xx
I've told them hes normally l such and active wriggly baby and I just cant feel him at all. They said hes ok though from last monitor at 11pm last night xx
Mumma s instinct knows best @maythe4thbewit if you want them to monitor your baby and give you paracetamol, you kick up a bit of a fuss, you don’t want to get left behind because you are so patient and polite. No one is going to advocate for you but you.
I know. I've just asked her again now. She said shes gone to get them. I'm in so much pain. I've been like his since thursday 10pm. I'm so fed up now xx
I know. I've just asked her again now. She said shes gone to get them. I'm in so much pain. I've been like his since thursday 10pm. I'm so fed up now xx

i wish I could come an ease it for you. Don’t worry your baby will be here soon.
My heartburn has gone through the roof for the past 48hrs, I’m hoping it’s an increase in hormones meaning baby might be on the way soon, I’m. It sure how long I can put up with this I’m so uncomfortable, also been having a lot of period like pains in my back and stomach, nothing regular though.
Mumma s instinct knows best @maythe4thbewit if you want them to monitor your baby and give you paracetamol, you kick up a bit of a fuss, you don’t want to get left behind because you are so patient and polite. No one is going to advocate for you but you.

I'm in t6e monitor now. He looks fine. I am exhausted though and its not picking up my contractions so their keeping me in it longer but I just wanna go to sleep tbh xx
@maythe4thbewit Sorry to hear your having a tough time, hopefully it will hurry up and be over soon! this is the problem with being induced,im so worried ill go thru the same in less then 3 weeks time! How many days has it been for you now? they told me at worst it could take 3 days.
@SugaryIris weirdly enough i get period pains every now and then as well... :/ i do wonder why i get them..
@maythe4thbewit Sorry to hear your having a tough time, hopefully it will hurry up and be over soon! this is the problem with being induced,im so worried ill go thru the same in less then 3 weeks time! How many days has it been for you now? they told me at worst it could take 3 days.
@SugaryIris weirdly enough i get period pains every now and then as well... :/ i do wonder why i get them..

All my Braxton hicks were painless before my show but since then I get period cramps and backache with them.

I am also really ravenous today, I haven’t really had an increased appetite all pregnancy but today, I had a massive bowl of cheerios and then didn’t feel like I’d eaten so had toast after, but I’m still hungry, tried eating some fruit etc but just nothing is touching it!

my emotions are also through the roof, must be my hormones going crazy but I cried because I had to get out of bed, cried eating my Cheerios and cried for a third time because I wanted a cup of tea. Honestly I’m a bit of a mess today!
Hope things start moving along for you quickly @maythe4thbewit, I know all to well how tiring and frustrating it is having a long drawn out labour, I can imagine you are exhausted, don’t be afraid to ask what your pain relief options are if you just aren’t coping any more, there will come a point when they can offer you proper pain relief not just paracetamol xx
To add onto that I found the epidural a godsend, I didn’t even bother with the morphine just went straight to the epi and managed to sleep for the first time in 48 hours, also dilated from 4 to 10 cm without even feeling it xx

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