May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Nòoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Disaster!!!!!! I've just found a nit in my hair! !!!! :brat: hah thought I'd escaped!!! So itchy now!!!
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Oh Betty, I thought she was back on Monday just gone. How annoying. They should have someone else you can speak to. I don't even have an assigned midwife, just a general number.

Ery, I hope you can find a treatment you can use, there must be some that are safe, surely xx
The only one I've found do far is coating the hair in veg oil. .. for like a week :brat: I've had my hair tied up and not washed for like 3 weeks I thought I'd be safe!!!! Just taken my hair bobble out and it feels like my scalp is just full of bites. It's awful my hair is so long it's going to take like a day to brush it with that tiny bit comb thing!!
Ladies, I have just been browsing baby stuff and moses baskets in asda are really well priced. Some £27 and £38 with the stand too! xx
Thank you so much I'm popping to the chemist first thing in the morning! !! I'm sat here with like half a bottle of conditioner on my hair lol so at least my hair will be silky soft!!!!
Do you have amazon prime? Always handy for things like that. Although, you never know what time it will actually be delivered xx
No I don't :( my extra bath time means I'm looking less werewolf like now though!
it's lovely ery I like asos just so expensive! I'm so tired I'm so glad it's Friday!
Spent ages browsing Argos thanks to lisey! I wouldn't have thought to look on there, I guess the other supermarkets also do a range for babies I'll have to go check them out too.

I like the dress Ery, agree about nude tights and also a shawl/cardi/shrug as it will likely be cold.
Lol, sorry snowbee. Asda seems very good for moses baskets. Was surprised by prices.
Asos are expensive but worth looking in sales as they reduce very well xx
Grr my phones just broke i feel naked lol. Ordered a new battery hope that will fix it.
I haven't got my next scan date Ery but have booked a private gender scan for 4th December when I'll be 16+2! I can't wait. We done the same with our little girl and it'll be so nice to have her there with us to find out :)
Agree asos maternity is good especially when you can get the bits in the sale! I've also found new look maternity wear really good with this pregnancy and it's so cheap compared to asos!
I've not noticed any extra hair but I am so horribly spotty! It's making me feel so gross every time one goes I get another 3! Blooming hormones!
Lol ill update you now but it may disappear when i get my phone up and running so if it does just remind me again lol. Dec 4th is my sons and nikki's sons birthdays too! Busy day!
Geez the wek may 4th to may 11th looks like a busy week lol
Also thank you about dress compliments and tights advice :) good point slso about a shawl... i guess my leather floor length coat wouldnt go well with it lol
Thanks ladies, my new due date is the 7th May. I have a 4d scan on 19th Dec and NHS scan on the 20th Dec xx
I know. It seriously looks like this thread will be dead the 4-11 May.

My scan date has changed. It's now a day earlier on the 29th Dec. I'm going to be seen by the FMU again, so it's a scan with a consultant now.

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