**May Mummies**

Planning on buying a nursing bra, nipple cream and some washable nipple pads this weekend :) I dont want to buy anything to previous incase i dont need it. Theres a chance ill have a c section now so dont want to buy spritz for bitz till i know where stand on that etc. I have seen some Palmers cocoa butter nipple cream which is very reasonably priced.
Bra im finding quite hard to find, mostly cause of size i need i think? and again looks like i probably wont need any actual maternity clothes. but ive come to accept that now and suppose saves money n all :/

To add, im thinking get a breast feeding cover/scarf?
im not that keen on the nursing tops i seen and not sure if strictly needed? a lot of them also are maternity with a lot of 'bump' space not something i particually need...
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@soffphie - try simply be for the nursing bra if you're a bit bigger up top like me. Boots own version of spritz for bitz is same stuff just cheaper. It's supposed to be really good for helping with healing and stopping itching etc once your dressing comes off. For clothing I've gone with vests and loose fitting tops, so can do the one up one down thing.
I was recommended to get a Couple of night time feeding bras to begin with, ones with a bit of stretch as they cover multiple sizes. Your boobs won’t change size immediately at birth and they should cover you until they settle down on a size a few weeks after. I got mine fro
M&S but my sister got hers from George and I think most stores do them.
@Jetina I got a sort of deal off Natural Birthing company. 2 bottles for £15, i stopped shopping looked elsewhere and they sent me a email for 10% off so in end 2 bottles for £13.50 with delivery. Bottoms up.
I need 38H bra size -_-

@SugaryIris any reason why a night time bra? I always intended just to let um out at night lol :)

I think for nursing stuff im in two minds over a coverup/scarf? Not keen on nursing ones as they seem to be maternity ones with lots of give around stomach and i can just see it sat there sagging as i dont have that much of a bump. :/ Not sure if i should wait and see if bump does get bigger or not..? (re buying nursing tops)
Im more concerned now about how long ive got left, i also felt quite unwell today. Stood for 10mns or so chatting to a neighbour and come over v v dizzy and just felt so unwell this afternoon. However i do feel fine now.
@soffphie aye that's the boots one, so much cheaper than the other brand that does spritz for bitz. Pretty sure you'd get bras that size from simply be, i needed a 42 DD. Also they're not underwired and are the ones that unclip at the strap for feeding, so great any time of day including bed. You'll want to wear something in bed to keep breast pads in place, otherwise you'll leak everywhere.
@soffphie aye that's the boots one, so much cheaper than the other brand that does spritz for bitz. Pretty sure you'd get bras that size from simply be, i needed a 42 DD. Also they're not underwired and are the ones that unclip at the strap for feeding, so great any time of day including bed. You'll want to wear something in bed to keep breast pads in place, otherwise you'll leak everywhere.

Thank you. Ill look on simplybe as well :) I didnt even think about leaking over night! ill make sure to get a night one then. :)
Also for tops, I’ve just ordered some vests to wear under my normal clothes, that way you can’t lift up your top and just breastfeed but still be covered x
Hi All, hope you don’t mind me joining the chat. I’m Laura, I’ve joined this website as feeling pretty anxious so thought it may help!! My official due date is actually June 11th as I’m carrying twins however I lost one of my twins recently so is stillbirth so my due date will be 20th May to deliver my growing healthy boy. Xxxx
Also for tops, I’ve just ordered some vests to wear under my normal clothes, that way you can’t lift up your top and just breastfeed but still be covered x

seems like a good plan looking at the options.
Hi All, hope you don’t mind me joining the chat. I’m Laura, I’ve joined this website as feeling pretty anxious so thought it may help!! My official due date is actually June 11th as I’m carrying twins however I lost one of my twins recently so is stillbirth so my due date will be 20th May to deliver my growing healthy boy. Xxxx

oh I’m so so sorry to hear you lost one of your babies, of course you are welcome, hoping you aren’t too anxious for the remainder of your pregnancy xx
Hi All, hope you don’t mind me joining the chat. I’m Laura, I’ve joined this website as feeling pretty anxious so thought it may help!! My official due date is actually June 11th as I’m carrying twins however I lost one of my twins recently so is stillbirth so my due date will be 20th May to deliver my growing healthy boy. Xxxx

Welcome x
Woken up from my nap with a God awful headache (fairly standard at the mo tho).
Times like this im like another 4 weeks of this i dunno if i can do it
Hi All, hope you don’t mind me joining the chat. I’m Laura, I’ve joined this website as feeling pretty anxious so thought it may help!! My official due date is actually June 11th as I’m carrying twins however I lost one of my twins recently so is stillbirth so my due date will be 20th May to deliver my growing healthy boy. Xxxx

Of course your welcome here!

So sorry to hear xx
Hi All, hope you don’t mind me joining the chat. I’m Laura, I’ve joined this website as feeling pretty anxious so thought it may help!! My official due date is actually June 11th as I’m carrying twins however I lost one of my twins recently so is stillbirth so my due date will be 20th May to deliver my growing healthy boy. Xxxx

So sorry for your loss, but glad your wee boy is doing well. Having been through stillbirth myself, I know there is nothing we can say that will make things better, you just need to stay strong for your boy. xx
Evening ladies! I'm in complete meltdown today, it's been a turbulent few days and things are just getting worse.
So after having my 2nd steroid injection yesterday, we went shopping for bits so I could make a start on getting my hospital bag ready. By bedtme I realised I hadn't really felt him move since leaving the hospital, apart from one stretch out, so back I went at 10:30 at night. They were happy with everything and we got back and to bed by 1am. I woke at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep, and then they wanted me back in at 10:30 this morning for another ctg to be on the safe side, again they were happy with it. Thankfully I've felt a bit more movement since leaving there today, but I'm back there tomorrow anyway for my fluid/cord scan which I'll be having every few days along with ctg's. Hopefully my own consultant will be as proactive tomorrow as the locum one I saw was!

