May 2017 Mummies

Can't believe how quickly my little girl is growing up! In the last month we've started solids, started crawling, pulled herself up to standing and yesterday her first tooth appeared!! No wonder she's being such a bugger at bedtime! There's a lot going on in that little brain of hers!

We're still co sleeping but we've moved her cot into our room in the hopes of getting her to sleep in there. She spent about 2 hours in it last night so that's better than the night before. We've decided to just go with the flow with her sleeping as it was really stressing me out and I was on edge about bedtime from the second I woke up!!

Awww Ery I hope you can get things sorted. I'm so grateful for our NHS but it's by no means perfect and it sounds as though things aren't going quite right for you there.

My back is really really hurting I didn't have a c section but I destroyed a lot of muscles in labour and had to have physio. As I couldn't move a lot after the birth I also had a lot of muscle wastage too. I'm wondering if she's gaining weight faster than I'm being able to build up muscle to pick her up. But I don't care!
Im still annoyed at NHS. I feel they just don't qant to know and I get I'm not a serious case but I still have the right to treatment before it gets serious!
Wow what a development Emily! And well done G too! Anya still has no teeth she rolls like a champion and sits up unaided until she falls over if she could crawl I'm sure she could also be standing soon. But her brother didn't crawl he just learnt to walk.... well run until he hit something lol. I swear a&e thought he was an abused child before he learned to stop without hitting things lol
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Aidan bumps his head a lot with his commando crawling as he's obsessed with trying to get under things and our coffee table is too low. Most of the time it is a light bump, but sometimes he gets the side of his face pretty good.

I can't believe how fast it is all going. Aidan now rolls, has 5 teeth (2 top & 3 bottom), commando crawls (although he can rock and extend his legs and pull his knees to his chest, so the core strength seems to be there), drinks from a straw (loves his straw cup- need to try breastmilk in it), has really come along with his grip and eating (BLW), he has pulled to stand in his bath (which completely freaked us out) but not holding on to items outside the bath, just us, loves to stand holding on to the back of a chair/sofa, is much more independent in his play (can have fun on his own for up to 30 mins) and he chats up a storm to things, us, his imaginary friend or self?- he just keeps going. This holiday will be interesting as he'll have quite the indoor playground at my sister's and my nephew, who is 14 months older than him, around all the time.

I've booked a few more nursery visits for the new year. I'll be emailing my work this week to let them know I won't be returning. Then when we return I need to update my CV and contact recruiters to start looking for work. As I'm looking for part-time work, preferably Tues, Wed, Thurs, using a recruiter tends to be better. It also means less time spent on applications as I'll only fill one out after I accept a job. I just would prefer not to do supply work. My aim is to return to work in Sept, but if someone wants me for the final after term, so June, then I might accept that as I'd get paid over the summer. The one nursery we've seen so far and like (it's just a little sterile as it's new so we'll be revisiting in Jan when everything is complete) said we can reserve for Sept with the option to start sooner if needed.

I can't believe our little ones are all around 7 months now. It's crazy how fast this has gone. In 2 months they'll have been with us for as long as they were inside us. That's crazy. Some days it feels like just yesterday I was pregnant. It is already strange going back through old photos to see just how much he has changed and remembering my state of mind at the different times.
It would seem I need stair gates!! There is just no stopping her!!!

We have to close the livingroom door, but we do need gates.

BA sure have made be stress. We changed our dates of travel and paid a little more to fly with them to make sure we could book the cot seat, which we did. But I went to check-in today and we are no longer in that seat and they wouldn't let me change my seat online or over the phone. I now have to wait until we go to the airport, so we'll be arriving super early so we are one of the first in the queue when the kiosk opens 3 hours before the flight departure. That's a lot of time with a little one in the airport. But hopefully we can be given that seat. I can't imagine him on our laps for 8+ hours. Stress I defnintiely did not need.
They are growing up so fast, I'm a bit sad about it in some ways! I didn't realise how quickly they would grow!

I'm very excited about the festive season, he loves looking at the tree lights. We are taking him to one of the nearby towns one evening this week to look at the lights there.

