**May Mummies**

Odd that they want to cancel/move it.

The whole of the UK's antenatal services are still running and stressing the importance of attending antenatal appointments. My hospital is still running and I have a large outbreak in the local area as I am in a city and and we have had a few deaths in the hospital too. My echocardiogram has been cancelled but all antental appointments are still going ahead.

I agree with @chattychar1990 any one with the virus will be in a completely different part if the hospital no where near maternity services. On top of that, youcould literally catch it in a shop/supermarket at this point well, literally anywhere. So I dont see the reluctance of going to an important appointment.

Yes measurements cant change but nhs scans look for SO SO much more than measurements as I said before. Measurements arent everything, there is so much more to check.

In fact he RCOB has advised pregnant women not go book private scans atm, as you are more likely to catch it there than at an nhs hospital. They have also stressed the importance of going to antenatal appointments.

Obviously its upto you, I just dont understand why you are would risk not going opposed to the risks of going.

I've got another growth scan/consultant appointment tomorrow at the hospital with a large outbreak and a few deaths and I will 100% be going. They are very important appointments. If they werent the NHS would advise not to go to them xx

Thanks i am probably going to attend scan but they have phoned me to cancel the Consultant appointment.

Ya know pregnancy nightmares right? Honestly dreamt got it and died basically and was put down to "underline health conditions" never saw the baby or anything. Just playing on my mind a bit
Thanks i am probably going to attend scan but they have phoned me to cancel the Consultant appointment.

Ya know pregnancy nightmares right? Honestly dreamt got it and died basically and was put down to "underline health conditions" never saw the baby or anything. Just playing on my mind a bit

Strange that they have cancelled the consultant appointment but not the scan. The whole point of a growth scan is that you get to discuss with a consultant or midwife afterwards. Pretty pointless just having a scan as you wont find out anything as the sonographers just write a report for further discussing. All they tell you is that babys fine, head down weight so so ect. Have they rescheduled the consultant appointment? Very odd.
Strange that they have cancelled the consultant appointment but not the scan. The whole point of a growth scan is that you get to discuss with a consultant or midwife afterwards. Pretty pointless just having a scan as you wont find out anything as the sonographers just write a report for further discussing. All they tell you is that babys fine, head down weight so so ect. Have they rescheduled the consultant appointment? Very odd.

I have had a follow up call a hour or so ago and again and was to confirm i can do it via telephone tomorrow :)
Im pleased went to scan. I got to have another done 2 weeks as baby is apparently small/under weight. I had to wait to see a consultant about this and its either baby is just small & nxt scan will show that OR placenta isnt working right and i have preclempsia. :(
Wondering why gained so much weight now with none of it basically being baby, dissappointed with body once again.
Im pleased went to scan. I got to have another done 2 weeks as baby is apparently small/under weight. I had to wait to see a consultant about this and its either baby is just small & nxt scan will show that OR placenta isnt working right and i have preclempsia. :(
Wondering why gained so much weight now with none of it basically being baby, dissappointed with body once again.

It could just be a small baby, nothing wrong with a small baby if they are healthy. When is your next scan? They can’t be too concerned about pre-eclampsia just yet, have you got any other symptoms like high blood pressure?
I had a dream that baby is coming early, woke up in a panic like I need to finish packing the hospital bag right now! It is basically done just needs assembling and to put baby clothes in.

34 weeks today, I’d prefer it if you didn’t come a few weeks early, baby, the world is too crazy, stay in self isolation for as long as possible.
It could just be a small baby, nothing wrong with a small baby if they are healthy. When is your next scan? They can’t be too concerned about pre-eclampsia just yet, have you got any other symptoms like high blood pressure?

Hi no i dont have high bp. Every urine test ive had tho has protein in.
He has said i need another in 2 weeks time and showed me how it would look on graph if its pre eclempsia or just a small baby.

What stuff are you putting in your hosp bag?
Hi no i dont have high bp. Every urine test ive had tho has protein in.
He has said i need another in 2 weeks time and showed me how it would look on graph if its pre eclempsia or just a small baby.

What stuff are you putting in your hosp bag?

I’ve mainly followed the nhs list for packing my hospital bag, all of the lists on line are pretty much the same. Finished it this morning just need some snacks to go in it now.
I had a telephone consultant appointment. Didnt expect it since saw guy yesterday, anyway was a lady & she apparently didnt have copy of graph so made me read out measurements and %s she then went where on graph is baby.. and i was like underneath all 5 lines not even on it. Made me wanna cry tbh.
Repeated same Qus as other consultant. Do i get movements? Do i smoke (i dont) bla bla repeated there will now be a rescan done 2 weeks time.
Feels like a LOT is going on at the mo & a lot to worry about - coronavirus now this.. I just really hope babys just a small baby!
So glad you went to your scan Sophie as you would never have known that the baby was on the small side and that you needed an extra scan.
Just goes to show that private scans are useless when it comes to measurements etc. They are only good for seeing baby on the screen some extra times. x
So glad you went to your scan Sophie as you would never have known that the baby was on the small side and that you needed an extra scan.
Just goes to show that private scans are useless when it comes to measurements etc. They are only good for seeing baby on the screen some extra times. x

