**May Mummies**

@SugaryIris 32 weeks
@Jetina Very hard not to worry

They make me feel very paranoid about baby ive woken up just now and im like omg move move move!!!
Try not to worry @soffphie , they'll be keeping a really close eye in you now to make sure all is well with you and baby.

Hope everyone is ok today.

Havent been in here in a while and been so busy with everything going on at the moment. The world has gotten crazy.

Had my growth scan today, 36+4 now, baby was in awkward position again, and so couldn't get accurate measurements like usual. Hes had a huge growth spurt (still not as quite as big as they were predicting from the 28 week scan though), hes gone from the 75th percentile on last two scans back up to almost the 90th percentile. Weighing in at 7lbs2oz already, now they are concerned hes to big compared to last time where he was too small.

All sugar levels have been perfect so they've said it's not that. Consultant said another scan at 38+4 and if hes weighing 9 or 10lbs then she wants to schedule a c section for 40 weeks and not bother with induction. Abit shocking as I thought plenty of people had normal 9lb births. She said shed rather him be bigger than smaller though, but that she doesn't like his large fluctuations in weight hes had over the past few scans.

My blood pressure was borderline too, and a trace of protein in urine so CM is coming round to the house tomorrow to check it.

Hope everyone is doing ok? X
Try not to worry @soffphie , they'll be keeping a really close eye in you now to make sure all is well with you and baby.

Hope everyone is ok today.

Havent been in here in a while and been so busy with everything going on at the moment. The world has gotten crazy.

Had my growth scan today, 36+4 now, baby was in awkward position again, and so couldn't get accurate measurements like usual. Hes had a huge growth spurt (still not as quite as big as they were predicting from the 28 week scan though), hes gone from the 75th percentile on last two scans back up to almost the 90th percentile. Weighing in at 7lbs2oz already, now they are concerned hes to big compared to last time where he was too small.

All sugar levels have been perfect so they've said it's not that. Consultant said another scan at 38+4 and if hes weighing 9 or 10lbs then she wants to schedule a c section for 40 weeks and not bother with induction. Abit shocking as I thought plenty of people had normal 9lb births. She said shed rather him be bigger than smaller though, but that she doesn't like his large fluctuations in weight hes had over the past few scans.

My blood pressure was borderline too, and a trace of protein in urine so CM is coming round to the house tomorrow to check it.

Hope everyone is doing ok? X

that is strange, all of my sisters have had babies above 9lbs and these were delivered naturally without issue, we just have big babies!
I’m guessing it’s more to do with your diabetes then just giving birth naturally to a large baby.
Best to be safe than sorry I say x
Can i just get an opinion from ladies on here on buying a nursing bra now? I havent had to buy any new clothes or bra thru out this entire pregnancy, looks like i never will regarding maternity jeans etc...
I cant see my boobs suddenly growing but who knows? It hasnt been said to me but from what ive read its unlikely i will be going over 37 weeks of pregnancy (may 6th ish). They have mentioned a emergency delivery but this is when it gets severe. I dont know how essential or not a nursing bra will be? Feeling like i need to get some bits together now- but i also do not want to buy a bra that may not fit IF for some reason my boobs do suddenly explode in size.
@chattychar1990 @SugaryIris

I'm so confused about it, they all keep telling me the diabetes is fine because my blood sugars are all within range and is still diet controlled, so I dont understand why they would do a section rather than induce me. It was all abit fast earlier and should have in hindsight asked these questions. Xx
@maythe4thbewit - I'll be honest here, if you baby is going to be over 10lb, go with the section to be on the safe side. My son who was stillborn 12 years ago was 10lb 13oz, and I ended up with a 4th degree tear. I won't go into detail on here, but I do still have problems now as a result. I never had GD, even though I was tested over and over, and the post mortem said that he had features typical of coming from a diabetic mother.

@soffphie - Mine grew quite early on, so I got some maternity bras that doubled as nursing bras. If you're planning to breastfeed then you might want some so that they can be unclipped easily for feeding and you have something to hold breast pads/catcher shields in place.