He is still totally refusing milk from a bottle, I also tried a sippy cup and that was a no too. When do I need to offer water with a meal? I'm thinking about putting that in his sippy cup instead and giving up on expressing milk (I'm away from him so rarely and never for very long so I think it isn't worth the bother at this stage). He is eating a tiny tiny bit now, I assume that will pick up as he gets keener on food, when he is eating more I won't worry so much about being out for 4 hours or so.
Hope your flight goes well kabuk, that does sound stressful. I'm not looking forward to our flight, mainly as I am not that keen on flying. It is mid week and out of season so I'm hoping it will be quiet and noone sits next to us.
Aww def stress you don't need!! I hope you get your seat! And you get your stressfree flight too snowbee
As of this week....
And we're off! Lol crawling has been mastered in a manner of speaking were definatley moving now though lol she has an obsession with wires and anything else she can get up her mouth Lil miss trouble!
I too can't believe how fast it's all gone.
I managed to break my toe this week too lol woohoo!
Also for the first time in my working life I have both boxing day and new years day off..... ��:shock:
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Kabuk, that is awful. Would a public tweet/social media interaction of complaint maybe help? They hate the bad publicity.

It is going so fast and they develop so quickly, Sophie claps hands, she's starting to wave, babbles dada and mama constantly, if I ask her where her brother is by name or where's dad, she looks in the right direction...and she is going to be on the move soon, she lunges forward on to all fours, she doesn't quite have the strength as she loses her balance but a couple more weeks I think and she will be off!! How has this all happened in her little 7 months of life?!

Its so sweet isn't it, I love hearing her little voice, although, its not always so little ;) x
Haha! They can certainly get some volume these little people!

Eleanor has started growling as well! It's hilarious!

She slept in her cot last night until 1am :-) yay! Got to enjoy some quality time with the hubster iykwim ;-)

Feeling like a domestic goddess today- house cleaned from top to bottom, hoovered, dusted, mopped and tidied. Laundry basket is emptied, garden has been poo picked, presents all wrapped and shopping list written ready for the Christmas shop later in the week. Winning at life today!! Woohoo!

My house is a tip. Got tomorrow to sort it before guests arrive for Christmas. I really struggle to do anything as G needs constant supervision/playing with/picking back up etc. How do you get on with jobs? I tried sling but no joy, he isn't keen at all at being restricted. I have to wait until my husband comes in (he isn't in yet, often 10 pm) then have about an hour to run round madly and do laundry etc, so just get the bare minimum done in that time.
I'm like a woman possessed when she naps and rush about like a mad thing to get stuff done.

If I'm making the beds or something like that I'll take her with me and she crawls round the bedroom while I sort stuff. I'll pop her in her highchair while I wash up etc.

He doesn't nap, apart from occasionally and then it is on me! Ho hum nevermind I'll just have to plod onwards!
That makes things more difficult! Lol! I've now got a play pen (well travel cot) for Eleanor so I can pop her in there with some toys if I need to. Since she's started standing up I can't really leave her as she can reach things on the tables and falls over a lot so I've got to keep an eye on her and keep her safe!
Just do the best you can hun, it's only housework not the end of the world :-)

Lol our house is a tip too. Why do such little people need so much stuff??? Lol
We now have 2 teeth!
It's amazing the progress they have made. It's insane. In a few days we will have our first yuletide! I'm already panicked about childcare come may when hubby has to go back to work. I think I'll end up dropping a day. Or something
Harper is happy to play in her jumperoo or her snug seat with a suction toy on the tray, whilst I get on with jobs. I just check on her lots.
Hey girls. Thought I'd ask and see how everyone is doing in 2018.
We're getting our move on lol anya has just had an all over viral rash which terrified us lol. But our current cause for concern is that following husbands snip snip we haven't been as careful. And im currently 5or6 days late. I've done a test bfn but af has gone packed off on an awol holiday lol. Im convinced the test is right and my body is playing up hubby is convinced I'm going to get a glaring bfp any time I go pee lol. I thought after snip snip I could stop peeing on sticks apparently it's a hard addiction to break hahaha. Anyone else thinking on expanding the family?

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