May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Good luck for the scans today ladies, can't wait to find out if we get more team pinks or blues :) Emily, I agree, I would still go if I had a cold. You're not on the ward with ill patients.
Missyeovil, I hope the crossing isn't too bad.
Dovekie, hope you feel better for your holiday, what part of the canaries are you going to? I have been to all apart from lanzarote, could do with a holiday xx
More scans yey! Hope all the little ones are being cooperative!

I'm starting to feel little one a bit more, pretty much always in the evening and still just the odd tap so I can't predict it or anything. My oh is really keen to feel him but so far nothing to be felt from outside. I'm really hoping he might be able to feel him Christmas day, although I suspect it will easily be another two or three weeks as I can't feel anything major yet.

Sorry so many of you have stupid ohs. I don't know what is wrong with some men. All I know is don't have regrets, do what you think is the right thing for you and your little ones. Lisey is right, it is better to be happy and separated then miserable and together. I hope you can all work things out.

I can't believe it is nearly Christmas, I'm so not ready! I have a bit more cleaning to do, lots of cooking and a few other bits and bobs. My cousins from America are supposed to be popping in today on their way home for Christmas, so that will be nice to see them.
Thank you everyone. So grateful of having you girls to help me when I need it. So excited and nervous about today scan isn't till half 6. Starving today waiting on my dad making me some home made chips mmm.

So excited to see what ery is having. Just hope both little beans are healthy ��
anyone know what time erys is? I'm sure everything will be fine hun can't wait for mine next week :)
Not felt many big movements for the last couple of days but have just brought up my dinner so I'm assuming all is still well in there!

Scan day tomorrow and gender reveal on Christmas day :love:

Hopefully all will be well with baby and they'll be fit and healthy and will play ball and let us see if they are a boy or a girl!

I'm supposed to be off out for a meal tonight, so planning on chilling out for the next few hours and maybe having a little kip!

OK well.... I cam tell you baby is OK. ... and all things look normal.... however it's legs were firmly crossed lol no amount of jumping and coughing shifted it! So I'm lookin at gender scans lol
Naughty baby!! But great news all is good... It's frustrating for you re gender! Baby wants to keep u guessing! When r u going to book gender scan? I wonder if we will still be saying girl tomorrow and if baby will be naughty too!

Oh Ery, you have a cheeky bubs :) Are you going to try and get the gender scan before Christmas. Ultrasound direct do a 'simply gender' scan for around £39 or £49. I don't know if you have a clinic by you or not.
Glad all is well with your little one xx
Lol the guy was like I'm never defeated but yours is up high with its head by my belly button and legs near bladder I think he said even with it's legs spread I need an angle similar to going through your bum lol. It had tins of room to move but stayed tucked away in a corner lol.

And yeah it's moving tons now lol cheeky thing lol. He didn't charge for a photo coz it's legs were crossed it wasnt giving him a profile shot and it's hands were over its face! Lol super shy!
We ate going to try and find a place that will do it tomorrow.
Aw glad all is okay but shame about not finding out the gender! Hopefully you can get something sorted for before Christmas! X
Hehe naughty little one! Mine was the same and hid for both our 12 week and private scan. He did play ball a bit more last week, but he did keep flipping over. At least she got to look at him from all directions... Our private scan was £45. At least it means another chance to see them.
aw ery hope you find somewhere! I booked a gender scan with my youngest because he had his legs crossed at 20 weeks lol
Lol debating going tomorrow it's £50 is that a reasonable price the one round the corner charges £95!
50 is really good. Hope they have availability. The May babies seem to be a naughty little bunch. Mine was all curled up yesterday and wouldn't budge xxx

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