**May Mummies**

@soffphie it will be for the best so try not to worry! I have my next growth scan on Monday, and if he's still small then I'll be looking at 37 weeks too. Have they given you steroid injections yet or told you to go in for them? If not I would raise the issue with them, to ensure your baby's lungs are strong enough. With the hayfever tabs, I triple checked today with the hospital midwives which ones I can take for the hives I've broken out with, and she said that it's normally Piriton that they prescribe, so you should be ok with those, just don't drive or anything because they will make you drowsy.

I just cant get head around idea of babies small so must come out, wouldnt it make more sense for baby to grow more first? Not heard about steriods. Basically consultant said to me wont be any later then 37 weeks and could be earlier , something about my bloods being bad? and then when i said can i not delay past 37 she said the comment on how they cant force me but would be against strong medical advice as she said babys already suffering as "tiny" her words :( and that body will either make me severely unwell or cut off supply to baby.
Just was such a shock from last time i was in hosp, tho this was a general dr i saw at hosp not a consultant.
I’m so sorry @soffphie what an emotional roller coaster for you, I would be distraught if I was you too. I know what you mean if baby is small it seems counterintuitive to take it out early but if your body is stopping supplying them with the nutrition it needs then it’s for the best xx
@soffphie definitely get back on to them then! If it's 37 weeks at latest, then you definitely need steroid shots, otherwise there will be a good chance that baby will need to spend some time in nicu to help their lungs with being so small. No offense, but this is what annoys me about the care in bigger towns/trusts, so many fine details get passed over. :-(
I hope they take good care you and baby!
@Jetina its so confusing everytime i go to hosp i see a different dr and some r very ott some glance over it, last guy glanced over it so much that he made it seem like it wasnt even pre eclampsia (weird i thought as bp had gone up 10). But so happy i was at idea that it wasnt. Im also beginnig to get very paranoid, i swear last 2 days she hasnt moved as much . Shes stimulated by food still (about to test that again now) but just sessions of movement seem down. But i do think they are making me over think it.
@SugaryIris yeh i hate my body its stupid.
Just catching up on some threads.

I was induced at 37 weeks due to our baby girl measuring small and her thigh bones looked like theyd stopped growing. (I also had gestational diabetes)

I would definitely listen to the experts if they say they want your baby our sooners its going to be more beneficial as they can keep an eye and help your baby grow stronger once they are born.

My little girl was born smaller than the growth scans. Grow scans estimated 5lb 6oz..
She was delivered 37 weeks + 3 days (i was inducted on the Thursday and ended up having an emergency c section on the saturday as she was too small for the contractions and her heart rate kept dropping)
Her birth weight was 5lb 2oz. She is now 7 weeks old on Saturday and weighs roughly 7lb. Havent been able to weigh her probably due to health visitor not coming out because of coronavirus.

The consultants at the hospital will know what is best for your baby. Hope everything goes well x
Hello everyone hope your all keeping well!

Not how I envisioned my day going tbh :?

Had growth scan this morning, baby looking good, good blood flow ans estimated to be 8lb6 at 38+4.

Saw consultant afterwards, bp was a little high, but always is when I see the consultant. Anyway came down to a normal 114/78 after a while and then she said how doni feel about being induced today rather than waiting for next week :D

So I'm currently sat on a small ward, had the first pessary inserted. Now to hope it does something. Will have gel in 24 hours if no change.

Feeling abit sad at being on my own for what could be a week or more. Hope I've remembered everything in my hospital bag. Fingers crossed baby doesn't take ages xx
Hello everyone hope your all keeping well!

Not how I envisioned my day going tbh :?

Had growth scan this morning, baby looking good, good blood flow ans estimated to be 8lb6 at 38+4.

Saw consultant afterwards, bp was a little high, but always is when I see the consultant. Anyway came down to a normal 114/78 after a while and then she said how doni feel about being induced today rather than waiting for next week :D

So I'm currently sat on a small ward, had the first pessary inserted. Now to hope it does something. Will have gel in 24 hours if no change.

