Try not to worry
@soffphie , they'll be keeping a really close eye in you now to make sure all is well with you and baby.
Hope everyone is ok today.
Havent been in here in a while and been so busy with everything going on at the moment. The world has gotten crazy.
Had my growth scan today, 36+4 now, baby was in awkward position again, and so couldn't get accurate measurements like usual. Hes had a huge growth spurt (still not as quite as big as they were predicting from the 28 week scan though), hes gone from the 75th percentile on last two scans back up to almost the 90th percentile. Weighing in at 7lbs2oz already, now they are concerned hes to big compared to last time where he was too small.
All sugar levels have been perfect so they've said it's not that. Consultant said another scan at 38+4 and if hes weighing 9 or 10lbs then she wants to schedule a c section for 40 weeks and not bother with induction. Abit shocking as I thought plenty of people had normal 9lb births. She said shed rather him be bigger than smaller though, but that she doesn't like his large fluctuations in weight hes had over the past few scans.
My blood pressure was borderline too, and a trace of protein in urine so CM is coming round to the house tomorrow to check it.
Hope everyone is doing ok? X