To top all of this off, because we realised our boy could be here before the month is out, we went to order his nursery furniture so everything doesn't stay in boxes and bags. We had gift cards for B&Q specifically to help pay for the wardrobe and chest of drawers, but when I went to order it wouldn't let me. Spoke to customer services and the guy was so abrupt with me! I understood when he said that they can't have 2-man/over 25kg deliveries, but there was no need for him to be so sharp about it when he could hear I was getting upset when explaining our predicament. It really tipped me over the edge, thank god for my amazing hubby though, he always manages to help me see straight. So we're looking at temporary solutions like plastic drawers etc for now, plus we have a sideboard in the nursery where the cot will go eventually, it was supposed to go up for sale but obviously we can't do that right now, so we may as well make use of it. My mind is so frazzled right now trying to figure everything out.
Evening ladies! I'm in complete meltdown today, it's been a turbulent few days and things are just getting worse.
So after having my 2nd steroid injection yesterday, we went shopping for bits so I could make a start on getting my hospital bag ready. By bedtme I realised I hadn't really felt him move since leaving the hospital, apart from one stretch out, so back I went at 10:30 at night. They were happy with everything and we got back and to bed by 1am. I woke at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep, and then they wanted me back in at 10:30 this morning for another ctg to be on the safe side, again they were happy with it. Thankfully I've felt a bit more movement since leaving there today, but I'm back there tomorrow anyway for my fluid/cord scan which I'll be having every few days along with ctg's. Hopefully my own consultant will be as proactive tomorrow as the locum one I saw was!

To top all of this off, because we realised our boy could be here before the month is out, we went to order his nursery furniture so everything doesn't stay in boxes and bags. We had gift cards for B&Q specifically to help pay for the wardrobe and chest of drawers, but when I went to order it wouldn't let me. Spoke to customer services and the guy was so abrupt with me! I understood when he said that they can't have 2-man/over 25kg deliveries, but there was no need for him to be so sharp about it when he could hear I was getting upset when explaining our predicament. It really tipped me over the edge, thank god for my amazing hubby though, he always manages to help me see straight. So we're looking at temporary solutions like plastic drawers etc for now, plus we have a sideboard in the nursery where the cot will go eventually, it was supposed to go up for sale but obviously we can't do that right now, so we may as well make use of it. My mind is so frazzled right now trying to figure everything out.

I get how you feel totally. Since whole pre eclampsia ive suddenly realised that at some point when i go to hospital there could be that time where its progressed, im admitted and giving birth :( terrifies me.

I asked my hospital yesterday about a birthing partner, am allowed one. Theyve recommended i have a back up so that if for some reason hubby has corona i can have a back up. Im ganna elect my mum but she lives 1.5hrs away. Im ganna ask for a letter or similar saying shes allowed to travel should the need arise. Never know right , horrible lock down could be all over by then but i just want to be safe not sorry
*think* felt baby experience hiccups? Was very soft but rhythmic, loved it seriously did! Hope it happens again (even tho must be unpleasant for her).

I also had a small freak out few mins ago.. please tell me if anyone else experienced this and what it could be.. my stomach went really hard at top, like to feel, hubby even was shocked. Then it went really heavy (was standing at time) felt like something had dropped to bottom of stomach even tho i could feel baby and she, as far as i know, higher up??
*think* felt baby experience hiccups? Was very soft but rhythmic, loved it seriously did! Hope it happens again (even tho must be unpleasant for her).

I also had a small freak out few mins ago.. please tell me if anyone else experienced this and what it could be.. my stomach went really hard at top, like to feel, hubby even was shocked. Then it went really heavy (was standing at time) felt like something had dropped to bottom of stomach even tho i could feel baby and she, as far as i know, higher up??

That's hiccups! Mine hiccups alot, has done since about 25ish weeks. I feel sorry for him sometimes because it happens a few times a day.

Sounds like Braxton hicks soff! Mine started about 27 weeks I think and have gradually gotten more regular and more intense.

Last two weeks I've had them pretty much every day. Night before last thought it might be something as they were every 9 mins for about 4 hours but then went away. Had them every day since but not in a pattern xxx
Tried to harvest some colostrum today ready for bubs and his potentially low blood sugars.

Was very sceptical weather it would work or not especially as I havent had any leaking at all and breasts have not grown even a millimetre! Couldn't get any put by hand but did manage to get a tenth of a 1ml syringe out with my electric breast pump! Very happy with that. Will keep adding to the syringe now for 5 days and then freeze until after birth! :D
That's hiccups! Mine hiccups alot, has done since about 25ish weeks. I feel sorry for him sometimes because it happens a few times a day.

Sounds like Braxton hicks soff! Mine started about 27 weeks I think and have gradually gotten more regular and more intense.

Last two weeks I've had them pretty much every day. Night before last thought it might be something as they were every 9 mins for about 4 hours but then went away. Had them every day since but not in a pattern xxx

Was so unpleasant. Especially the heavyness could hardly walk with it, got very paranoid.
Its first time ive felt anything like it. (the hiccups) Gah its so awesome and i really hope i get to feel it again :) haha. But must be uncomfy for her.

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