May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I haven't had my flu jab need to have the whooping cough one as well think that's after 20 weeks tho
i was advised to get my flu jab when i had my last scan so i best already had cold once this pregnancy and feel a bit snuffly now
I had my flu jab a while ago (I had a bit of snuffles but I always seem to have very mild snuffles like tmi a thin really crusty film of gunk in each nostril that won't blow it has to be picked lol but ibe had this for as long as I can remember. I think it helps my immune system coz I hardly get ill touch wood!)
Not looking forward to the next jab. For some reason my needle phobia is worse when they are putting stuff in me rather than taking my blood!
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I've given up on trousers completely. I'm now in fleece lined pregnancy leggings and dresses, permanently! I have had some issues with the waistbands on leggings though. They're so tight and don't feel comfortable above or below the bump. I went up another size and now they're a bit too loose - can't win!
Hope everyone's alright I keep popping in. Overall pooing myself because I could feel baby and now it's gone quiet. I have the hospital on Thursday so I'm hoping they will listen in xx
Mine has quiet days too xjdx I'll probably listen in tomorrow. Anyone else having the reflux heartburn cone back with a vengeance? I'm having a bath tonight after our earlier talk so I'm going to down some gaviscon first and lie with my head nearest the loo just in case (I've made that mistake before with my head at the opposite end lol didn't end well. And I definitely did not feel cleaner when I left the bath lol)

Going to my friends wedding on Sunday. And as she's been busy we completely forgot to tell her our news until last week lol its so weird when a friend goes.... you look pregnant and you go I am.... it's a surreal moment lol.

Annnnnd I actually look OK without makeup what the hell is going on there lol. I usually have red blotches on my cheeks from my excema and my lips are so pale I look like I'm about to pass out. But I actually look like an airbrushed version of myself lol. Except for the massive hair that always seems to be on my chin even an hour after I pluck it it's back wagging at me :rofl:

I hope all is well on Thursday xjdx x x x
I've had my flu jag and have my whooping cough jag tomorrow , midwife advised whooping cough after 16 weeks for me may be because I'm in Scotland it's different? I'm not sure xx
I've had some heartburn issues, but only in the evening. I've become a bit stricter with my tea time, making sure that I've eaten before 8pm. This gives me a couple of hours in the upright position to digest. It's helped. I try to eat even before 7pm, but that isn't always possible.

Wish this bleeding would stop. I had a very small clot come out this evening. It was a first. I can still find the baby's hb and I'm pretty sure I was feeling the little bean earlier today. The bleeding just keeps my nerves on edge a bit.
oh kabuk are you still bleeding? must be so worrying for you :( I'm finally in the bath and then I can sit down. doing my level 3 in childcare at college and got my assessor coming in to observe me tomorrow and I'm dreading it
I had my flu jab a while ago, they said I had to wait until after 20 weeks for whooping cough so baby benefits, I'm booked in to get mine at 24 weeks as I don't want a sore arm over Christmas if it is like the flu jab which I couldn't sleep on for a week!

I think I felt little one again last night and maybe this afternoon. I think he is going to be like my oh and be an evening person!

Kabuk that must be so worrying, I hope it stops for you soon.
Quite often you feel them more at night ciz during the day your movements lull them to sleep so they wake at night. Also you're more relaxed and less preoccupied so more likely to notice lol.
just looking at my app and baby is currently about 13cm long and then at 20 weeks they measure head to toe so they jump to 25cms! that's quite big considering its only 3 weeks away lol
My app says we may feel hungrier around now so must be a growth spurt lol
Kabuk, I hope the bleeding stops soon.
I always feel bubs more in eve, through odd one in the day now but only when relaxed.
They haven't mentioned whooping cough to me yet but I know it's for later on in pregnancy. Will ask my 25 week appointment xx
yeah mine says that as well lol think I've been hungry the whole way through! 25cms is quite big tho can't wait to be half way!
Thanks, all. Yep, still bleeding. The only reason they said it could be is the low placenta sitting partially on my cervix. My next scan isn't until the 29th, which feels like ages away. Kinda wishing we booked a private gender scan now, but oh well. It's the way it comes out. I can feel when I will bleed, so it rarely ends up on the panty liner, but is does just have this flow out when on the loo. Level of activity doesn't seem to have any impact. I thought it was going away after it subsided a bit over the weekend.

Hope everything goes well tomorrow nikki. Observations are always nerve racking.

I had the flu jab. Wanted it as early as possible as it takes 2 weeks to take full effect. I can't remember when I'm suppose to get the whooping cough one- I'll have to check my notes. Flu jab was a breeze, but I don't really have any side effects and it's only a little stiff that evening. The anti-d injection, now that wasn't pleasant- a little burn and then a stiffness for a few days.
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thanks kabuk I can't wait will it's done
I have to book my whooping cough after 20 weeks
So I thoroughly freaked mystlf out this morning. Ive bot felt baby move for a day or two. Then I couldn't find Lil crumpets hb on the doppler for ages then I could but it sounded far away. So I panicked and then started thinking horrible things. Gah I've been so positive. But I got in a flap now I feel silly!
Science head has now engaged and it's probably fainter due to it being further back and if it's further back I probably can't feel it cOz it's not making as many movements near the front. It all ties in... but Gah what a blooming panic.
these babies never stop worrying us lol I haven't felt mine move for a couple of days now but my placenta is at the front can't wait for stronger movements so I can feel them all the time and stop worrying

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