May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Thanks everyone and happy birthday to Nikki and Erys sons! Got quite a while for scan as it's not until 4.30 but have called to see if we can go in a bit early as scan place is in Glasgow (about an hour away for us) so don't want to get home too late for organising school/work stuff etc! Plus I'm just to impatient to wait until the back of 4 lol xx
Lots of luck Mayday x

Happy Birthday to erys and nikkis boys :)

I am feeling festive too, we went for a drive through London last night to see the lights, regent street is absolutely amazing and beautiful. We had buble on with his christmas album. I wanted to come back and wrap all the presents...I didn't because I'm a celeb was on but I am looking forward to Christmas this year xx
Happy birthday Mayday.

How lovely, all these baby girls. I think we've decided on team yellow, cos I'd like oh to be the one to tell me what it is when they're born. We've already got a boy so we'd like a girl. I wonder what our chances are with all these girls!
OMG peebles 19 weeks tomorrow! Happy 18 weeks Emily and xjdx, and happy 16 weeks mayday xx
Phew all the kids are gone I can relax. They ate all the sausage rolls and cocktail sausages so i sent hubby to get me some more which are now cooking lol.
It's nice to be team yellow pebbles x I'll update the front tonight x I enjoyed being yellow with my son but this time I want to be able to tell him what he's having as I know he doesn't wear disappointment well lol. He says he's not bothered wgat gender so I really dont know how he will react at Xmas lol.
Happy Birthday Mayday, hope your scan goes well later :)

We've lost one of our dogs. He was here for milking time this morning (he is a working dog) but when we had finished he had gone. I've spent all morning looking for him. One of our neighbours saw the dog warden in the next village so I've rang them too in case they had picked him up but they hadn't. Not sure where to look now, going to go round all the sheds and check he hasn't got shut in anywhere, he is silly as if he gets shut in he just sits there and waits for you to let him out, even if you are on the other side of the door and shout him he won't bark or anything! Hope he is ok.
I really hope he is ok. Hopefully he has just gone for a little wander and will come back. A friend of ours who lives in the middle of nowhere had his dog run off out of house. They have only just moved so wasn't sure if dog would find way home. The next day he was waiting on the doorstep :) xx
oh no I hope you find him! today has been manic! loads of family round this morning and party this afternoon got home. reilly is knackered and so are all of us so looking forward to bedtime! lol
Oh dear Snowbee!

Is he chipped and wearing a collar and tag? Really hope he's back soon.

Well, our decorations are up and looking lovely. Going to start our roast dinner now and then my plans include getting into my pjs as soon as I can and doing as little as possible for the rest of the evening!!

Hey ladies, I've been MIA since tri 1. I'm so crap at forums!

Had quite a big bleed at 10 weeks, scan the next day revealed all was fine though. My sister who was 8 weeks ahead of me unfortunately lost her bub a few weeks back :( so that's been a bit a shit!
Had my 12 weeks scan at 13 and all was well. Although the cyst they though was covering my right ovary turns out to be on my cervix, doesn't look like it's anything to be worried about but I have an appointment with a consultant in a week so they can keep an eye on it.

I haven't read back, but I hope everyone's ok.

Anyone be up for creating a Facebook page? I have one with my previous mummy group off here. Just an idea.

Snowbew, hope you find your dog.
Brightly,, hope all goes well with your scan.

The bday weekend is turning out better than planned. Mu do is home because she was denied by ESTA because she when tin Syria on holiday in Mach 2011, so she has to apply for a US tourist visa and go through the interview. Good to know as we're planning to go for a month next year with the baby. That means we get to go see IN the Heights tonight! On my way there after catching up with my closest friend and getting loads of cuddles from her twin girls! I love baby cuddles.
Congratulations Mayday.

Glad your weekend is going better Kabuk :)
Yes I have a girl so had my heart set on a boy but wouldn't have been disappointed with a girl xx

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