May 2017 Mummies

Same here, I don't even like asking for her but it's getting silly now. I have got every single item of clothing and every single toy! He paid most of the cost for a term at her music class but I pay for the rest and all the others. We go to 3 baby classes a week. I don't know where he thinks I get the money! I have just paid for the new term at music and am dreading asking him to transfer some over for it.
I don't miss work all! I would happily be a stay at home mum if money was no object.

Sophie is still unpredictable with her sleeps in the day, she just fights it, if we are in the car or out for a walk she falls to sleep well but She struggles at home as she doesn't want to lay down, she wants everything and then gets over tired....
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I've been a SAHM for over 5 years so I guess I'm used to having no money! We can't really afford for me to stay home but there is a bit of a childcare crisis here so basically unless you have family who can help out you have no choice but to stay home until the kids reach school! It sucks not having my own money as such but I basically have my husbands bank card all the time as he doesn't need it at work. We also have a join account although that is supposed to be for the house build. We have zero money at all atm. Waiting on a mortgage payment and just piling everything on credit cards!

Oli isnt sleeping well either. He never really has. He did used to sleep 5-6 hours at the start of the night when he was about 3 months old but that was so long ago. He's usually OK for naps. He usually takes a long one after the morning school run which can be up to. 3.5 hours. Then depending on the length of that one he will sleep either on me or maybe in his cot for an hour or so mid afternoon. However he's been fighting it so hard the last few days. I can see his top teeth moving so I'm guessing that's why he is so unsettled but at night time I swear he's awake every hour. I usually just have him in the bed but I don't really want to. Gonna shift him into his proper cot next week and try a bit of gentle sleep training. He responds really well to white noise (and hello by adele) so hoping it shouldn't be too difficult to get him to sleep without my boob! Xx
My dw offers all the times and repeatedly says to just let her know when we need something, especially for Aidan. She's really good about putting me at ease. Being the sole income earner is a bit nerve racking for her. She couldn't believe how much came out of her account the other week and how much I usually spend on groceries each month. Essentially she's always paid the rent and no mortgage and I took care of the bills and most of the grocery shopping. Even paying for all of that, my outgoings every month is still quite a bit less than our mortgage payment. She makes significantly more than me, so when I'm working, it's a great arrangement. She also tend to pay for most holidays- flights & accommodation and I just cover the taxi. Neither of us want me to be a SAHM for a significant period of time. I'm happy with my year. Then if she does give birth, we'll split mat leave as she is definitely not a SAHM. She can't really comprehend how I get through the day with Aidan attached to me most of it. She find it exhausting, more than her job, but she loves every minute with him.

I'll be starting m job search in March for a part-time 3 days a week teaching post. We are now looking at nurseries and hoping to find one we like for a Sept start that will allow us to pay for term time only. I'm also hoping I can get a Tues, Wed, Thur work week so we can go on extended weekend breaks when we want.
I am not missing work at all. I was made redundant at the end of March and my maternity started 1st April. I am down to SMP now but December will be my final wage. I will need to find at least a part time job which is going to be difficult as we have no childcare help so interviews will be awkward. My OH will most likely need to take days off work.

I'll be job hunting and applying through December as I'll need to hand in my notice at start of January. I do have another proposal but my boss hasn't emailed me back so I don't know if I need to submit it as a new proposal or as part of an appeal? So blimmin stressful the whole thing!

I'm going to try Eleanor with an earlier bedtime tonight. I'm wondering if her sleep problems are from being overtired. Well, it can't hurt to try right?

No nap so far today bar about 15 mins in the car... He was a bit screamy an hour ago when he was getting tired and grouchy but we have had tea and he seems ok again now. No idea how long it will be before he goes to sleep for the night, I've been taking him up between 11 and midnight and he is usually wide awake! He has never been keen on napping. He sleeps ok at night once he gets to sleep, I do feed him in the night but he isn't usually awake. I'm going to keep co sleeping until he doesn't eat overnight (whenever that will be) as it is easier for me. Also I love waking up next to him and his cute little face.
We are having an absolute nightmare with bedtime at the moment. I think it might be her teeth, but she is taking over an hour to get to sleep. I put her down, leave her room and she cries and cries. We try leaving her for 5 minutes at a time but she just will not settle, even after Calpol. It is so exhausting. Then she wakes maybe 5 times during the night and we have to keep going in to give her her dummy.