Yeh its cause Private only take head and leg whereas nhs took 3 extra ones. I just hope babies just small and not a issue with placenta. When i look at 23 week scan the %s are higher up like 50ish % whereas this time highest was 40% for head rest 10-11%
Theyve told i need to be extra vigilent for movements etc. Just making me feel a bit paranoid.
Sorry for random message here.
I am feeling so anxious and worried at the moment feel like something bads ganna happen , i dunno why!
Anyway also on phone to consultant she mentioned the other reason i was referred was cause of what i did in August after miscarriage, bought it all back. Now im really worried i have my perfect girl and somethings ganna go really horribly wrong like im ganna have preclempsia and she will die or ill get corona and she will die its making me feel really down and depressed tbh today :(
Sorry for random message here.
I am feeling so anxious and worried at the moment feel like something bads ganna happen , i dunno why!
Anyway also on phone to consultant she mentioned the other reason i was referred was cause of what i did in August after miscarriage, bought it all back. Now im really worried i have my perfect girl and somethings ganna go really horribly wrong like im ganna have preclempsia and she will die or ill get corona and she will die its making me feel really down and depressed tbh today :(

I don’t think she meant that she thinks something will go wrong, it’s just that they want to take extra care of you to ensure that your mental health is ok. Depression in pregnancy is a thing as well as post natal depression so they will want to make sure you’re ok.

I’m really anxious too given everything that’s going on in the world but try to take some time to relax, do a little yoga or some breathing exercises. Every mum and baby is different and you are perfectly designed to carry your baby. Trust in you, you’ve gotten so far already, maybe you’ll just have a petite baby, that’s ok.
@SugaryIris Thank You.
Yeh I have now decided ill go into Isolation! means no more work etc. Found this a really sad thought, tho work hasnt been the same for 2 weeks + now I cant believe work is basically officially over! Ill be on SSP for next 4 weeks and then go on Mat leave from 20th April.

I think im just in a bit of shock over whole possible pre elempsia thing..I know its only possible thing but its made me very on edge now, just as i start allowing myself to love something. Like with other one i loved it from the start and it died, just feel like now ive allowed myself to love this one, and tbh its taken a long time for that to happen, its like somethings ganna happen.
Feels like there is a LOT going on at the mo been quite tearful all yesterday and this morning
On the good news I am well excited that the pram we ordered back in Dec is now arriving Monday!! (we was going to collected but decided delivery was best) Cant Wait to see it tbh! x
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Had 34 week midwife this morning, she was a bit short with me because I still couldn’t tell her that baby’s movements were regular and said I need to call the hospital every time they aren’t. But some days I feel them all day and the next I don’t. I figured it just depends on where they are sitting.

I’ve also been having Braxton hix all day, I called the maternity helpline and they said to monitor for another 6-8 hours and if not painful or accompanied by blood or waters going it’s not likely to be preterm labour. I think it’s actually anxiety, I just feel really anxious today and I just can’t shake it.
Had 34 week midwife this morning, she was a bit short with me because I still couldn’t tell her that baby’s movements were regular and said I need to call the hospital every time they aren’t. But some days I feel them all day and the next I don’t. I figured it just depends on where they are sitting.

I’ve also been having Braxton hix all day, I called the maternity helpline and they said to monitor for another 6-8 hours and if not painful or accompanied by blood or waters going it’s not likely to be preterm labour. I think it’s actually anxiety, I just feel really anxious today and I just can’t shake it.

I know im about 4 weeks behind you but i dont have a pattern at all really either. Isnt like more active morning, evening etc just i would say generally active. seems silly for your midwife to be angry that you didnt know a set pattern, mine said oh its a naughty baby then basically!!
Id say its likely your anxiety re the pains. I get that as well when i get really stressed or wound up i get really bad cramps
Morning ladies, I keep meaning to catch up with things on here but just been so tired. Sleep is becoming a distant memory at the moment, if it's not my sciatica playing up it's acid reflux forcing me to go sit upright out of bed. Baby's been a little bugger, was getting lots of strong movement to the point that it can get quite painful, my belly has been feeling so big and stretched that I'm convinced it'll burst at any moment. Yesterday I wasn't feeling much movement at all, so went to lie down while hubby and me watched my belly. We spotted movement but I wasn't feeling it, so figured he was behind me placenta again. Got tonnes of squirming last night when I was sat up with reflux, then nothing this morning. Had something sugary (an excuse to have chocolate at 7am, haha) and he hasn't stopped since. He's been kicking right down in the foof recently too, and there's so much pressure that I'm getting paranoid I'll push him out when I go to the loo! I'm so ready for this pregnancy to be over already. 7 weeks and counting till my C-section!

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