Feeling abit sad at being on my own for what could be a week or more. Hope I've remembered everything in my hospital bag. Fingers crossed baby doesn't take ages xx

sorry to sound stupid so are they inducing you right now?
Ah wow. Good luck. Look forward to pics x Yeh they warned me it could take 2-3 days of being in hospital and waiting!

Thanks soff! Yeah they were talking about a c section two weeks ago due to how long t might take but consultant had other ideas today. Hoping its not going to take to light as wont be hine after birth for at least 24 hours as they need check babys blood sugars afterwards too xx
Good luck @maythe4thbewit !!! You’ll be holding your baby soon! I hope the wait isn’t too long!

Thanks lovely! I'm so impatient it's only been 3 hours since they instered the pessary and I'm already getting anxious cause nothing I'd happening :rotfl: even though I fully well expect it to take days as they all keep warning me xx
@maythe4thbewit was ur cervix favourable? She said to me on phone the length of time depends on cerivix, if its really far back could be 3 days.
Are they allowing you a birth partner? I am allowed 1 and 1 visitor 90mns a day.. at present.. just wondered if that 90mns a day is ganna include hubby coming in to see me while we wait sorta thing??
@maythe4thbewit was ur cervix favourable? She said to me on phone the length of time depends on cerivix, if its really far back could be 3 days.
Are they allowing you a birth partner? I am allowed 1 and 1 visitor 90mns a day.. at present.. just wondered if that 90mns a day is ganna include hubby coming in to see me while we wait sorta thing??

No idea about my cervix she didnt say.

Have been having braxton hicks ans on off pain all day, but definitely more regular since about 9pm. Nothing to severe though but fingers crossed. Hubby isnt allowed in untill in in established labour and then has to go home straight after I give birh and isnt allowed back untill it's time to take us home where he has to meet us outside xxx
Bless you @maythe4thbewit every time I’m getting Braxton hicks I think is this it?!? Woke me up a few times last night and I got excited but nothing for a while now. I know it’s still early but I feel like baby is teasing me giving me all these early signs and then not doing anything :rotfl:

will they be giving you a second pessary today? I hope it’s not too much longer before things get moving for you xx
Thanks ladies! @chattychar1990 and @SugaryIris

I've had a very broken 3 hours sleep.

Contractions have been every one and a half mins to two mins and lasting well over 60 seconds since about 10pm last night Have to wait now untill 5pm to be checked which is when the pessary is due to come out. Their then going to examine me ans if need be move onto the gel then.

Pains are very strong now, been gradually ramping up all night. Taking my breath away now.

The poor women next to me has been here for 3 days already, she was ready to go down to labour ward last night at 9pm and have her waters broken but there were no beds or midwives down there to take her down so they couldn't take her. Her waters went in their own around half 12 last night and shes still waiting to go down.

I've just got myself some toast and a banana l, trying to eat it but cant face it because of he pain but know I need too try and eat.

I just want to go home already! X
Thanks ladies! @chattychar1990 and @SugaryIris

I've had a very broken 3 hours sleep.

Contractions have been every one and a half mins to two mins and lasting well over 60 seconds since about 10pm last night Have to wait now untill 5pm to be checked which is when the pessary is due to come out. Their then going to examine me ans if need be move onto the gel then.

Pains are very strong now, been gradually ramping up all night. Taking my breath away now.

The poor women next to me has been here for 3 days already, she was ready to go down to labour ward last night at 9pm and have her waters broken but there were no beds or midwives down there to take her down so they couldn't take her. Her waters went in their own around half 12 last night and shes still waiting to go down.

I've just got myself some toast and a banana l, trying to eat it but cant face it because of he pain but know I need too try and eat.

I just want to go home already! X

oh bless you! Definitely try to eat something, you’ll need your strength for what Is about to come! You’re a strong woman and these waves are just bringing your baby closer to you!

you will be going home soon, with baby in your arms and then this journey you’ve been on for such a long time will be all worth it!

oh, I’m so excited for you xx

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