Anya is still pretty good sleeping she gives us the cues that she's tired (rubbing eyes, going floppy, exhausted cry) around 7pm most nights then it's to bed for cuddle and feed and nap next to me until 10ish then nappy change sleeping bag (sleeping bag is key to good sleep blankets are very hit and miss) feed then dozily to bed and then feed at 12 and 3am then 6am so every 3 hrs feeding from 7 but no crying or screaming and straight to sleep between feeds so it's pretty good.
Still no teeth from us but we are sitting and we roll to move places lol its funny. She can only crawl backwards so she lines herself up parallel to what she wants and rolls to get it.
Medication I was on oxyprenalol. But I've been on propanalol before. I'm begrudged to go back on that as I gained so much weight with it. I was going up a dress size every 4 weeks or so. But if it's what I need. I has an episode at work today where it just wouldn't come down. And I had a bitch of a customer complain that I was sitting down during it. (I guess I could have stood up served her and collopsed on her so please her highness)
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Oh dear some of you are really going through the mill, it makes my little gripes and uncertainties seem pretty small.
Ery I am guessing you have also tried cbt as a coping mechanism for periods of stress? It might help and avoids drugs.
Emily is there an option of a job share to try and avoid leaving? Its something I considered (but was at a different practice) I have not indicated my proposed hours, they could say no but they are currently advertising for staff and its not easy positions to fill so am hoping that goes in my favour! How did you get on with your dog?
Money wise I have become more direct over the last few months even telling him he needs to give me money for any Christmas shopping I have done as its for his parents etc, go me lol ;) I hate it but I do not have a choice as on such a reduced income now I physically cannot afford to subsidise him.
I have been trying to get her in her own room this week and in doing so her routine has changed slightly, Monday popped her upstairs for an afternoon nap, she wasn't acting sleepy but dropped off immediately and slept for nearly 3 hours! Not sure if I should have woken her but didn't so consequently she then came back down stayed up later and when I tried to put her to bed later she was having none of it! I was even sleeping in there on an airbed but left for a while as simply couldn't deal with her shouting and carrying on ( haven't been well this week, really bad cold and consequently unable to sleep etc) as feeling very run down. Left her for half an hour then relented and retrieved her popped her in her next2me crib and she was straight to sleep again! She slept right through and also slept late so not managing 5 bottles in 24 hours which concerns me. Last night she had a nap early evening in her cot which was fine but I didn't even try later as I was feeling really rotten and wanted an easy evening, I popped her in her crib and it must have took well over an hour to get her off!! I was really grumpy! She then slept till 9 am, and is now up, noisy, happy but should be starving and isn't! She has took 4 ounces and is now bouncing the hell out of her bouncer chair! Do you guys have set routines as in naptimes etc? How does that work when out etc? Ta
I hate asking, too lisey, which is why she suggested the transfers. I don't even like asking for Aidan. The only thing I miss from work on mat leave is the pay. I'm not missing work at all. I'm really enjoying being home with Aidan.

Dovekie, he has 3 naps a day, generally around the same time. Time varies depending on when he wakes up in the morning, but he generally naps after being awake for about 2 hours. He naps really well in the day- at least 2x 1 hours naps and 1x 1.5 hour nap. It's just the night time, and he's clearly tired. It doesn't matter how early I catch the signs, he just don't like to sleep at night. He's fine in bed with me, but would prefer he sleeps most of the night in his cot.

His naps sound good. Seems to be the same as Owen. He probably just needs to get used to sleeping without you. I haven’t slept in the same room as Owen since he was 6 weeks old! Someone I know has had trouble recently and just got really strict about keeping him in his cot at night. She was up lots the first night, but it quickly got better.
Anya has a rough pattern but she's really found it herself. With little help from us. As for food I've learnt that they find their own cycles. My son had a 72hr food cycle. But anya is like me. Some days I'm really Hungry other days I'm just not. As long as she's gaining weight (and I'm losing it) all good lol
Last night was better sleep wise after she actually fell asleep. I think we got up 3 times to pop her dummy back in. She very rarely has a feed overnight now, she just has a bit of a dummy dependence. 3 wake ups means I am feeling pretty much normal today and not tired, which is good.
With regards to finances, we split everything at the moment but my OH has already mentioned transferring me money when my maternity pay runs out. I am lucky that way I guess. I do want to go back to work part time though, for the adult company and so I have something for myself that is not baby related.

