**May Mummies**

@Jetina great scan photo!

@SugaryIris , your a few days behind me right? My Braxton hicks kicked up a notch dead on 37 weeks. Have them every day now without fail and also getting the period pain and back ache with it. Every day I think is this the day??? Mine are no longer painless either, they take my breath away sometimes, hes dropped into my pelvis too although I couldn't tell as you still wouldnt think I was pregnant looking at me, but midwife could tell at 37+4.

I've had a few nights were my braxton hicks have been every 3/4 minutes and lasting well over 60 seconds, and have gone on for about 4/5 hours sometimes, but then they've stopped and gone away. It makes me think will I know when it starts properly?

How is everyone feeling? I have my next scan/consultant appointment thursday to decide when they will induce or section me the following week. Eeek. Very nervous now.

Colostrum harvesting is going ok, getting about 1Mls worth a day, sometimes more. I've got about 7 and a half syringes in the freezer now so hopefully that will help a little if baba is born with low blood sugars xx
Hey ladies im now on BP meds!! so fun.
Every dr i see at hospital has a different view and i find it so confusing.
I have pushed AGAIN for this scan thats meant to take place tomorrow, and honestly im not ganna keep pushing for it to be booked now - they said it was requested 1st April etc and i know thats true so what else can i do apart from keep reminding them.. ive reminded them 5+ times now and just wont do it anymore fed up of it cant force them to book something.
Also, now gotta do BP at home rather then hosp which i totally get and totally prefer! But now rather then daily, twice a week mon/fri for example.. gah why so little now? i will get a app sent to phone to input data in along with protein stuff i have sticks for.. but again they were apparently sending that to my phone as i left and havent heard anything but have to call if i dont get it thru, ill call about it tomorrow morning probs by looks of it. I know its a hard time etc but cant help but feel a touch frustrated feels like done nothing but be in/out hosp and some of the things not being done are not down to me even tho they tend to say its my job to chase it up and remind them all the time (i do!!) anyway enough of a moan :) hope everyone is well
@Jetina great scan photo!

@SugaryIris , your a few days behind me right? My Braxton hicks kicked up a notch dead on 37 weeks. Have them every day now without fail and also getting the period pain and back ache with it. Every day I think is this the day??? Mine are no longer painless either, they take my breath away sometimes, hes dropped into my pelvis too although I couldn't tell as you still wouldnt think I was pregnant looking at me, but midwife could tell at 37+4.

I've had a few nights were my braxton hicks have been every 3/4 minutes and lasting well over 60 seconds, and have gone on for about 4/5 hours sometimes, but then they've stopped and gone away. It makes me think will I know when it starts properly?

How is everyone feeling? I have my next scan/consultant appointment thursday to decide when they will induce or section me the following week. Eeek. Very nervous now.

Colostrum harvesting is going ok, getting about 1Mls worth a day, sometimes more. I've got about 7 and a half syringes in the freezer now so hopefully that will help a little if baba is born with low blood sugars xx

Wow, sounds like your body is really starting to gear up for it! Not long now until you’ll be holding your baby! I am sure you will know when it starts properly, they will get more intense rather than just tapering off.

I am 37w5d today. I think I lost some of my mucus plug as found some clear jelly in my knickers this afternoon (sorry if tmi) it wasn’t a lot so I’m going to keep an eye and see what happens over the next few days.

DH also came home today and said my belly looked really different, really low and I do think the baby has dropped as I don’t feel like they are up in my ribs anymore.
Wow, sounds like your body is really starting to gear up for it! Not long now until you’ll be holding your baby! I am sure you will know when it starts properly, they will get more intense rather than just tapering off.

I am 37w5d today. I think I lost some of my mucus plug as found some clear jelly in my knickers this afternoon (sorry if tmi) it wasn’t a lot so I’m going to keep an eye and see what happens over the next few days.

DH also came home today and said my belly looked really different, really low and I do think the baby has dropped as I don’t feel like they are up in my ribs anymore.

