**May Mummies**

*think* felt baby experience hiccups? Was very soft but rhythmic, loved it seriously did! Hope it happens again (even tho must be unpleasant for her).

I also had a small freak out few mins ago.. please tell me if anyone else experienced this and what it could be.. my stomach went really hard at top, like to feel, hubby even was shocked. Then it went really heavy (was standing at time) felt like something had dropped to bottom of stomach even tho i could feel baby and she, as far as i know, higher up??

sounds like Braxton hicks to me, I started getting them quite a lot a few weeks ago, good sign that your body is getting ready.

I like hiccups too, it’s like a little hello from the baby.
Tried to harvest some colostrum today ready for bubs and his potentially low blood sugars.

Was very sceptical weather it would work or not especially as I havent had any leaking at all and breasts have not grown even a millimetre! Couldn't get any put by hand but did manage to get a tenth of a 1ml syringe out with my electric breast pump! Very happy with that. Will keep adding to the syringe now for 5 days and then freeze until after birth! :D

any reason why you are harvesting colostrum? I thought there was a risk it could bring on labour? What are the benefits of it?

You’re a few days ahead of me so you must be about 37 weeks! So officially full term!
any reason why you are harvesting colostrum? I thought there was a risk it could bring on labour? What are the benefits of it?

You’re a few days ahead of me so you must be about 37 weeks! So officially full term!

I'm 37+2 now!

The diabetic midwife wanted me to try harvesting colostrum from 36 weeks. Because when bubs is born his blood sugars may be low because of the gestational diabetes and apparently the best thing to raise them is colostrum! So its handy to have a stash ready as your milk womt come in properly for a few days and especially important if you want to try and avoid formula feeding in the first few days. Without colostrum he might need formula or a drip to raise his blood sugars so she wanted me to try and get some ready to take into hospital with me. She said it wont bring on labour but google says different, although he principle works on it releasing oxytocin which can stimulate labour the same as sex apparently so theres a lot of maybe too it.

Quite keen on going into labour before they induce or section me anyway, so at this stage it doesn't matter, hes well over 7lbs now so is already a good weight, heres to hoping xx
Was so unpleasant. Especially the heavyness could hardly walk with it, got very paranoid.
Its first time ive felt anything like it. (the hiccups) Gah its so awesome and i really hope i get to feel it again :) haha. But must be uncomfy for her.

Aww I know I always think he hiccups must be horrible.

Yes they can be uncomfortable, especially as you get further along. Drinking water and changing positions is supposed to alleviate them but that's never worked for me. Mine have become a tad painful over last few days xx
I'm 37+2 now!

The diabetic midwife wanted me to try harvesting colostrum from 36 weeks. Because when bubs is born his blood sugars may be low because of the gestational diabetes and apparently the best thing to raise them is colostrum! So its handy to have a stash ready as your milk womt come in properly for a few days and especially important if you want to try and avoid formula feeding in the first few days. Without colostrum he might need formula or a drip to raise his blood sugars so she wanted me to try and get some ready to take into hospital with me. She said it wont bring on labour but google says different, although he principle works on it releasing oxytocin which can stimulate labour the same as sex apparently so theres a lot of maybe too it.

Quite keen on going into labour before they induce or section me anyway, so at this stage it doesn't matter, hes well over 7lbs now so is already a good weight, heres to hoping xx

Oh I see, that does seem to make sense, at least as you say, you are full term now so if it does bring it on naturally it’s ok and might be better than being induced anyway. Do you know when they will be deciding whether to induce? Must be soon! I can’t believe we will be holding our babies in a matter of weeks now, I’ve only got 3w 2d until my due date. Dh asked me why I was just stroking my belly on the sofa yesterday and I cried and said I’m just ready to cuddle them now.
Oh I see, that does seem to make sense, at least as you say, you are full term now so if it does bring it on naturally it’s ok and might be better than being induced anyway. Do you know when they will be deciding whether to induce? Must be soon! I can’t believe we will be holding our babies in a matter of weeks now, I’ve only got 3w 2d until my due date. Dh asked me why I was just stroking my belly on the sofa yesterday and I cried and said I’m just ready to cuddle them now.
I do this often and I’m only 18 weeks. I’m constantly just rubbing my belly. I feel like it protects my little bubs. Nuts I know :rotfl: xx
Oh I see, that does seem to make sense, at least as you say, you are full term now so if it does bring it on naturally it’s ok and might be better than being induced anyway. Do you know when they will be deciding whether to induce? Must be soon! I can’t believe we will be holding our babies in a matter of weeks now, I’ve only got 3w 2d until my due date. Dh asked me why I was just stroking my belly on the sofa yesterday and I cried and said I’m just ready to cuddle them now.

