May 2017 Mummies

I have a baby clothes buying problem too! I can't help myself.
I am not sure am when the growth slows down. The really summery stuff, I am getting in 12-18 months.
Sophie all of a sudden has 2 toothy pegs, it explains the need to use me as a chewing ring last weekend. I was like a zombie after having around 2 hours sleep!

Sophie is a super fast crawler, she is a right mischief though. She knows the things she's not allowed to go to-the fire, tv stand, out of the living room door and to eat shoes!! She crawls towards them, stops, sits, turns to look at me, smiles or laughs and crawls as quickly as she can to them before I grab her. Obviously a little game for her. She is such a little cheeky one!
I think she will be walking by her birthday, she is pulling herself up constantly with no problems at all and starting to try and cruise around furniture, it's very busy in our house now. No rest at all, she is into everything!!
She has started to do the cutest thing, she loves her monkey toys, teletubbies and little dolls. If you say 'give it a cuddle' she holds it up to her shoulder and says 'ahhhhh' in a really soft voice, just like we do. It is the sweetest thing ever xx
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Loads of luck with the jobs btw Emily, hope you hear soon xx
It is so sweet when they do things like that. Eleanor will play peekaboo and hold a muslin over her face when you say 'where's the baby?' She'll also sort of give kisses although she just comes at you with her mouth open and cover you in dribble! Lol!

It is so sweet when they do things like that. Eleanor will play peekaboo and hold a muslin over her face when you say 'where's the baby?' She'll also sort of give kisses although she just comes at you with her mouth open and cover you in dribble! Lol!


Yes we get that with the kisses too lol x
Awww bless sorry I've not been on in a while I've had a stressful refit at work (though it looks stunning!) And I've been to court about the crash last year but it was adjourned.

Anya sounds just like Sophie! Pulling herself up on everything knowing the things she's not allowed and going straight for them. Whats with the shoes lol?? The amount of times I've caught her by one leg she's going to end up with one leg bigger than the other lol. She giggless when you pull her back by the feet across the wood floor.
She's not talking or anything if you say baba to her she will go off on a baba baba baba rant for about five min which is cute. She hates mealtimes if you're eating something she's not hence she had her first onion bahji the other day she loved it lol.she loves parsnips too.
She has a habit of squealing as loud as she can if you try and watch a TV show or eat without her.
As for sleeping she's still pretry good. She's like her brother you can tell when she's tired as she gets mega active and really annoying lmao like grabbing my glasses and trying to remove daddy's nose/lips/teeth/hair lol you put her in bed and withing 2 min she zonks out lol.

I love the teletubby awww thing. Lol so cute. As for kisses..... we get raspberries lol or high fives every now and then she will give you an adorably sarcastic high one.

We got hubby's SA done after his snip he's all good. But he is having complications so he's back for investigations this week. It's typical horrible us if something can go wrong it will. That's just how it seems to be for us. At least we have each other sbd eventually 2 wonderful children lol

I hope your blood test went OK.
I'm not on any medication for mine my treatment is to have blood drained. Though I've been waiting to see a consultant since may 22nd. I'm in at the docs end of feb now to try and start the process over again I'm so annoyed. I half want my levels to be dangerously high just so I can feel more legitimately peeved off.
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It sounds like we have little mischiefs on pur hands :)

Hope the complications from the snip are resolved soon, how annoying.

I got my results, I have a platelet disorder, nothing to worry about but will need special meds and platelets before future surgeries x
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I don't really know to be honest. She did explain it and drew a picture but can't really explain it, the platelets don't function how they should so they allow me to bleed more than I should but not sure if it's to do with clotting as such. Will ask again when I next go xx
Hi All, apologies for jumping in here - just looking for like minded individuals to chat with and get ideas and help.
Im a first time mummy to a beautiful little girl born on 1st May 2017 @ 8.54am
- I was part of another forum whilst pregnant but they all seem to sit around complaining of how bad their life is, how men are demons and how badly their births were - its been getting me down as I appreciate how lucky I am to have a happy healthy baby girl and want to talk to people who can swap ideas!
I'm now 9 months in and have a query about reducing the formula feeds - She now only has 7oz in the MA on waking (usually about 6.00am) and then 7oz before being put to bed at 7.00pm. recently she has been bringing back the milk in the evening - I'm wondering if Im over feeding her as it comes only about 2 hours after her solids tea? Am I getting to focused on her having milk before sleep and doing it wrong do you think?
Hello! Welcome to May mummies! :-)

Up until a year old milk should still be a babies main source of nutrition so you shouldn't actively be reducing milk feeds just yet.

My daughter has 4 bottles a day but it really varies how much she'll take. Sometimes it's 6oz sometimes it's 9oz!

I'd offer her a lunchtime bottle too if I were you and just follow her lead on how much she wants to take but let her decide when to drop a feed rather than stopping them yourself.

My daughter has tea between 5 and 6 and then in to bed for 7 and always has a bottle before bed. We're doing baby led weaning though so she's feeding herself which means a fair amount ends up on the floor! She is ingesting food but not as much as if I was spoon feeding her purees.

Maybe get her weighed and have a chat with your HV if you're worried :-)

Hello! Welcome to May mummies! :-)

Up until a year old milk should still be a babies main source of nutrition so you shouldn't actively be reducing milk feeds just yet.

