May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I still think your having a girl ery lol seems all my friends were right and I was wrong!
Congratulations on the pink bundles girls!!

I'm so hoping for a pink one but totally convinced we're having another boy.

I was convinced on a boy too Emily but everyone else was sure it was a girl lol then last night I dreamt I had a girl it was so weird lol as soon as I saw the 3 lines between the legs I knew it was a girl :)
I dreamt I had a little girl last night too. But then I also dreamt I was looting mother care during a zombie Apocalypse to get an i-candy travel system to put her in and we had to leave quickly because Negan from Walking Dead was coming for us, but I had to go back to get nutella filled brioche!!!!

Thanks everyone! Emily I was convinced I was having a boy but kept having dreams of a little girl with dark hair so maybe my subconscious knew haha. Girls are lovely if massive divas haha I'm so pleased to be having another. Poor hubby surrounded by so many women though :)
I've been having girl dreams too.... but like emily ibe also had the crazy dream where I've also dreamt I'm giving birth to vegetable soup so.... lol (lol at zombie apocalypse)
haha loving all your dreams. think there will be a lot of pink ones born in may :) I just want to go out and buy all the pink stuff lol
finally all set up for my youngest's birthday tomorrow I'm so excited but it's going to be manic lol
We're nearly set too. Just gotta vac downstairs clean the loo put the table cloth on and the banners up then wait for bus. Oh I hope the bus turns up on time!!!
Love hearing about all the crazy dreams! The apocalypse one is priceless. I haven't had any to remember of late, but I rarely remember dreams when I'm bone tired before sleeping.

Other than the fact that we think we saw something at my scan at 14 weeks, I haven't had a feeling one way or the other. Other than my sisters, everyone else I know that's had a baby within the last 9 months has had a girl.

I can't wait for the 29th. I'm going to want to go out and shop following the scan. I'll want to get the baby's first piece of clothing. I have had a peak at the boys clothes since the scan, but I won't buy anything until I know. I have spent some time in the girls' sections shopping for my friend's twin girls. I picked up two sleep suits for them today- a tigger and pooh one. They go crazy when I make the tigger sound and I read the poem, 'Us Two' from Pooh at their wedding, so they are really fitting. I saw some really cute Christmas jumpers, but they didn't have them in the right size.

That's great nikki. Hope it all goes well tomorrow.

I got my Christmas tree up today! Love Christmas. Been sitting here watching those cheesy TV Christmas movies since I got home.
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I love a cheesy christmas film.
My dreams are crazy, when I tell my OH them, he thinks I am crazy lol xx
I had a crazy dream the other day...DH and I were trying to have sex but we kept having to stop cos there was an octopus creeping around after us everywhere! So weird haha.

I am shattered after birthday shenanigans today but it all went well and my daughter had a blast. Now that's over I can sort out Christmas stuff!x
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Good luck at the scan today mayday.

Happy birthday to nikkis son, my son and mayday!
I had a mad dream last night. I was shopping in a shop buying presents for Xmas like chocolate snowmen etc. Somethings were normal price somethings were extortionate. Then I decided to also buy bits of orange fluff. This led to a discussion with the checkout lady about what I was doing and I wanted to orange fluff for tiny snowmen models. Then we went for a walk and her her husband me and my husband all opened a restaurant with each other..... some other stuff happened but I think that's the tri 2 hormones kicking in lmao.
Happy birthday mayday! Good luck at the scan xx

Happy birthday to each son eryinera and nikki xx

Is anyone still getting morning sickness? Mines worse in the morning than it was before, but the rest of the day is fine. Xx
Happy Birthday to those celebrating today!!

We're putting up the Christmas decorations today. My little boy if so excited! To be fair so am I! Lol! Going to order the last few Christmas prezzies today and help my son write a very special letter today too. Feeling festive today!

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Happy birthday to Ery and Nikki's kids. Hope today is full of fun and not too much chaos.

Enjoy your scan today Mayday and happy birthday.
We weren't going to decorate this year as we're away for a week over Xmas visiting families. My oh was a bit sad as he loves Xmas. So I've secretly just spent way too much money on lovely decorations and I'm going to put them up next week as a surprise :) I can't wait! I love surprising my oh xx

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