May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I get the gush all the time lol normally happens when I'm out or at work! always feel so wet lol

hope you get your boiler fixed soon leigh!

had my observation today at work for college all done now till next year thank God! hate having them!
hope it went well for you Nikki!

needs another new circuit board wont be fitted till tomorrow failing that a new boiler next monday! Landlord says we can shower at his thats just weird in my mind lol

yea mine was just as i stood up, dont know if the thrush cream is making things worse yuk!
Lol I thought showering at your landlords was just for people who can't pay the rent..... :whistle: :rofl: sorry I have tri2 brain :blush:

Anyhooooooo lol

Hope it all went well for you nikki :D
yeah I think so girls thanks trying to finish my course before baby comes lol
What course are you doing Nikki?

Ery haha at your cm! After having loads to start with I've not got that much at all anymore. The biggest issue with 'gushing' I've got now is after dtd... I suppose my cervix is closed so there is nowhere for it to go and when I stand up it all runs out again... Nice!

Hope your boiler is fixed soon Leigh. Our boiler is fine but our heating is knackered and isn't being fixed until Feb. Luckily hot water is fine and we have borrowed some plug in radiators (god knows how much our electric bill is going to be!). I'm going to buy two more today so I can put them in our spare rooms for when my parents and sister come to stay at Christmas. My sister was funny, she wanted to know if she was going to lose her room when baby gets here! She has special needs so sometimes things get in her head and she goes over the same thing again and again.
aww bless your sister! i can live without heating but not hot water you take having a shower and a bath for granted!

im suffering with indigestion really badly, everything i eat or drink is effecting me! and i hate the texture of the gaviscon tablets they have prescribed me!
I'm doing my level 3 in childcare at the moment it's long though lol
I would really really struggle to live without a shower. Luckily my FIL's girlfriend lives just down the road from us and offered us the use of her shower when we thought it was a boiler problem and we would have no hot water. So it is nice to know we have a back up plan now!

When do you think you will finish Nikki? Before little one arrives?
They gave me gaviscon liquid. Much better but not the aniseed one the peppermint one is best!

Snowbee do you find after dtd (and you don't have to answer lol) I get like a huge glob of stuff. First time it happened I thought it was part of my mucus plug and got freaked out but it's happened every time so I'm guessing it's nothing too serious lol.
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I really don't know I'm trying to get it finishes by April but if I can't they can give me a 6 month break when the babies born and then I can carry on but want to get it finished before if I can
Ery it is definitely his stuff that is coming back out of me, it comes out when I stand up, so I'm trying to get up afterwards and hold it in until I can get to the toilet! TMI but his is usually quite runny so it just sort of runs out... Nice!
Kabuk I can't believe you're still bleeding. Must be a constant worry :( hope it stops soon xx

Me and oh have only dtd twice since I found out I was pregnant! I feel quite bad about it but I just don't want to!

So after feeling better sickness wise I'm dealing with new issues. The last couple of days my hips have been aching and my back aches quote badly lower down. Does anyone else get this? It kept me awake last night as if I need less sleep than I'm already getting! I also have a monster of a headache thats making me feel quite ill.

But on the plus side I got sent a Christmas jumper from oh mum that she knitted, it's actually brilliant! Xx
Wow Ery- I'm opposite. My hair is straight when short and curly/wavy when long. I've gone short as I like my morning workouts and it's so much easier to deal with.

Thanks, Betty. Aww, Christmas jumper, love them.

Nikki, how did your observation go? I teach secondary, but am looking to switch to primary after the baby comes. I've even considered childcare/nursery work. My dw's boss would probably pay to set up an in house childcare unit that I could lead, it's an idea everyone is loving as many are getting ready to start a family. Good luck. Hope you're able to finish by April.
I have done the level 3 childcare. Kabuk, I really don't recommend nursery. Primary is so much easier, there are so many requirements with the eyfs. Lots and lots of paperwork. I would never go back to that age again. Some obv don't mind it though, I love the age group but I found I was spending more time filling in forms and writing observations than I was spending time with the children which isn't right. There is so much emphasis on assessment and observation, getting silly now with all the requirements in the job. Plus all for rubbish pay xx
Thanks for the tip lisey. I'm more interested in primary and talking to friend who is head of a primary in Manchester about the transition. I've been thinking about it since my 2nd primary placement when I did my PGCE. I love yrs3-5. I also love ks3, but there aren't any middle schools in London. I have a real isssue with the age range of secondary schools here. Nursery only came up as my dw's company are considering opening an inhouse crèche.
Years 3 tob5 are lovely. They are the age group I have been with over the last couple of years. Really nice age to work with xx
I work in a pre school kabuk so 2-5 year old and I agree on the paperwork there is so much it really takes time away from the children. I am trying to set up as a childminder at the moment though just while the baby is young so I can still work and earn some money
I don't understand this obsession with paperwork. Sometimes I miss the days of bein an au pair. I really enjoyed that.

After the baby comes I'm thinking of doing primary supply work so I can work part-time and get experience in primary school. It'll go a long way to convince one to hire me. At least I'm an English and literacy specialist, so that's a massive point in my favour.

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