My daughter has 4 bottles a day but it really varies how much she'll take. Sometimes it's 6oz sometimes it's 9oz!

I'd offer her a lunchtime bottle too if I were you and just follow her lead on how much she wants to take but let her decide when to drop a feed rather than stopping them yourself.

My daughter has tea between 5 and 6 and then in to bed for 7 and always has a bottle before bed. We're doing baby led weaning though so she's feeding herself which means a fair amount ends up on the floor! She is ingesting food but not as much as if I was spoon feeding her purees.

Maybe get her weighed and have a chat with your HV if you're worried :-)


Thanks for the advice, Im having a mare at the minute because she has a cold now and shes coughing to the point of wretching with it - I don't know what to do for the best - I prop her up, give her some baby syrup and try to keep the room cool but she still has coughing fits - any suggestions?
We're the same here - Eleanor has a snotty nose, cough and had a fever too.

She was really poorly with it so we took her to the Urgent Care Centre where she of course perked up right away! Lol! Dr said she has a virus and to give Calpol/Ibuprofen as needed and not to worry if she's a bit off her food as long as she's getting plenty of fluids.

Sounds as though you're doing everything right hun. Just got to try and ride it out until she's better but if you're worried then take her to the Dr.

The last cold Eleanor had she was coughing so much she was making herself sick! It was a nightmare! Hope your little one is better soon.

Hi ladies,

Just having a quick catch up with what's been going on here recently. Owen is crawling now (just properly in the last week). He's not doing too badly with the weaning and chattering away as usual! He's got two bottome teeth and one of his top teeth has just started to poke through. I'm struggling with clothing at the moment as 9-12 seems to be too small from most places, but fits nicely from others. I'm sick of wasting my money on things that don't fit! I've just bought him some summery 12-18 months clothing, including a pair of cool sunglasses!

I'm starting to feel a lot better now, since the madness around the birth. It's difficult on my own but my parents help me out a lot and Owen's dad sees him once a fortnight. He'll be taking him overnight soon, which will give me a bit more of a break!

I hope I haven't missed too much! Any new babies/pregnancies??!
Hi dovekie,

Can’t believe how quiet this thread is compared to what it was!! Everyone has vanished lol. My wee boy has 4 teeth and has been walking since he was 9months old! Far quicker at mastering things that my daughter was! He’s a handful! Always up to something.... usually something he’s not allowed lol. He still doesn’t sleep through the night but had a really bad patch last month but for last 4 nights he has only woken once so that will do me! I would love another baby.... maybe just one more before the end of next year! But not trying just yet! Will be interesting to see how everyone Else is getting on if they are still around! X
We're deffo done with babies - hubby has had the snip!

Ellie has 2 teeth, she crawled the day she turned 6 months and started standing and cruising the furniture a couple of weeks after. She's stood unaided a few times already, so she's well on the way to walking! She's started waving, clapping and giving kisses recently too (read kisses as coming at you with her mouth wide open and dribbling all over you! Lol!)

Sleeping is not going well!! I was up 4 times last night, only once the night before (fluke) and 6 times the night before that! I start a new job next week so I'm not looking forward to dealing with night waking while working! Definitely going to need to get a notepad to write stuff down as my memory is shocking with the sleep deprivation! She's never been the best sleeper but since I tried to get her in her cot instead of co sleeping it's gotten worse! Still we'll persevere and hope she improves before I've lost the will to live!!

It's quieter in here as we started a Facebook group - PF May 2017 Mummies.

Feel free to join if you want to.

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Hi ladies. We were chatter boxes whilst pregnant weren't we :) Glad the bubbas are doing well xx

I would actually love another but I had a sickness bug the other day and it reminded me that I felt like that for 22 weeks and don't think I can do it again, esp with 2 children to look after.

Sophie is doing amazing. She is a big character. She is starting to stand unaided but not in the typical way. She doesn't cruise along the sofa and let go, she just stands from sitting in the middle of the room without holding on to anything. It's bizarre lol. She completely freaked a woman out at a baby group when she did it as she was walking by :lol:
She loves cuddling everything! Even broccoli lol. She holds it to her shoulder, rocks, pats it and says 'ahhh', funny child. She's saying a few things now too, she especially likes saying woof woof when she sees a dog and 'look' but she says 'gook' as she points. Yesterday she pointed at me and said 'mum', made my day. Every day is an adventure with her.
Sleep is still an issue, she naps well in the day now but not in her cot. She naps in her pushchair and can sleep for an hour and a half to 2 hours now but night time is just terrible. She's in the cot for maximum a few hours and then she won't settle unless she's next to me and even then she wakes up loads sometimes. It can be 6-7 times in a night. I am also dreading work with the lack of sleep. It really catches up on me and I can have a day or two where I feel very low. Hopefully there's more settled sleep on the way for us all xx
No new babies here (although I would like another, but not yet and who knows if we could after the time it took with this little dude).

I can't believe he will be 1 next month! He is a super speedy crawler, he can go so fast I think he will be a while before walking, he does walk around using furniture but for speed likes to crawl. He doesn't eat much, this week we have moved to 3 meals a day, before then we only did 2. He does now drink a beaker of water over the day but he is still mainly breastfed. He loves books with feel-y bits, new toys, soft play. He is so busy!

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