May 2017 Mummies

what are the signs of pnd? im not sure if i have it :( or if its sleep deprivation. feeling awful today.

when do babies start smiling? i cant remember and im desperate for a smile lol
I found myself not wanting to get out of bed, no motivation to do anything, feeling guilty about not being able to bf, feeling a failure for needing an assisted delivery, feeling bad for putting so much on my husband, crying all the time, feeling guilty about feeling so miserable all the time! Really not very nice at all. If you think you might have PND then deffo go and see your gp sooner rather than later.

Eleanor has done a couple of smiles which I don't think were just sleepy windy smiles. It's when I've changed her and she's wide awake and I'm talking to her. Obviously I don't know for certain that they were proper smiles but they certainly looked like it. Only happened a couple of times though but my god does she look cute when she smiles!!

I've read they have reflex smiles for the first 6-8 weeks so yes real smiles but they aren't really in control of them like the kicks and punches arent intended but from 6-12 weeks you should get the first smile. I've sen lot's of smiles and we found if you kissed her on a certain part of her face it got a smile for a while lol. Anya is definitely feeding more and I'm feeling my bobs get empty for the first time silence she's been born! She's still mostly good at sleeping but like's to get off to sleep in a near upright position with arms out like a zombie!
She's started to really look at things now too.
Nikki I've not had PND but I suffered from depression and in my experience if you're asking the question it'd best to talk to your hv or doc x Emily that's fantastic new's so happy for you
emily that sounds like me. i feel upset over the traumatic birth, that i couldnt do anything for her when i couldnt move or even push her in her buggy till id recovered. i cry alot im just really emotional and stressed. putting off seeing my friends. im ok when oh finishes work because i can have a break but alot of the time i dont feel with it like im away with the fairies. i dont know if its pnd or sleep deprivation. arias gone from.sleeping really well to barely sleeping
Nikki, I would speak to health visitor or doctor about how you're feeling. I hope you're feeling better soon xx

Sophie is smiling in response to me talking to her, esp last couple of days and definitely not wind. She has the cutest smile with little dimples on one side xx
Awwwww dimples!!!!
And nikki that does sound like depression warning signs. Even if it's due to sleep deprevation it's still sounds like depression x
Nikki definetly see your gp about how you're feeling and do it sooner rather than later. Hope you're OK hun.

thanks girls ill have to try and get an appointment.

arias not smiling yet i keep trying but nothing so far
Well if there was any doubt (which obv there isnt) that anya wasn't ours last night proved it. She babbled in her sleep all night I couldn't believe she was still asleep! Both me snd her dad talk in our sleep. It's scrually how I knew he was the man for me. I was scared to spend the first night with him knowing get how much I chat in my sleep. So I stayed awake until he fell asleep. Just as I felt he was deep enough asleep for it to be safe for me he sat bolt upright pointed at his feet snd said "I'll have 5 of them please" then went back to sleep. After that I felt I could sleep in peace lol.
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I talk in my sleep and moan and all sorts!! I often hear Cam chatting away to himself too! Lol!

Eleanor is quiet when she's asleep but makes all sorts of noises when she's dropping off - she snorts and grunts and makes such a racket it's unreal!!

Just had Eleanor registered and she's all official now! :)

aria is so noisy at night she cries and strains ans grunts but shes still asleep lol
Glad to see I'm not the only one with a noisy sleeper lol. We registered Anyas birth on Monday not sure if I mentioned but we registered her at the doctors today. We went in to be weighed snd for the first time someone called us in via the name Anya we didn't relies it was for us until the 3rd call lol she's where she's been all through pregnancy growth scans etc bang on 50th 7lb 11
Aidan grunts in his sleep too, all sorts when trying to poo or get rid of some wind. He makes all sorts of faces too. Sometimes we get some cute noises too. He also spends much of the day on me. He sleeps well for 3 feeds, but they are the early morning (3am) to the his first afternoon feed. He wakes occasionally and feeds a little and goes back to sleep- all of these sleeps are in his crib. However, from about 2/3pm onwards he likes to sleep on me. My carrier arrived the other day and it was brilliant to be able to walk around the flat with him and still get things done. He stayed awake for a while before falling asleep. He really enjoyed it. I'm super exhausted as we are now trying to prepare for next week when I dw goes back to work, so I no longer get a solid uninterrupted 7 hours. The broken sleep is rough, especially with all the appointments we have this week, 3 early morning ones.

