**May Mummies**

Busyish week with baby this week. Just hoping get some good news.
Midwife tomorrow - need to discuss a few things i think.. like these headaches, now new very infrequent but annoying, dizziness (feels like im ganna fall over) its very infrequent but there.. and this extreme tierdness i am having - im only functional 3pm-8pm at the moment rest of it im just either battling a headache or damn tierd! Or a mixture of both :/

Then 1st April got the deciding scan, is baby just small or is there a placenta issue.. please just be small! i really dont need pre eclampsia and a possible 37 week baby born etc, not now!
Busyish week with baby this week. Just hoping get some good news.
Midwife tomorrow - need to discuss a few things i think.. like these headaches, now new very infrequent but annoying, dizziness (feels like im ganna fall over) its very infrequent but there.. and this extreme tierdness i am having - im only functional 3pm-8pm at the moment rest of it im just either battling a headache or damn tierd! Or a mixture of both :/

Then 1st April got the deciding scan, is baby just small or is there a placenta issue.. please just be small! i really dont need pre eclampsia and a possible 37 week baby born etc, not now!

I wouldn’t wait till your appointment to discuss these with your midwife, I’d give her a call now, dizziness and headaches could be blood pressure related, better to be safe than sorry.

Good luck for your scan, is baby still moving well? If so, hopefully means they are just a petite little baby, luck you! They stay smaller and cuddlier for longer
I wouldn’t wait till your appointment to discuss these with your midwife, I’d give her a call now, dizziness and headaches could be blood pressure related, better to be safe than sorry.

Good luck for your scan, is baby still moving well? If so, hopefully means they are just a petite little baby, luck you! They stay smaller and cuddlier for longer

Hiya yeh baby moves fine, same as ever. Since i started using kick count bracelet ive noticed its typically a period of movement every 1/2 hrs. :)

Regarding headaches etc. I have midwife tomorrow so should be ok to leave and discuss then?
I sed to DH, have a listen to stomach here - tell me if you can hear heartbeat, was intrigued to see if he could tbh.. anyway he went to and baby kicked him on in the ear apparently, aw little moments like this make ya forget all rubbish going on outside
I sed to DH, have a listen to stomach here - tell me if you can hear heartbeat, was intrigued to see if he could tbh.. anyway he went to and baby kicked him on in the ear apparently, aw little moments like this make ya forget all rubbish going on outside
You wouldn’t be able to hear a heartbeat just by putting ear to belly would you?!
Funny that the baby kicked oh though haha
You wouldn’t be able to hear a heartbeat just by putting ear to belly would you?!
Funny that the baby kicked oh though haha

No idea tbh, i thought i read somewhere you can very late on in pregnancy but yeh was very funny :)
I know dogs can, I think I read somewhere the man can if they use a stethoscope or something. My dh was convinced he used to be able to hear the baby ‘swimming around’ when it was smaller, I didn’t have the heart to tell him I’m pretty sure it was just my body/my digestion track, it made him feel closer to the baby so I just let him keep enjoying it.
I know dogs can, I think I read somewhere the man can if they use a stethoscope or something. My dh was convinced he used to be able to hear the baby ‘swimming around’ when it was smaller, I didn’t have the heart to tell him I’m pretty sure it was just my body/my digestion track, it made him feel closer to the baby so I just let him keep enjoying it.

Definately if you use a stethoscope. Know this cause when i had a bleed at 10 weeks with this one the dr who saw me tried to hear hb with one and said he couldnt but how that was very normal this early on in pregnancy
35+5 and the exhaustion is starting to get me, i was expecting a physical exhaustion but it’s mental, I’ve got such a foggy brain, I can barely make it through work anymore (one week left to go tomorrow). Yesterday I tried to make sausage mash and beans and almost burnt the house down because I am so tired, then I climbed on the worktop to try to open a window and hurt myself (bump was fine a few mins later so nothing major) and just stood in the kitchen crying. DH was not very happy with me.

I’m so lucky I’m not struggling with back pain etc but I’m struggling with this. How is everyone else doing?
Hi @SugaryIris im 32 weeks since week 31 ive had some intensifying symptoms as well.
Tierdness is off the wall, my work has finished now (but i dont start mat leave till April 20th). Schools closed etc.
I really am not functional till afternoon and its for a few hours a day 3-9 ish, rest of the day crap, just crap, getting increased headaches as well. Ive taken 3 paracetamols so far today for headaches. Ganna raise all this with midwife today in a few hours time.

Hope youre well soon.