Oh and as far as cbt goes. Yes I've had it to help either my agrophobia but I'm not sure if it will fully help as I have something wrong with the signals in my heart. So whilst stress is a trigger abd it can help with that. Sometimes it happens if I exert myself like running across a road or get too excited or something. My heart rate goes up but forgets to come back down lol
Aidan was really good on the plane. He seems to love it, at least for these short 1 hour flights. He just chats everyone up. I'm still a little worried about our flight to the US, but that's because it's 8 hours. Although he did sleep on the plane on the way back. I was a bit surprised as getting him to sleep when he knows things are going on was difficult whilst in the Netherlands. The night we celebrated Sinterklaas- he had 2x 30min naps but was otherwise awake until after 1am. Thankfully my family has moved our Christmas eve festivities to the afternoon- although I don't know how he'll adjust to the time difference.

He is even more mobile now. He's up on his hands and knees rocking but still drops to his belly to commando crawl. He is now very interested in our fireplace (not being used as it needs to be relined), so that entire area needs to be gated. We so need to get some for when we get back. There will be lots of things to motivate him to really get on the move at my sisters.

Glad to have a week home before we go again. Aidan really reacted to being home. It's crazy how he recognises it as home, even outside now. His excitement today when we reached the door after our shop was cute.

Now, if only we can both get through these colds by the time we leave. And we may book a hotel near Heathrow terminal 5 as it's a 10am flight and a long drive in traffic. He could sleep until 6am if we stay at a hotel and have almost a normal sleep. He doesn't like cars, so not keen on a really early morning traffic drive when he should be asleep.

Hope everyone else is doing well!!!!
Aww bless
Anya is doing that up on knees and rocking then flopping to belly. She doesn't commando crawl though she gets places via rolling lol. She is obsessed by remote controls!
We're taking her to a restaurant next week with the ret of my fam for my birthday. My body is broken though so achy I've done my back and shoulder in.
Also Ive finally had it with the NHS and it going through PALS to complain I've been waiting since may 22nd to have achy appointment but still not been told anything I'm having to do the leg work myself to track what's gone wrong and I feel totally let down to be honest.
Awww... yeah, Aidan likes the remotes too. We have a spare and he's happy to play with that one.

That sounds awful. I hope you get your appointment soon. Coming from a country where healthcare is expensive I appreciate the NHS is many regards. But sometimes the service is very poor- whether it's simply incompetence or the lack of funding, I don't know. Sometimes I wonder which system I prefer. I guess you can sorta have both here if you have the money, but private doesn't necessarily better, just quicker.
Another remote lover here, we take the batteries out when we put them down now.

Glad the first part of your festive season has gone well kabuk, so exciting isn't it.

I keep seeing cute clothes and toys that I would like hahaha so having to restrain myself.

Someone learnt how to roll last night in bed. I had to keep flipping him back over as every time he got on his front he got cross and cried. I hope he isn't going to do it all tonight as well, I could do with some sleep!
We are nothing like crawling. she rarely rolls to her front and when she does she always gets an arm trapped and then gets cross lol. I am thinking she may swerve the crawling and go straight to feet....she loves being on them but no foot movement just knee bending.
She is fascinated by phones but everything goes in her mouth...remotes too anything really (nearly the Christmas lights on the photo shoot!!) my mums got her a gadget pack for consists of a set of keys, a tv remote and a phone (early learning I think) I am hoping that will help save my stuff ;)
I hope you get sorted with the hospital Ery sometimes you really have to stamp your feet to be heard
Anyone else getting achy c sections scars? Not sure if its connected to section but my hips and lower back are really sore (might also be age!) but c section feels like its reacting more than it did??
gesic, I've been getting lots of lower back pain, into the glutes recently. I thought it was due to cosleeping completely. I've only ever did cosleeping in the early morning hours as it was when he struggled to stay asleep, but now it's the only way to get him to sleep. But he's been restless in his sleep the last few days- not sure if it's development related. He woke at 11pm last night and wanted to play. I put him in his cot for an hour to do so as I was knackered. He's become much more independent in his play, moving all over the livingroom, and he's using his voice a lot when playing on the floor and in his jumperoo.

My lower abdomen is still tender, but not painful. My scar is also tender. Aidan has been kicking in bed and has a habit then and when standing on me to drag his foot with pressure over it and it's uncomfortable. But I have been going to a fit mums exercise class, and that's been great. My tummy is feeling a little tighter now. But I feel I need to get into a regular stretching routine as my hips and hamstrings feel quite tight.

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