Thread hopping here but I started losing my mucus plug on the 23rd of December, my waters started going almost exactly 24 hours later and I started getting contractions about 7/8 hours after that. This could be the start of it for you! How exciting! :)
Thread hopping here but I started losing my mucus plug on the 23rd of December, my waters started going almost exactly 24 hours later and I started getting contractions about 7/8 hours after that. This could be the start of it for you! How exciting! :)

thanks hun, I know it can mean it’s imminent but can also still take 2 weeks to start, either way though looks like baby might arrive in April rather than May. Feeling pretty excited now. Tomorrow I better do a last minute organisation check!
Wow, sounds like your body is really starting to gear up for it! Not long now until you’ll be holding your baby! I am sure you will know when it starts properly, they will get more intense rather than just tapering off.

I am 37w5d today. I think I lost some of my mucus plug as found some clear jelly in my knickers this afternoon (sorry if tmi) it wasn’t a lot so I’m going to keep an eye and see what happens over the next few days.

DH also came home today and said my belly looked really different, really low and I do think the baby has dropped as I don’t feel like they are up in my ribs anymore.

I've also been wondering about mucus plug.

I've been having jelly like discharge too for about a week and half ish. Not alot just every one and again.

Hopefully hour babys will come soon :eek:definitely want to avoid being induced if I can.

@soffphie - sorry your hospital seems to be rubbish at getting anything done. What NHS trust are you under? It's why I'm so glad to live where I do now. Last time I was in Birmingham and always felt like I was just part of a processing queue whenever I went to the hospital, whereas now that I'm under NHS Grampian (so far more rural) I get much better one-to-one care, and everyone involved actually listens to me.

I was back in maternity yet again last night, but for completely the opposite reason! Baby had been going absolutely mad non-stop all day, which really isn't like him. They were happy with his ctg though and said it could be a combination of my Braxton hicks and being stressed/anxious making him move more. Midwife said she could literally feel my whole abdomen tightening when I was having Braxton hicks, it's been difficult to tell the difference between them and him stretching out though, apart from when it feels like my hips are being pushed apart. There must be some stress or something going on to be honest, I've started getting hives on my right arm that are super itchy, and can't think what else could be causing them.
@SugaryIris & @maythe4thbewit How Exciting for ya both!! keep us all updated!! :)

@Jetina Im under Milton Keynes Hospital. And just as i was about to write a looong im annoyed post :p the hospital called. Scan today 11.25 and app was sent to wrong email so :)
I get period pains occasionally? they feel like period mixed with ovulation pain. I havent had any very obvious braxton hicks since that one time where it felt like baby had literally dropped in stomach and was superrrr heavy (was so weird)! Glad he is ok :) Our girl was so angry at the CTG monitor yesterday, she apparently had hiccups as they was trying to find her hb & then when they were attaching monitor she was really really kicking at it.. i can imagine her doing her cross face from the 4D scan we had haha.. they said to her please we just need 10 minutes of your time, just made me laugh bless :)

I started my tabs today - labetalol. I do hate having to take medication, already been googling impacts baby / side effects on me etc.! But i hope they work and we can delay birth for as long as possible.! Dr said it should stop my all day headaches as well, which would be great.
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@SugaryIris & @maythe4thbewit How Exciting for ya both!! keep us all updated!! :)

@Jetina Im under Milton Keynes Hospital. And just as i was about to write a looong im annoyed post :p the hospital called. Scan today 11.25 and app was sent to wrong email so :)
I get period pains occasionally? they feel like period mixed with ovulation pain. I havent had any very obvious braxton hicks since that one time where it felt like baby had literally dropped in stomach and was superrrr heavy (was so weird)! Glad he is ok :) Our girl was so angry at the CTG monitor yesterday, she apparently had hiccups as they was trying to find her hb & then when they were attaching monitor she was really really kicking at it.. i can imagine her doing her cross face from the 4D scan we had haha.. they said to her please we just need 10 minutes of your time, just made me laugh bless :)

I started my tabs today - labetalol. I do hate having to take medication, already been googling impacts baby / side effects on me etc.! But i hope they work and we can delay birth for as long as possible.! Dr said it should stop my all day headaches as well, which would be great.

