May 2017 Mummies

Rash sounds scary, hope all ok now.

Eek! Has he had his SA done since the snip to check it worked? I fancy another one, but I would prefer a bigger age gap so I still have some special time with number one. Going by my track record we could start trying now and I would get a 5 year gap! I think my ideal would be a 3 year gap so I think we might try when little man is 2. I don't know if that will mean we run out of time for a second or not so might reassess later on this summer.

Crawling here now, going to buy a playpen so I can safely leave to have a pee!
We need a play pen too. Harper has mastered the commando crawl and also loves to roll about! Nothing within her eyeline is safe!
I am undecided on a 2nd. I would love for Harper to have a sibling and I always wanted two children, but I have found adapting to motherhood quite hard and have found maternity leave quite lonely (not helped by my mum not being with us anymore). I am not so sure I could do these early months again. If we do decide to go for it, I would want a 3 year age gap.

I would love more, I always wanted 4 but that's doubtful with my fertility issues and she. Also unfair for my son with his difficulties.
We have a crawler now too! Let the fun begin! Xx
Hubby is booked in for his snip on Thursday but I went back on the pill when I stopped bf as I'm paranoid about falling pregnant again. I'll stay on the pill until he gets his negative sample!

We've not had the best start to the year as we had to have our old dog put to sleep today :-(

That must have been scary Ery. I'm glad Anya is OK. Hopefully AF arrives soon for you.

So sorry Emily :(

Ery, that must have been a worry. Glad all is well xx how long does it take for the ship to be effective? Have you tested again just incase? Xx
Sorry to hear about your dog Emily :(

I always thought I would like 3, but accepted that is unrealistic with our issues. I'm pretty sure we will try for a second. If it doesn't happen I will be sad but at least we got this far.
We need a play pen too. Harper has mastered the commando crawl and also loves to roll about! Nothing within her eyeline is safe!
I am undecided on a 2nd. I would love for Harper to have a sibling and I always wanted two children, but I have found adapting to motherhood quite hard and have found maternity leave quite lonely (not helped by my mum not being with us anymore). I am not so sure I could do these early months again. If we do decide to go for it, I would want a 3 year age gap.

I think I have more social time now than I did before. We love our baby groups. Bit sad that none of my husbands friends who had babies around the same time have been interested in meet ups though but hey ho.

I am on my own a lot, my husband is hardly here and I have no nearby family but it isn't too bad most of the time.
As well as feeling a bit lonely and missing my mum, think I struggle with missing the freedom and independence of my child free days. I find days a bit monotonous really. I think I need to start looking for a job tbh. I
Anytime I use an apostrophe, the rest of what I have written does not post! I was saying I would like 3 or 4 days.

Well af arrived today phew lol. The thought train I've just been on! Since birth I've had a 21 day cycle ish this time I was 31 days that's long even for my irregular pre pregnancy cycles! Snip can take a few months to clear out the active swimmers he's saving himself now to do the SA to confirm. Hes not had an easy time with it anya has perfected her aim to his groin and it's super sensitive already! We always said 2 and an accident. Thing is we've always fell pregnant easy it's keeping them we struggle with but now I know why ish I'm convinced aspirin was the key for us. Esp now I've had a blood disorder diagnosed! Anya hasn't repeated any words yet. I think she's accidently said "bye" and "bubble" (both repeating things teletubbies are saying) but she's not that interested in using her"talking voice" more her squealing and yelling voice. Boy she likes to make sound :rofl:

So sorry to hear of your dog Emily x
I'm glad AF arrived Ery. I had a randomly long cycle recently and was paranoid I was pregnant! I even tested. My cycles are normally around 25 days and I got to CD31 and was like :shock: Hubby had his snip on Thursday but I'm staying on the pill and we're using condoms until he gets a negative sample which will hopefully be 4 months.

Eleanor is just babbling Dada, mama, yaya, rara and gaga at the moment but it's still very sweet to hear her, especially when she says mama. She's stood unaided for 2-3 seconds on a couple of occasions the last few days. There's no stopping her! I swear she'll be walking soon! Lol!

She's still only got one tooth but super dribbly still so there could well be more on the way.

