May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I did buy my first pink bits today tho just hope she's still a pink one at my 20 week scan and they didn't get it wrong lol


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That's a beautiful name, nikki.

Some good boys names on here. I like a lot of boys names that begin with L, but I refuse to name my child with an L name. I'm one of 5 LLLs in my family. We like a lot of biblical names and old names. I want something not so common, and preferably a name that works well in both Dutch and English. We have time though.

I found the flu jab a breeze, but then again, I don't have any reaction to it. If I hear the lady correctly at Boots, it includes the swine flu vaccine too. The needle is so small I didn't even bleed. But I have no issues with needles. I'm a watcher, always have been. I also love getting a tattoos. I'll be getting one for this baby as soon as I am able.

I am soooooo tired and have a headache because of it. I should probably be going to bed earlier than I do, but there is just so much to get done. Just 10 workdays left until the break! I can't wait.
Exciting! The first and only thing we've bought is a green owl money box, for any monies we get for it :)
Nikki I love the name you have chosen, is that a definite or a short listed name? I can't believe so many of you are agreed on names, I have a feeling we are going to be one of those couples who have an unnamed baby for weeks after they are born!

Leigh I love Oliver and Willow. My flu jab didn't hurt but I did get a huge lump on my arm afterwards and couldn't sleep on it for a week! I've never had the flu and I think my body thought WTF is this?!

I also like to sleep on either my front or my back. I can't sleep on my side at all, my boobs are too big and it hurts my back. I'm sort of sleeping on my front but twisted a bit so I'm not fully on my front if that makes sense.

Lisey those are nice and jazzy, you are right I do indeed like the green and blue ones :)

I've also not seen my actual midwife yet, I think I should do in Jan but who knows.
Leigh, the name Oliver was always on my list, but my sister names her youngest Oliver. I real shames as it's one of the names my dw and I completely agree on.

I'm always seeing a different midwife. My hospital has teams based on where you live in the area. You always have mw appointments with someone from that same team. It'll be interesting to see how it differs when I switch hospitals. My next mw appointment is scheduled from 16 Feb, but that is after we move. I'm not sure how the changeover will go. It's quite a trek between the new flat and old. I'll need to register with a local GP and get things sorted as soon as I can after completion, but I don't know if the new hospital would be able to schedule my mw appointment for around that time on a shorter notice.
okay so the flu jab didnt hurt lol but have they stopped wiping your arm with stuff before they inject you?

just waiting for the lump to appear lol

just had a flake yogurt for being a good girl obv not cos i fancied chocolate haha

i cant wait to start buying ! holding off till i know what to get, ive only bought a tiny pair of converse but they were for my reveal x
Snowbee, I didn't have a name for 6 weeks!! I am surprised we have a name as we never agree on names but we did on this one so knew it was meant to be. Would be a different story for boys names as we didn't agree on any.
I have ordered the pink and orange blanket, thought was nice and bright :) xx
How long is it before you have to register them? Wondering how long we will have to choose! My grandparents had the same problem with my uncle, they got to the deadline and still hadn't picked a name, so my grandpa went off to register him and just chose a random name! When he got back my Nan said so what is he called then lol!
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Lol crazy! I couldn't do that lol I'd need to research every name from every angle lol
Hubby has just had a huge ego boost. Someone came to our door selling doors (sorry but we have one thanks! ) and asked if his mum or dad was in lol
I think it's 6 weeks snowbee. They left it til the last minute with me. There was a few names that my dad wanted, thank goodness he didn't get them!!
Ery, I have people ask me that before lol. "Is your mum or dad in?" In patronising voice. I secretly love it but come on, I am in my thirties. People do often think my son is my brother xx
Lol I know right my husband got id-ed buying superglue for our sons project lol and I got id-ed for buying sherry! Sherry! the teenagers binge drink of choice :wall2: I'm 31 soon lol middle aged!
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Oooh my app says at 18 weeks we should start side sleeping to avoid restricting blood flow. After a quiet few days Lil crumpet has started dancing to my son's music lol. Least I know I have another little rocker cooking! Lol
Noone has asked me that for years! I am old though...! When I was about 25 I was going somewhere with my dad and he asked me to pop in to the newsagent and get him a lottery ticket, they asked me for ID (I sure looked older than 16!) and I didn't have any so I had to leave and get my dad to go in haha.

My sister (who looks older than me) does her food shopping online, they came to the door with her shopping and refused to deliver without an adult present! She was fuming as she lives on her own and is disabled and they wouldn't leave her any food and she couldn't go out and get any either! She was over 30 at the time and has since changed who she shops with.
That's harsh! Lol when I was pregnant with my son I got so many comments about being a teenage mum and how disgraceful it was I was 22! And been with my then boyfriend now husband 6 years! If anything I was slow lol
I always start off asleep on my side but I do often wake up on my back with my arms above my head!

Lol I always fall asleep first and hubby has taken to gradually through the night manoeuvring himself so that around 2am his elbow rests on my forehead and wakes me up lol.

I too start on my side and end up on my back. But I know for either my bday or yule I'm getting a pregnancy pillow can't blooming wait!!!
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Hi, sorry but feeling the need to vent :( Just drove home from work in tears after the day from hell which I wont go into details about but had me feeling like quitting or getting signed off for a period of time. I feel really bad as on the whole they are such a great bunch of people to work for. But after a catalogue of what I feel were disasters the day was topped off by being informed one of the patients I dealt with last week potentially has MRSA! That with a stinking cold and an episode of almost fainting hasn't left me in the best of fettles! Do I need to speak to my midwife or am I being neurotic about potentially being exposed to a superbug? thanks in advance for any replies x

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