they wouldn’t give you anything where they thought there was a risk to you and the baby so don’t worry about the tablets, just do what the drs tell you, hopefully they help and you can keep baby in there a bit longer!

hope the scan goes well today xx
Hey ladies. scan was good, they said shes still on 5 percentile but its first time on graph i seen the 'dot' above the lowest line (only just but) :) on the estimated stuff says weight is 10% so.. all highest been, was only 6% last time for example. seems to gain just short of a pound every 2 weeks so far.. i dont know if ill have a repeat scan in 2 weeks, i have telephone consultant tomorrw
Hey ladies. scan was good, they said shes still on 5 percentile but its first time on graph i seen the 'dot' above the lowest line (only just but) :) on the estimated stuff says weight is 10% so.. all highest been, was only 6% last time for example. seems to gain just short of a pound every 2 weeks so far.. i dont know if ill have a repeat scan in 2 weeks, i have telephone consultant tomorrw

She is gaining! Yess! Now you are on your bp meds, more blood should get to the placenta and she should be able to gain a little more. Xx
She is gaining! Yess! Now you are on your bp meds, more blood should get to the placenta and she should be able to gain a little more. Xx

Yeh be nice :) not got any initial obvious side effects to meds yet either, only good! I gotta take twice a day

Glad babys gaining. Try not to worry about the chart so much, mines been all over the place on it fluctuating. Hes gained roughly a pound in two weeks normally too. As @SugaryIris says, now your on bp meds she will start getting more from you.

Have my scan/consultant appointment in the morning. Very nervous but excited too, will be getting a date for induction/ c section tomorrow xx

Glad babys gaining. Try not to worry about the chart so much, mines been all over the place on it fluctuating. Hes gained roughly a pound in two weeks normally too. As @SugaryIris says, now your on bp meds she will start getting more from you.

Have my scan/consultant appointment in the morning. Very nervous but excited too, will be getting a date for induction/ c section tomorrow xx

EeeKkk!! I’ll be eagerly awaiting your update! It would be so nice to be told when baby is arriving! Xx

Glad babys gaining. Try not to worry about the chart so much, mines been all over the place on it fluctuating. Hes gained roughly a pound in two weeks normally too. As @SugaryIris says, now your on bp meds she will start getting more from you.

Have my scan/consultant appointment in the morning. Very nervous but excited too, will be getting a date for induction/ c section tomorrow xx

Good luck for today
Hayfever tabs!! need some advice, any ideas whats safe? i defo need them my asthma is quite bad today and endless sneezing/itchy throat happening!!
Hayfever tabs!! need some advice, any ideas whats safe? i defo need them my asthma is quite bad today and endless sneezing/itchy throat happening!!
I believe none are actually safe to taken in pregnancy. They tell you to use salt water nose spray. x
Hey ladies had my telephone consultant and dunno wot to think. Wen i went into hosp tuesday the dr i saw downplayed whole thing and made me feel so hopeful for a 40 week baby.
Consultants basically sed to me its 37 weeks at the latest pos sooner. I was in total shock really. Shes said bp meds im on are not enough and need to be doubled/pos tripled and when i said does it have to be 37 weeks she basically sed to me body will either cut off supply to baby and baby dies or i will be severely unwell. I mean how can u even react.. go in hosp one day and feel like wasting their time etc and now to this..
She said babies already suffering, might be on curve and going up but its tiny etc. Ahhhhhhh :( really wanted to have late as pos due to situation
@soffphie it will be for the best so try not to worry! I have my next growth scan on Monday, and if he's still small then I'll be looking at 37 weeks too. Have they given you steroid injections yet or told you to go in for them? If not I would raise the issue with them, to ensure your baby's lungs are strong enough. With the hayfever tabs, I triple checked today with the hospital midwives which ones I can take for the hives I've broken out with, and she said that it's normally Piriton that they prescribe, so you should be ok with those, just don't drive or anything because they will make you drowsy.

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