May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Leigh, its better to do it alone than be with someone like that!! Worthless and lazy??! I hoped and hoped my sons dad would change (he was also emotionally abusive and drank too much) and he never did. It is 15 years later and from what I hear about him, he is still the same!!
If he can sort himself out and treat you with the respect you deserve then great and I really hope he does. You seem so lovely and it's not fair on you x

Its better for a child to live to two happy separated parents, rather than two unhappy parents in a relationship-I know this from experience as my Dad was an alcoholic and the memories still upset me, when he was drunk, he was horrible to my Mum. Once they divorced, things were better. Luckily he has been sober for years and years but its not nice. I am not saying your OH is an alcoholic by writing that but just that seeing your parents unhappy and arguing is not the best for a child and stays with you.

I hope you have an amazing scan tomorrow and I really hope you're ok. What is going on with some of these men?!! :wall2: xx
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Oh leigh what a horrible way to speak to you. I hope he is grovelling to you in the morning!

Our scan was fine. We stayed team yellow although DH says the sonographer referred to it as a him so he thinks it's a boy. I bloody hope not - one's enough for me atm haha!

We are in our hotel and have just had steak for dinner so not all bad being stuck! Looking forward to getting an undisturbed nights sleep! X
Lisey, Beautiful pic of your little one!

Leigh, hope things get better. Try to stay positive. As for the bleeding, I still have multiple bleeds daily. Feeling the movement now has been comforting. The bleeds still make me nervous at times, but knowing my sister bless with some of their successful pregnancies offers comfort. Enjoy your scan tomorrow.

I still have another week to go before I get to see my little one again.
Missyeovil, that made me laugh. A steak dinner and a night in a hotel sounds pretty good to me xx
Thank you for your kind words all of you. I know in my mind what I need to do it's just being strong enough to do so.

As for him being an alcoholic I believe he may be. He needs help he's selfish and likes to drink. I wish he would get the help he needs im doing and have done everything I can for him
If he is an alcoholic then I do hope he gets help for it. Are you OK? I know I don't know any of the women on here personally but I hate to think of anyone going through tough times, esp when having a baby is such a special time xx
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Thank you Lisey, I don't know any one personallly but feel you are all really close friends and are here for me to help me and guide me.

He's gone off to work as if nothing happened last night yet I have to live with his words from last night till I feel I can get over it.

He has now decided he is coming tonight to the scan. I hope you all have a fab day

Good luck today ery hoe its team pink for you !!!
Oh gosh. What a horrible thing to say. I can't really be bothered with alcohol anymore so I don't understand as such how people can be addicted I've known several alcoholics though and I hope he can get help! It's an awful disease but something you need support with too. Don't feel ashamed or embarrassed to tell people about the difficulties he's putting you through. You and your baby deserve the world not a pile of abuse.

I hope he turns up at the scan and all goes well. My scan is at 2 but we are going pram shopping in the am and my son is going to be the first person to know what we are having hopefully!! So I won't find out for quite a while!!!
Good luck with your scans ladies and have fun pram shopping Ery!

So much for an undisturbed night for me. The bloody wind woke me up at 5am and I never got back to sleep. Now I'm off to see what happens when you mix morning sickness and a rough ferry crossing...wish me luck haha! X
That's one thing I'd never want to try, missy. A rough crossing on its own would have me feeling sick enough.

Good luck with the scans today ladies. Enjoy! :)
Enjoy your scan today ery xx can't wait to find out what you are having :) xx
Enjoy your scan hun! Can't wait to find out what bubs is!!

Thankfully Cam is much better today although still full of cold. I've not got much worse with just a sore throat and a bit achey and fatigued. Hubby has a cold though so is of course suffering!! Hopefully it'll be gone by Christmas though. He said he thought we shouldn't go to the scan tomorrow if we're both ill as hospitals don't like you to go in if your poorly. I basically just said that I wouldn't go if I was visiting but I'm a patient! I'm not missing my scan!! I'm not ill enough for that!!

good luck today ery!

Leigh I know how you feel I'm fully prepared at the moment to bring this baby up on my own same as my boys :( hope you sort things out
Makes me feel so sad that some of you girls are struggling so much with your ohs :-( Really hope they sort themselves out!

it's horrible Emily but fed up of him being selfish and not paying attention to me or the kids and not interested in this baby and I need my kids to be happy :( I haven't bought it all up again with him because there is no point it goes in one ear and out the other I'm fed up of nagging
You shouldn't just have to put up with it though hun :-( it's so unfair that you're feeling so down when you should be feeling so happy and excited.

my original plan was to wait till baby was born and see if anything change's but not sure if I can hold out another 5 months :(
Hi ladies sorry I've been so quiet we've literally been working day and night the last 2 weeks to get our new kitchen done it's been so exhausting! Almost done now just wall tiles and skirting boards and other odds and sods to do but the bulk of it is finished right in time for Christmas.
Sorry I haven't been able to catch up I've missed too much! Just read the last couple of pages and Leigh I'm so sorry your OH is being like that :( Can you go stay with your parents for a bit of a break? I hope you have a lovely scan today and seeing baby will definitely help to make you smile.
Good luck with your scan today too Ery and tomorrow for you Emily! I've got mine on Friday just hoping baby is growing nice and healthy :) I've finally started feeling some movement this week which has been lovely. Monday I felt her most of the day she was so active but quieter yesterday and so far today, not panicking though as I've got an anterior placenta so assuming that's just cushioning the movements for me although as I've typed that I can feel her almost swooshing from one side to the other! It's so weird this time I didn't have an anterior with my little girl so the movements were really clear and obvious but this time it's almost like I can feel it if I really concentrate but they feel really far away if that makes sense?
Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to Christmas. It's the first year my little girl fully understands it and it is making me so excited! She keeps asking when Santa is coming and we're counting down the days each morning. Just tomorrow left at work and then a week off l, back in for 2 days and then another week off I can't wait for a break! Then it'll be the countdown to maternity leave, eeeekkkk! xxx
Ugghhh I had a terrible night. I woke up at 2am with a splitting headache - took some pills but then vomited them back up. Got back to sleep about 4.30, then a horrible pain in my hip woke me up. I was in agony, and it wasn't even the hip I was lying on :(

Getting packed, ready for my holiday to the Canaries tomorrow. I hope I manage to get some sleep there!

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