May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Congratulations glad to hear everything looks good!
What's your new due date and next scan? I'll add you to the front!
i am so hairy - i cant keep on top of it! my eyebrows, my legs, my armpits! its awful lol

Lol same! I found a hair on my nipple no joke it was 2.5 inches long it wasn't there yesterday I'm sure geez if I was breastfeeding feeding I would have choked the poor thing!
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OK. So some of my new maternity clothes arrived. A fun tshirt and a dress I need your honest opinion on coz my oh will say anything at the moment lol

The yellow top is fun I think. The dress is one I'm hoping will be appropriate for my husbands friends wedding. Please excuse my dirty washing and and any wayward hairs lol. My legs are too awful to be shown pmsl hoping I cam scrub up a bit for the December wedding. I don't really know what to wear for weddings. Good thing about the dress i's it's boob supporting but still has plenty of growing room lol. I'll have to get a bigger bra closer to the day and some tights! Nude or black? Oh I'm so crap at this lol.

I can do casual! I like the yellow top lol!


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i cant cope with the hair! im literally in the bath every night trying to combat a different area haha
I'm venturing in the bath later I've given up trying to do it now coz I've already had 3 deliveries today and royal mail haven't been yet!! I've just had to sink wash for ages. Showers make me feint and baths make me sick. But gonna have one and leave the bath looking like a bear has been in it lol
OK. So some of my new maternity clothes arrived. A fun tshirt and a dress I need your honest opinion on coz my oh will say anything at the moment lol

The yellow top is fun I think. The dress is one I'm hoping will be appropriate for my husbands friends wedding. Please excuse my dirty washing and and any wayward hairs lol. My legs are too awful to be shown pmsl hoping I cam scrub up a bit for the December wedding. I don't really know what to wear for weddings. Good thing about the dress i's it's boob supporting but still has plenty of growing room lol. I'll have to get a bigger bra closer to the day and some tights! Nude or black? Oh I'm so crap at this lol.

I can do casual! I like the yellow top lol!

Love the dress u look fab! Def nude tights I think X
haha yeah the scan :p ery I love love love the dress where's it from??
Oooooooooo I bet my pink wedding shoes will go lovely with this dress too! And they are flats! Thanks lou. Nude tights. I'll start the hunt lol.
haha yeah the scan :p ery I love love love the dress where's it from??

Asos thanks lisey for the idea. It was on sale though so not sure if it's still available. First time ive ever used them... first time I've brought clothes not from eBay lol
Congrats xjdx :) Even better when you're further along xx

Ery, you're welcome, the dress looks lovely, I would go for nude tights too xx

I don't know if there is anyone on here planning a gender scan and not booked yet but I saw a deal earlier for 'windowtothewomb' and their gender scan is on offer, just £55. Think the deal is on for this week only, not sure what date it ends though xx
Love the yellow top Eryinera, dress is beautiful too xx

Xjdx yay for being put forwards xx

Just had a steroid injection in my wrist. I was unprepared for how much it was going to hurt and it feels horrible afterwards. I was going to go back to work straight after but i haven't been able to! I can't drive or grip my hand, hope this gets better soon, I'm starting to get quite frustrated with feeling sick in one way or another :(
Oooh, that sounds painful betty. Hope it helps though. I know what you mean about being fed up of feeling sick. I am on week 9 of sickness now with only a few days of feeling ok in that time. It feels never-ending xx
I've been quite pregnancy sick since about week 7 but it's been overshadowed by this hand pain. I keep having prolonged episodes of dry heaving! Does anyone else get this?

Still no scan date. Kind of annoyed with my midwife for not sorting this out. We're very privileged with the NHS in this country but I can't help but feel a little put out lately. What's the upper limit for the 12w scan in terms of the tests? Xx
I do get that Betty, its horrible :(

I think the latest they can do it is 13+6. Have you followed it up with her again? xx
Can you put me down for 8th may please......I'm almost 15wks now with my second bubs........DD is 16months now xx

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Hi Trudi xx

She's not back off holiday until Monday so hopefully she'll rush it through then.

I haven't been able to brush my teeth properly for ages because every time I put my toothbrush even remotely near my mouth I start heaving!!! Xx
*Updated* leylt me know your scan date and I'll add that too x

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