He is an eating machine. Had his jaundice follow up today- all clear- and he is now around 10lbs. Taking him to the gp clinic on Tuesday for a weighing and to register him there before his first official appointment. He also had his photoshoot yesterday, which was lovely. Even got one with a reflex smile! We go back tomorrow to select photos from both the pregnancy and the newborn shoots. She was fantastic. And the digital photos we get, we get unlimited printing of them, so that's brilliant. We're going to order some printed on acrylic for the wall at home.

Glad to see that everyone is generally doing well. I really don't know how anyone goes it alone with a child. I've had lots of help and support from my dw and I'm still exhausted, we both are. Students sat there GCSE Eng Lang Paper 2 today, so my standardisation starts tomorrow and my marking next week, so I'll be super busy. I also have to fule my US taxes asap. Too much to do.

Starting to make connections on Mush with local mums to start planning some meet ups in the near future. Hoping to really start getting out around 6 weeks pp so I've taken the full time recommended for recovery post-section. I will go to my local breastfeeding clinic next week as I was some help on correcting his latch. He latches well most of the time, but when he's tired or really upset, he does the sucking movement as he tried to latch, which means just the nipple and lots of pain. I can tell when it's good- fell almost nothing but a little tickle.
Kabuk a tip I had either my son was to hold his hands in one hand and to get him to open his mouth wider put your nipper just below his nose then when he opens wide place his head on the breast. When anya kicks off I find holding her hands and having her "sit up" to feed works better or when we are both lay down but the typical cradle hold just makes her cry and scream!
I'm really struggling. I don't know how other people do it. I'm struggling with breastfeeding, she doesn't sleep at night at all and sleeping during the day is hard. Oh is still at work so he can't help much. I've developed this intense fear of anything bad happening to her and can't relax even when oh has her I can't stop thinking he's going to accidently hurt her or smother her it's awful! Parenting is hard. Not to mention how I feel about everything that just happened. What a roller coaster! Xx
It does. X the first week or two is the hardest I stayed awake for around 40odd hours straight convinced if I stop checking on her she will spontaneously stop breathing. I still have moments of panic now! Breastfeeding is hard work! Worth it in the end but hard! I'm either full empty or a dummy it feels especially at night. I try to sleep the early shift as I know from around 3am themail I'm awake she's not always awake but I am lol checking on her.
I'm such a light sleeper now. With Aidan being rather noisy in his sleep, it isn't easy to fall asleep as he settles. Bf is hard. I'm hoping to continue for as long as possible, but it does make it wonder how anyone managed for 12 months ore more. At this point, I'll be happy to make it to 6 months. He's still getting 1-2 formula feeds, but I want to try and get rid of them now that my dw will be going back to work. But my nipples feel awful by the end of the day. I've watched so many videos on bf and got advice from so may different people, certain things work, but not always. I'm finding the natural bf the easiest, placing him on me and letting him make his way to the nipple. He gets the best latch that way. However, when he's using it for comfort and fighting sleep, he his brutal. Nothing seems to work because the initial latch isn't always the issue, it's how he pulls off. It is a little funny in the mornings when he pulls off as my boob just squirts it at him, especially my left one. When he starts bobbing and hitting it with is nose, it generally squirts right into his mouth when he lifts his head again. I just wish all feedings could be fuss free, then my nipples would be okay.
Mine get a bit sore when she uses them as a dummy as she likes to almost chew on them. It does get easier to be though the more you do it the better baby is and the number your boobs go lol. I bf my son for 18 months. I get more sore with anya as she has such irregular feeding times sometimes it's once an gourmet oher times irregts 4 hours between feeds my boobs don't know what they are doing. When my son irregts back at school I plan to express more so my boobs get some sort of normality about them.

Squirtey nipples sound fun I get drippy nipples a lot. I hope your production steps up soon but you're doing a fantastic job Emily!
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