May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I've grown tired of looking at maternity clothes being displayed on size 0 clearly non pregnant women how is that at all related to what I'm going to look like in it. ... can't even work out how some will fit over a bump lol. I hope I'm not to knackered to go lol.
I got some cream for thrush but the pharmacy won't give it to you when your pregnant so you might have to go to the doctors hun I suffer with cystitis so constantly feeling uncomfortable
And boooooo about no hot water I couldn't cope. I'm struggling with the feeling clean coz I can't have showers coz they make me feel faint and baths make me feel sick so I'm on stand up sink washes lol.
Like this..... I mean..... how??? I couldn't fit in this at 7 weeks never mind 35 weeks lol


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My midwife said cream and pessary are fine in pregnancy. I would be a bit worried about the pessary though. Maybe don't use applicator. She did say would have to call doctor to prescribe though. Mine didn't turn out to be thrush in the end.
Hope your day gets better nikki, I had awful day yesterday. Was happy to go to bed.

Has anyone had sciatica before? For a couple of days I have had pain around back of hip and when I sleep I wake up with really uncomfortable feeling all down back of legs? I have never had it before so don't know if that's what it is? Xx
first time ive had it this pregnancy and i just cant seem to shift it hate feeling unclean! feel like i need to sit in the bath till it goes, but i read baths make it worse!

i need to start looking at maternity clothes, im still in my size 8s at the minute.

oh no ery thats horrible! hope you manage to get a bath or shower soon! i felt awful not having a propa wash in 4 days just washing out the sink with a kettle full of water!
thats a bit of false advertising Ery lol!

Lisey, i suffer with it, and im okay most days just when im driving or at too long! mines from a car crash last year and i trapped a nerve in my back which comes out occasionally but then will get trapped when im sat. was told to stand one leg on a step and swing my other leg back and forth to try and pull it out (im not sure if that makes sense)
I'm not sure I would be safe to do that as I get dizzy if I stand too long as heart rate goes too high. Is that what yours feels like?
I don't think baths make it worse but perfumed products do so no bubble bath or scented shower wash. Maybe get some femfresh as it's specifically for that area. I used to get thrush a fair bit but haven't since using femfresh, been a couple of years xx
yes its like a shooting pain up the back of my thigh into my bum and across the bottom of my back, very uncomfortable!

I Bought some femfresh yesterday, find i get thrush anyway after using bubbles, so no matter how much i love a good bubble bath i try and avoid them! xx

thank you for your advice!

just googled for you and it says to try this also
Take your left leg and place your ankle against the knee. Hold the position for a moment before changing legs. This helps stretch the tiny piriformis muscle, which sometimes becomes inflamed and presses against the sciatic nerve causing pain. Repeat by switching sides and doing the same exercise with the other leg
Thanks Leigh, will try. It is very uncomfortable. Has woken me up a couple of times xx
I've got it as well lisey and spd. it's so painful I ended up on crutches with my eldest because of sciatica because I couldnt put weight on one of my legs so I couldn't walk
Ery, it's crazy have size 0 models like that. Hell, I haven't been able to even find maternity clothes smaller than an 8. Are there maternity clothes that are smaller than an 8? Of the two pairs i bought, both Red Herring - same size (8) and style - the black jeans fit really nice but the blue ones keep falling down. Pre-pregnancy I was anything from a 4-8 depending on where I shopped. My hips are quite small. I want to order more, but I'm afraid I'm going to have the same problem. I'm already tired of pulling my jeans up all the time.

Leigh, I wore my regular clothes up until last week (4-6), although anything that sat on the waist was a not go, but all of my trousers that fit on my hips were fine. Last week I finally popped enough to have to get maternity jeans, although I don't fill them out yet. I had to go for under the bump because over the bump left too much material to fit under tops.

I also use femfresh. I swear buy it. I started using it when after I started working out 4-6 times a week. Just too much sweat and chlorine that I felt I needed it. Even the Boots brand works fine.
yea im not sure how much longer ill get out of my clothes before they become that little bit too tight! im very hippy always have been.

ive been pulling my jeggings and stuff over my "bump" much more comfier lol

i have an appointment at the GPS at 5 to see what they say, its really uncomfortable and sore if im honest. just feel like i need to scratch it but it wont cause any relief!
yeah thrush is awful I haven't had it this pregnancy thankfully! I feel for you though. my spd is bad today feels like the baby is going to fall out lol going to sit down with a cup of tea before I do the housework and dinner
I had a bad spd day last Wednesday I had a day on basically on all fours wrapping presents and that seemed to help!
this is the first and i hope its the last for thrush for me!

im going to google SPD not sure what it is x
feels like all my pelvis joints are rubbing together so painful and uncomfortable
urgh! that sounds nasty!!! hope it eases for you - think i might get my flu jab whilst im in the docs

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