@Jetina @maythe4thbewit @SugaryIris
was ganna ask does anyone kick count and/or notice anything with baby movements? Id say mines every 2hrs a series of movements. Overnight i have little movement.
Hows everyone elses? I know all babies are different but is interesting :)
Hi @SugaryIris im 32 weeks since week 31 ive had some intensifying symptoms as well.
Tierdness is off the wall, my work has finished now (but i dont start mat leave till April 20th). Schools closed etc.
I really am not functional till afternoon and its for a few hours a day 3-9 ish, rest of the day crap, just crap, getting increased headaches as well. Ive taken 3 paracetamols so far today for headaches. Ganna raise all this with midwife today in a few hours time.

Hope youre well soon.

@Jetina @maythe4thbewit @SugaryIris
was ganna ask does anyone kick count and/or notice anything with baby movements? Id say mines every 2hrs a series of movements. Overnight i have little movement.
Hows everyone elses? I know all babies are different but is interesting :)

I don’t count but baby seems to be pretty still in the day unless I eat, then they jump about from about 7pm till bed time and again in bed first thing in the morning x
I had a weird day today, happy birthday to me, lol. Ended up hospital on a monitor due to headaches/dizziness, midwife basically sent me packing 10mns into appointment -_-, They seemed to give me impression that we will know if i have pre eclampsia tomorrow, based on bloods and scan. One dr gave me hope tho and said she thought it was quite late to have pre eclampsia and that worst case its just developing.
Baby is crazy tho- heartbeat goes between 130-150. Bless her!!!
Based on blood results i have to go to ADAU tomorrow 1hr before scan. I really am getting anxious about all this now. :'(
Based on blood results i have to go to ADAU tomorrow 1hr before scan. I really am getting anxious about all this now. :'(

I hope tomorrow goes ok hun, try to relax as much as possible for baby’s sake xx
Based on blood results i have to go to ADAU tomorrow 1hr before scan. I really am getting anxious about all this now. :'(
So sorry you're going through such a tough time, what is AUDA if I may ask?
I hope there is nothing to worry about!x
Based on blood results i have to go to ADAU tomorrow 1hr before scan. I really am getting anxious about all this now. :'(

Hope everything goes well, it's always best to be on the safe side though!
I have a midwife appointment this morning, and when she called me yesterday to talk about it she was ready to cancel just because I coughed. I had to explain that I cough a few times a day, but nothing persistent, it;s just my body trying to clear crap from my throat because I've had so many takeaways lately.

My SPD has been getting really bad, to the point I ended up borrowing crutches from someone local yesterday because walking around was almost impossible. Even sleeping on top of a folded duvet doesn't make much difference. Super painful in my groin, hips and down my legs no matter what side I lie on, and when I try to turn round in bed I get pain searing through my pelvis and everything crunches. I gave in last night and ended up sleeping on my back for a good chunk of it (which I know I shouldn't do), and lo and behold, I can walk and with far less pain, as well managing to get out of bed without screaming in pain. Think I'm going to see if I can find a way to prop myself up so I can sleep on my back.
Not good news got pre eclampsia. Mild currently. Lots to think about
Not good news got pre eclampsia. Mild currently. Lots to think about
I wouldn't worry too much at this point, you'll be monitored really closely, and if it gets worse or there are any worrying signs then you'll be induced to stop you developing eclampsia.
Not good news got pre eclampsia. Mild currently. Lots to think about

how far along are you soffphie? Try not to worry, it’s better to know now they can keep an eye on you and baby xx
Hope everything goes well, it's always best to be on the safe side though!
I have a midwife appointment this morning, and when she called me yesterday to talk about it she was ready to cancel just because I coughed. I had to explain that I cough a few times a day, but nothing persistent, it;s just my body trying to clear crap from my throat because I've had so many takeaways lately.

My SPD has been getting really bad, to the point I ended up borrowing crutches from someone local yesterday because walking around was almost impossible. Even sleeping on top of a folded duvet doesn't make much difference. Super painful in my groin, hips and down my legs no matter what side I lie on, and when I try to turn round in bed I get pain searing through my pelvis and everything crunches. I gave in last night and ended up sleeping on my back for a good chunk of it (which I know I shouldn't do), and lo and behold, I can walk and with far less pain, as well managing to get out of bed without screaming in pain. Think I'm going to see if I can find a way to prop myself up so I can sleep on my back.

I was in agony too, then I stopped working in the office and miraculously it stopped! Must have been the office chair. Have you got a birthing ball? You could try sitting on that, that’s supposed to help with these pains too. I never found sleeping with things between my legs helped, just made it worse for me.

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