I'm just back from hospital with reduced movements yet again. Typically the little rascal went crazy while I was on the monitor. I swear this kid is going to give me a heart attack by the end of this pregnancy. I felt so daft going in again, but was reassured that I did the right thing, even with an anterior placenta. Always best to be on the safe side. The midwife gave me some great tips for sleeping on my back whilst easing the pressure on the artery down my back, they use it for women in labour that want to lie on their back so going to try it tonight.
@Jetina girl did this to me as well couple days ago. Midwife asked me how baby movements were today and i said oh a bit more quiet today but thats normal.. wen got to hospital they thought i was there not just cause of pre eclampsia tests but cause of movements.. anyway she moved tons. They said youve had 12 in 30mns or something like that, was a lot.

I felt a bit better this afternoon 2-9pm rule staying in tact. Decided to go walk dogs on playing field, i took it easy as i have been told bed rest, anyway it just made me feel so unwell again - cant believe how much it wiped me out and how just unwell i felt.
@maythe4thbewit - I'll be honest here, if you baby is going to be over 10lb, go with the section to be on the safe side. My son who was stillborn 12 years ago was 10lb 13oz, and I ended up with a 4th degree tear. I won't go into detail on here, but I do still have problems now as a result. I never had GD, even though I was tested over and over, and the post mortem said that he had features typical of coming from a diabetic mother.

@soffphie - Mine grew quite early on, so I got some maternity bras that doubled as nursing bras. If you're planning to breastfeed then you might want some so that they can be unclipped easily for feeding and you have something to hold breast pads/catcher shields in place.

I'm just back from hospital with reduced movements yet again. Typically the little rascal went crazy while I was on the monitor. I swear this kid is going to give me a heart attack by the end of this pregnancy. I felt so daft going in again, but was reassured that I did the right thing, even with an anterior placenta. Always best to be on the safe side. The midwife gave me some great tips for sleeping on my back whilst easing the pressure on the artery down my back, they use it for women in labour that want to lie on their back so going to try it tonight.

@Jetina I'm so sorry that must have been an awful experience! I didnt mean to come across as being against sections, in fact I was half expecting the LO to still be transverse with movements over been feeling, but hes head down and in a funny position.

I just didnt understand why they would go straight for a section instead of being induced first when midwife and diabetes team have been saying that it wont effect the birth and I should try for a natural one. So I was just abit confused then today when consultant said shed want a section over induction if baby was 9 or 10lbs. His estimated weight at 40 weeks is supposedly going to be 9lbs7oz xx
Does anyone else just want to stay pregnant?
I dunno since who pre eclampsia i realised really at any time i could be not pregnant anymore
No more kicks or singing getting a response etc. no longer feeling them in that way etc.
Made me feel really sad as i sat here thinking about it. I hope i can have another 5 weeks. I know its not been a great pregnancy for me with HG and now this, and God this is just making me feel so unwell, but at same time i dont want it ending.
I’m the opposite @soffphie, I have loved being pregnant and I have had an easy one, but I do miss feeling like myself so I am ready to be more again and not just an alien spaceship, lol
I’m the opposite @soffphie, I have loved being pregnant and I have had an easy one, but I do miss feeling like myself so I am ready to be more again and not just an alien spaceship, lol

Its a strange one isnt it. Cause mines been horrible, honestly my mums said to me 100x this has got to be your only baby cause youve had such a horrible pregnancy (lol) i do agree with her, at same time im a bit gutted, say our financial situation drastically changed etc - now with both HG and Pre Eclampsia and a previous miscarriage its like.. maybe not again even if something ever did drastically change.

i am genuinely ganna miss this pregnancy tho, more feeling the baby then anything. how weird its going to be to not feel stomach jab/punch etc, ive gotten so used to it now its normal. Im probably just one of these weird ones that would rather keep baby inside for as long as possible vs meeting them (lots of people tend to want to just get them out and meet them haha)
@soffphie - nope, don't want to stay pregnant at all! It's taken such a toll on me, and even though I know it's because of a combination of things like my weight and age, I still told hubby not to expect any more!

This morning has been productive, so I'm happy. Mattress for the crib arrived and fit perfectly. Moved all the baby stuff out of the spare room to paint the feature wall, didn't realise just how much there is! Pic shows everything in the mother-in-laws bedroom except the crib and pram. The wall is a dark navy blue and will have a Harry Potter decal on it, it looks odd at the moment because it was bright green underneath from when Hubby's nephew had the room.

babystuff1.jpg babystuff2.jpg babystuff3.jpg
wow @Jetina now I feel very underprepared!

I'm really struggling to know how much clothes I will need when the baby arrives. I think I have enough but I'm not sure. My family has big babies, normally above 9lbs so I'm reluctant to buy too much newborn stuff as there is a good chance it won't even get worn if I have a baby the same size as them.
wow @Jetina now I feel very underprepared!

