**May Mummies**

Looks helpful @SugaryIris !

I've not really looked at much. Had every intention of looking at hypnobirthing seriously, I have a few books and audio tracks that I bought about it but honestly I've barely looked at it :shock: oops.

Had midwife appointment this morning BP was absolutely perfect and urine was clear. Baby seems to have moved into a much better position too and she said hes dropped well down into my pelvis :good: which is better than where he was on the scan last time.

Have another growth scan and consultant appointment next week now where they will decide what to do with me in terms of induction or a C section. Got another 1ml of colostrum yesterday so gonna keep going with that. Hopefully get a decent stash to take in with me whenever LO decides to come out :preg: xx

At last, baby seems to be playing ball and doing what you want him to! It’s so exciting how close we are getting!

I had my appointment with the health visitor today, she did it over the phone due to coronavirus, wasn’t that helpful to be honest, I’ve been doing a lot of my research on baby care anyway so not a lot she could tell me I didn’t already know.
Heyya hope we are all good?
Hospital today for me was meh-
They now want to do daily BP readings, but dont want me coming in/out hospital so have suggested that i have a midwife round daily - the joys! haha.
they are happy with baby and said she doesnt need to be on the monitor every 2 days but i think they intend to do it once a week, along with a once weekly hospital visit for bloods and bp measurings etc.
Full term bump pic, 37w2d this morning, still managing to get away with no backache or swollen ankles etc and I’ve started doing some exercises on my birthing ball. DH says that he thinks the bump has definitely dropped now. Getting so excited to meet my little sprout and find out who they are!!

What a neat bump! I’m very jealous!!

thank you! I guess that’s the perk of baby number 1.

I’m getting major boy vibes from my bump, anyone else got any gender guesses? I’m getting impatient to find out now!
thank you! I guess that’s the perk of baby number 1.

I’m getting major boy vibes from my bump, anyone else got any gender guesses? I’m getting impatient to find out now!

Dont go by bump! Haha. They say smaller is a girl? Meh i dunno tbh. Wen u did scans did you see anything particually obvious wen they perhaps did leg measurements etc? I always found myself peaking trying to see something.
I really love your bump, it actually looks really petite and round so id say girl on that but i really dont think u can go off a bump! :) Im 34 wks tomorrow. Unbelievable really is. I just look fat tbh, not a bump just fat. I dont think ppl would ever look at me and think pregnant more like Fatty
Full term bump pic, 37w2d this morning, still managing to get away with no backache or swollen ankles etc and I’ve started doing some exercises on my birthing ball. DH says that he thinks the bump has definitely dropped now. Getting so excited to meet my little sprout and find out who they are!!

View attachment 90558

Do you have scan piccies for us to guess gender off of?
Bit of a Question myself here.
Wen in hosp Thurs they said i needed daily bp readings but didnt want me coming in cause of Corona and would arrange someone to come and see me.
No one turned up yesterday and looks like im not getting a call or anything today to arrange it either. :( I dont to make a fuss over nothing but at same time wen i do go back for my weekly bloods/bp/baby monitor monday monday they could moan at me for not having said no ones come round.
Theyve also still not booked a growth scan for Weds (i raised this every time i been in) that i feel v much is nec cause i wanna know if baby suddenly stops growing.
I know its a crap time for NHS at the minute so i dont wanna kick up a fuss
Bit of a Question myself here.
Wen in hosp Thurs they said i needed daily bp readings but didnt want me coming in cause of Corona and would arrange someone to come and see me.
No one turned up yesterday and looks like im not getting a call or anything today to arrange it either. :( I dont to make a fuss over nothing but at same time wen i do go back for my weekly bloods/bp/baby monitor monday monday they could moan at me for not having said no ones come round.
Theyve also still not booked a growth scan for Weds (i raised this every time i been in) that i feel v much is nec cause i wanna know if baby suddenly stops growing.
I know its a crap time for NHS at the minute so i dont wanna kick up a fuss

if they said that you need to have your bp measured daily I would call up and chase them, you need to be really carefully monitored so I don’t think they’d think you are making a fuss!
Do you have scan piccies for us to guess gender off of?

This is our 20 week scan, I’ve never peaked or researched as I’ve never been bothered so just curious for a bit of fun really, dh wants a girl but I get boy vibes although I was thinking girl in the first tri when I had awful morning sickness lol

This is our 20 week scan, I’ve never peaked or researched as I’ve never been bothered so just curious for a bit of fun really, dh wants a girl but I get boy vibes although I was thinking girl in the first tri when I had awful morning sickness lol

View attachment 90562

I think looks a bit boyish. But then what do i know!! :)
Id go with your gut feeling thats prob more reliable then my guess haha, but its 50:50 either way n all :)
We have pretty much painted the nursery :)
So pleased with it tbh, its beige and has a chalkboard feature wall. Just going to get a pom pom garland to hang on the chalkboard part - i wanted to make it pastal rainbow colours so pink, yellow, blue but everyone inc hubby is saying pink & white so looks like im outnumbered!
Hubbys just building the chest of drawers - Atlas from mamas and papas. its a lot more off white then i remember tbh, more ash white/grey'ish. Got a very white shelf etc thats the problem! tho the shelf will be behind the door so to speak so not massively in sight so shouldnt look to weird :/
Just got some alphabet winnie the pooh stickers to buy and the name banner/felt thing but that cant be ordered till we see her and have a name :)
Oh and need to order a changing mat, other then that we've had a really good kick up bum to get get a move on with this baby stuff. im 34 weeks so is about time as well realy
Anyone getting any 'heath kit' stuff for babies? I was looking at one with nail trimmers etc. I really cant decide whats best or whats needed!?
Anyone getting any 'heath kit' stuff for babies? I was looking at one with nail trimmers etc. I really cant decide whats best or whats needed!?
Tommee tippee do a health care kit. Can get it on amazon for about £13. I think it’s definitely needed. Everything that comes in the kit you will need eventually.
Tommee tippee do a health care kit. Can get it on amazon for about £13. I think it’s definitely needed. Everything that comes in the kit you will need eventually.

Thank you yeh this is the one i was eyeing up haha
@SugaryIris awwww, that's such a neat wee bump you have, so jealous! Mine's MASSIVE and super tight and heavy.

How's everyone getting on? I'm still having my scans and CTGs twice a week, and now I've got extra fluid on top of everything else going on, but it at least explains why my bump feels so tight and heavy. After my meltdown over the nursery furniture last week my hubby helped me to rearrange stuff that's being stored in the nursery, so now we have the plastic drawer units in there and most of his clothes washed and stored ready. I just need to organise eeeeeverything else he has now. I've been getting a lot of backache this week that radiates round the sides, and not sure what baby is playing at, but it feels like my hips are being pushed apart and I get like a stretch/clicky feeling against my pubic bone.

On a plus, got another amazing shot of my boys face at my scan yesterday.

Hey @Jetina nice to hear your getting organised now. Lovely pic! :)
Im same as i was.. i have the ctg monitor once a week now tho not every 2 days.
I just bought this for her. :) <3 it

Lovely scan @Jetina! Sorry you’re not comfy.

my Braxton hicks have changed today and yesterday they’ve been accompanied by back ache and period cramps and my bump has dropped quite a lot too.

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