Bedtime and nap time is still a blinkin nightmare to be honest! She ends up in our bed each night and sometimes doesn't even make it to her cot! I'm going to start making a bit more effort to get her to sleep in her cot as at the moment she is napping a lot in her car seat which I really want to stop. She napped for 1hr and 15 mins in her cot this afternoon and I've put her down to bed in her cot at 7.10 and so far so good. No doubt she'll wake up again soon but I think this will all be a work in progress for a while!! She fights sleeping something chronic even when she's tired. She's just so active and into everything she just doesn't want to switch off. Tonight I was holding her and trying to rock her and she was writhing around, trying to sit herself up and crying when she couldn't and then eventually gave in and settled down and went to sleep. She's such a monkey when it comes to sleeping and it really tests my patience sometimes! Hopefully things will improve though :pray:

Wee Joe is waaay quicker At doing things than his sister was! He’s been crawling and pulling himself up since about 5 and a half months old! He’s a little whirlwind has me on my feet all day lol. 2 teeth on there way but not fully grown in yet. The past 3 nights he has slept from 7.30-5.20!! So that will do me as up until then he was up on numerous occasions during the night. He’s started eating more solids the past 3 days though (3 meals a day and whatever he scrounges in between!). When he was about 4months old I wanted to go for one more then and that would have been us done but hubby wanted to wait until after Christmas to try and by the time December was approaching I’d gotten cold feet! Wouldn’t say never but I would like to get back to work and unfortunately what I would earn would only cover the childcare costs so a bit pointless
, so at the minute I’m just working from home for hubbys business but it’s not easy with Joe here! When are you girls changing to forward facing car seats? Joe seems a bit restricted in his rear facing but I’m reading conflicting advice on when you can change them!!
Harper is so big in her car seat now, but I want to keep her in that as long as possible really. Then I think we will get the Joie 360 Spin seat and keep her rear facing in that for as long as I think we can get away with it.
The 360 spin is fab. We got it as I hated the one that came with pushchair. The spin is a great function and I like they can stay rear facing for longer. I Think the forward facing goes by weight doesn't it? Rather than age?

Ery, glad Af arrived. I am getting my results for blood disorder later this month too. Do you have to take meds?

Emily, it sounds like Eleanor will be walking soon!! We have a sleep avoider too, she will fight it so that she doesn't miss out. She is so interested in everything. To get her to sleep there has to be no light, no noise etc but she wakes after a while of being in cot and has to come in with us, just so I get a few hours at least.

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I think they should rear face for as long as possible as it's safer for them in the event of a crash. Eleanor is still in her seat that came with the travel system and we'll keep her in that for as long as we can and then I guess I'd try and find one that can be rear then forward facing if there is such a thing!!

Lisey I think Eleanor will be walking soon too! Her balance is so much better already, like if she's holding one of my hands she can crouch down and pick up a toy without falling over! She cruised from one end of the sofa to the other last night too.

I've been really trying to get her to nap in her cot the last few days and it's going better than expected! Today she's currently having her second nap of the day in her cot!! She went just under an hour this morning and it's been 30 mins or so now. It's definitely going to be a work in progress but and I totally don't want to jinx it but so far so good and I'm really pleased!

Emily, there are definitely lots of car seats out there that rear and then forward face. The Joie 360 does.
Yay for Eleanor napping in her cot. Harper is having her first nap in her Sleepyhead. I put her in it and her face was a picture. It meant she went to sleep without 10 mins of rolling around and crawling in her cot first though. Unfortunately she
Unfortunately she has a bit of a cold which is making her cough when she lies down and it is disturbing her sleep!

There are lots of seats that are rear facing and forward. All the spin one are but lots of others too. I will keep Sophie rear facing for as long as possible xx
We have the dualfix, which is a spin seat. I find it really useful.

Crawling has been mastered and now working on standing. Time is going so fast! I did a 2017 photobook of baby photos and he was so tiny.

As a side note I have a serious problem with buying baby clothes, why are they so damn cute! I'm stashing away the next size up already. As sizes go up in 6 month intervals once you hit 12 months does that mean they grow slower and so last longer? I'm wondering about summer rompers already...
I really wouldn't be surprised if Eleanor isn't walking by summer! She's already starting to cruise around the furniture!

She's been poorly this last week with an infection in both ears, a cold and then just as we got over the worst of that, her second tooth has decided to make an appearance! She's been so unsettled, awake for hours in the night etc so I'm glad we're out the other side of it now.

**touch wood** things are going pretty well with her sleeping. She's napping in her cot for 1-2 hours at a time and bedtime is improving too. She still ends up in with us at night but it's nice to have a few hours time with hubby of an evening and if I'm really lucky a few hours with just the two of us in the bed!

Hubby had his snip snip and it all went well. He's got to give a sample in 4 months so basically right around Eleanor's first birthday. Hopefully it'll be negative so I can relax a bit and stop stressing over getting el preggo again! I'm back on the pill and we're using condoms too so extra safe! Lol!

I've had two interviews so far and I think they both went well. Should hear about one of them in the next couple of days and the other called to tell me about another post with more hours so I'm taking that as a good sign even though they've not officially offered yet. I'm finding this whole job thing so stressful as I really don't want to put anyone out and figuring out working hours that cause the least amount of disruption is a right headache. I mean it's all just semantics at the moment anyway as I don't even have a job yet let alone needing to worry about a rota! Lol! But I'm officially unemployed as my notice was up yesterday! Fingers crossed I find something soon!


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