Aidan grunts in his sleep too, all sorts when trying to poo or get rid of some wind. He makes all sorts of faces too. Sometimes we get some cute noises too. He also spends much of the day on me. He sleeps well for 3 feeds, but they are the early morning (3am) to the his first afternoon feed. He wakes occasionally and feeds a little and goes back to sleep- all of these sleeps are in his crib. However, from about 2/3pm onwards he likes to sleep on me. My carrier arrived the other day and it was brilliant to be able to walk around the flat with him and still get things done. He stayed awake for a while before falling asleep. He really enjoyed it. I'm super exhausted as we are now trying to prepare for next week when I dw goes back to work, so I no longer get a solid uninterrupted 7 hours. The broken sleep is rough, especially with all the appointments we have this week, 3 early morning ones.
He is an eating machine. Had his jaundice follow up today- all clear- and he is now around 10lbs. Taking him to the gp clinic on Tuesday for a weighing and to register him there before his first official appointment. He also had his photoshoot yesterday, which was lovely. Even got one with a reflex smile! We go back tomorrow to select photos from both the pregnancy and the newborn shoots. She was fantastic. And the digital photos we get, we get unlimited printing of them, so that's brilliant. We're going to order some printed on acrylic for the wall at home.
Glad to see that everyone is generally doing well. I really don't know how anyone goes it alone with a child. I've had lots of help and support from my dw and I'm still exhausted, we both are. Students sat there GCSE Eng Lang Paper 2 today, so my standardisation starts tomorrow and my marking next week, so I'll be super busy. I also have to fule my US taxes asap. Too much to do.
Starting to make connections on Mush with local mums to start planning some meet ups in the near future. Hoping to really start getting out around 6 weeks pp so I've taken the full time recommended for recovery post-section. I will go to my local breastfeeding clinic next week as I was some help on correcting his latch. He latches well most of the time, but when he's tired or really upset, he does the sucking movement as he tried to latch, which means just the nipple and lots of pain. I can tell when it's good- fell almost nothing but a little tickle.