I am dreading having to be induced the way things are at he moment, could mean I'm in hospital five days on my own before anything happens.

I've got an appointment in 9 days when I'll be 38+4 for them to check his weight and position again, then they will decide weather to induce or go straight for a c section based on that. Either way they said it will be a planned delivery between 39+40. His weight has been fluctuating on his growth chart, but their guessing its bevause hes been in an awkward position at all the growth scans, my blood sugars have been perfect with diet alone so they don't think its because of that, and hopefully his blood sugars will be good when he comes put xxx
@SugaryIris Not all the time, but 90% of time if i touch stomach or stroke it baby reacts in some way, like a kick. I love it.

ive got a bit of a lazy baby, doesn’t move that much, increases more in the evening and at night, but that’s normal for my baby. I wish they would jump around a bit more!
I am dreading having to be induced the way things are at he moment, could mean I'm in hospital five days on my own before anything happens.

I've got an appointment in 9 days when I'll be 38+4 for them to check his weight and position again, then they will decide weather to induce or go straight for a c section based on that. Either way they said it will be a planned delivery between 39+40. His weight has been fluctuating on his growth chart, but their guessing its bevause hes been in an awkward position at all the growth scans, my blood sugars have been perfect with diet alone so they don't think its because of that, and hopefully his blood sugars will be good when he comes put xxx

fingers crossed the scan goes well for you xx
@maythe4thbewit Best of luck with scan
@SugaryIris be interesting to see if you have a lazy baby when born. I only say this as when i was in hospital i overheard them discussing how a lazy baby in womb ended up being active and visa versa. Quite interesting.

With me my BP today was actually normal. I find this so confusing. I mean overal ive had a good day today that might be why.. i sometimes find myself doubting i have pre eclampsia thats all.
Anyone know what the difference is between a normal sanitary towel vs a maternity pad? (getting hospital bag bits ready!) :)
@maythe4thbewit ive heard that holding baby’s things, looking at pics and listening to baby noises/then cry can help when pumping so might help with your colostrum harvesting xx
@maythe4thbewit ive heard that holding baby’s things, looking at pics and listening to baby noises/then cry can help when pumping so might help with your colostrum harvesting xx

I had a great go last night! Had a really warm bath beforehand and used a hot water bottle supposed to be good for circulation. And got about half a 1ml syringe worth in about and hour!:dance: which is considerably more than the day before. Im happy with that. If I could get that amount every day it would be amazing. Xxx
I had a great go last night! Had a really warm bath beforehand and used a hot water bottle supposed to be good for circulation. And got about half a 1ml syringe worth in about and hour!:dance: which is considerably more than the day before. Im happy with that. If I could get that amount every day it would be amazing. Xxx

great news! Hopefully now you’ve started to get it, it should come a little bit easier! Xx
Well that’s it! I’m officially finished with work! 37 weeks tomorrow and I’ve got 3 weeks of annual leave before my mat leave officially starts. It’s come just in the nick of time as I think this week many of my colleagues will be furloughed/made redundant due to the virus.

I’ve been getting more and more excited about labour too, baby has definitely dropped into the pelvis even dh said to me today ‘why is the baby so low down now?’ I’ve been practicing my up breathing and my down breathing, id recommend you YouTube down breathing, she says to practice when you poo, I was a little constipated and you feel a bit silly but omg it’s made a massive difference so even if it doesn’t work for labour at least I can go to the loo a bit easier now!

Hope you’re all doing well
Do you have a link to the video?
Has anyone found any birthing classes online
This is for down Breathing:

This is for up breathing:

I haven’t seen any online birthing classes but as I’m hypnobirthing I haven’t looked to be honest x
Looks helpful @SugaryIris !

I've not really looked at much. Had every intention of looking at hypnobirthing seriously, I have a few books and audio tracks that I bought about it but honestly I've barely looked at it :shock: oops.

Had midwife appointment this morning BP was absolutely perfect and urine was clear. Baby seems to have moved into a much better position too and she said hes dropped well down into my pelvis :good: which is better than where he was on the scan last time.

Have another growth scan and consultant appointment next week now where they will decide what to do with me in terms of induction or a C section. Got another 1ml of colostrum yesterday so gonna keep going with that. Hopefully get a decent stash to take in with me whenever LO decides to come out :preg: xx

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