I'm really struggling to know how much clothes I will need when the baby arrives. I think I have enough but I'm not sure. My family has big babies, normally above 9lbs so I'm reluctant to buy too much newborn stuff as there is a good chance it won't even get worn if I have a baby the same size as them.

I've been buying stuff bit by bit from pretty much day 1 because it's all had to come from my student loan. There's a lot there from charity shops too, like the big stuff on the floor and quite a lot of the clothes.

I have quite a lot of newborn stuff, but now it's looking like I'll need more tiny baby stuff after today's stuff. That big positive bubble I was in this morning has well and truly popped. I went in for my scan because they like to do a growth scan within 72 hours of being in for reduced movements. Baby has dropped from the 50th centile at 30 weeks to 5th centile today at 32+4. I was taken up to the maternity ward and have had to start steroid shots incase he needs to be delivered early. The duty consultant came to see me and explained that I'll need to have another shot tomorrow, then my normal consultant appointment on Monday, then have my fluid and cord checked every few days. I'll then have another scan at 34 weeks, and if he's still below the 10th centile line then they'll be booking me in for my section early, so could be looking at 36 weeks. I'm feeling so anxious about it all now, I just want what's best for him, but so scared too because I really couldn't go through another stillbirth.
I've been buying stuff bit by bit from pretty much day 1 because it's all had to come from my student loan. There's a lot there from charity shops too, like the big stuff on the floor and quite a lot of the clothes.

I have quite a lot of newborn stuff, but now it's looking like I'll need more tiny baby stuff after today's stuff. That big positive bubble I was in this morning has well and truly popped. I went in for my scan because they like to do a growth scan within 72 hours of being in for reduced movements. Baby has dropped from the 50th centile at 30 weeks to 5th centile today at 32+4. I was taken up to the maternity ward and have had to start steroid shots incase he needs to be delivered early. The duty consultant came to see me and explained that I'll need to have another shot tomorrow, then my normal consultant appointment on Monday, then have my fluid and cord checked every few days. I'll then have another scan at 34 weeks, and if he's still below the 10th centile line then they'll be booking me in for my section early, so could be looking at 36 weeks. I'm feeling so anxious about it all now, I just want what's best for him, but so scared too because I really couldn't go through another stillbirth.

Do they know why hes dropped so much?
Mines on 5th percentile and has been since 30 weeks, theyve not discussed steroid shots etc ..?
I know my drs have been hopeful to get to 37 weeks but it seems clear to me its a If but thats cause of pre eclampsia instead of because babies small?
Do they know why hes dropped so much?
Mines on 5th percentile and has been since 30 weeks, theyve not discussed steroid shots etc ..?
I know my drs have been hopeful to get to 37 weeks but it seems clear to me its a If but thats cause of pre eclampsia instead of because babies small?

They haven't made any suggestions, but I was reading up on it and possible causes include previous stillbirth, bmi and being over 35, so it's like the odds were stacked against me. Baby seems happy and healthy, it's literally just his size they're concerned about. They said that as my first growth scan was a bit small, it's likely that my second where he jumped up in size wasn't accurate, plus the fact that the second was done by someone different.
They haven't made any suggestions, but I was reading up on it and possible causes include previous stillbirth, bmi and being over 35, so it's like the odds were stacked against me. Baby seems happy and healthy, it's literally just his size they're concerned about. They said that as my first growth scan was a bit small, it's likely that my second where he jumped up in size wasn't accurate, plus the fact that the second was done by someone different.

Ah, they always say not to google :)
So they may induce earlier because hes small? Theyve said that to you?
Im also feeling on edge about baby since whole diagnosis etc. Always been really relaxed with her but now im on edge.
I’m not surprised you ladies are on edge, talk of inducing early and small babies it’s such a worry! You want to keep them inside to keep them safe and nurture them but sometimes it’s just not what is for the best. I hope you both get some proper answers soon so you can start making proper preparations for them xx
@soffphie - it was an nhs document about intrauterine growth restriction, so should be trustworthy. It at least gives me answers where the hospital don't.

@SugaryIris - aye I wasn't so bad before, just really vigilant with movements because it was the first thing I noticed when things went wrong last time. I know it'll be for the best, it's just scary to think that I could have him here by the end of the month!

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