May mummies and rainbows to be :)

they put mine as anterior after my gender scan.

my little girl will be aria Elizabeth :)
its so hard trying to find a name you both like! think i might buy a baby name book once i know if its an Arthur or a Martha

oh ill have a look in my notes cant say they mentioned it
Dovekie, that's gotta suck. I get cramping on the out upper thigh sometimes. I,m normally a back and belly sleeper. I've had to stick a support pillow at my back to make sure I don't roll onto it at night. I was doing that up until 16 wks when I started using the pillow. I also use one to snuggle with now that allows me to not be fully on my side, but somewhat stomach/side. Don't know how long that'll las though.

I'm asleep most night by 10.30. I'm dead by then. I'm waking up at 4.30 nearly every morning, and it's getting annoying. It's an awful time. I could deal with 2am, but 4.30 is 1-1.5 hours before my alarm. It makes it harder to get up. I might just start staying awake at that time, but then I'd imagine I'll be tired by 9.30.

Yes, I usually like sleeping on my belly too. I'm also using a pillow to lean against, so that I'm not so directly on my hips. I still wake up early due to achey hips though.

You lot have late nights. Sometimes I'm in bed by 7! However, that usually means I'm awake too early the next day.
no not yet Betty! the 21st for us! still wishing my life away haha

we havent even really spoke about names, just that the boy will have my OH middle name James which was also his dads middle name, and a girl i would like to have his mums first name Marie (shes no longer alive)

so far we have

Charlie James,
Toby James,
Oliver James

Willow Marie
Lily Marie

but we haven't settled on anything yet

Weirdly, my dad's name is James, so we'd probably go with that for a middle name if it's a boy. My boyfriend's mother's name is Marie (pronounced marry), so that's an option for a girl's middle name too!!
I had to call up the nearest hospital midwife unit to see if I have a midwife yet, I don't, so it's looking like I won't get a 16 week appointment. The only thing I'm missing is having a listen in to the heartbeat which I've been told isn't that important. Feeling pretty peeved and tired of being let down by the NHS now, I just want to look forward to milestones and have the same care as others in the UK. Good job I'm a tough cookie. They did however have a look on the system as I was worried about having to go through all the faff of booking myself another scan for 20 weeks and I have a 20 week scan already on there for 5th Jan. So at least I can look forward to that. Xx
I had to call up the nearest hospital midwife unit to see if I have a midwife yet, I don't, so it's looking like I won't get a 16 week appointment. The only thing I'm missing is having a listen in to the heartbeat which I've been told isn't that important. Feeling pretty peeved and tired of being let down by the NHS now, I just want to look forward to milestones and have the same care as others in the UK. Good job I'm a tough cookie. They did however have a look on the system as I was worried about having to go through all the faff of booking myself another scan for 20 weeks and I have a 20 week scan already on there for 5th Jan. So at least I can look forward to that. Xx

I haven't got a midwife. I went for my 16 week check-up today and saw a different one to last time. Next time I'm going to a different place, closer to home, so it may well be a different midwife again! I had to ask for a listen to the heartbeat as they don't offer it, just in case they can't find it and it worries you. I heard it, thankfully :)

Oh, I've been told to carry on taking the pregnacare to make sure I get enough vitamin D.
At least you don't have that faff to worry about! Do you gave a doppler to listen yourself? That was my biggest regret with my son. So was determined to get one this time and make a recurring soon too.
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oh Betty the NHS are failing you big time! hope you get things sorted!

Dovekie how strange :)
I didn't get that it was just sore to lie on like a bruise
oh man dreading it - already tried to cancel it as i think im getting a cold, they said if i have a temp i cant have it so im gunna get them to check before they stab me
(I had a cold when I got mine but I was too determined to get it lol if it wasn't then I would have bottled it lol)
I didn't even feel it. Needles are nice and thin these days. Just relax your arm and forget what's happening - over in seconds.
Betty, you're not missing much with 16 week appointment. Mine wouldn't even listen to heartbeat. I wasn't too bothered as I have a doppler. The appointment was a bit of a disappointment really xx
my oh is driving me nuts again every day he comes home in a bad mood he can't be bothered with anything he sits on his phone all night it drives me mad

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