Rant away Emily. I would feel the same too. My OH can't help with night feeds as breastfeeding although he could be less vocal with his response to her crying when changing nappy during the night. My OH is being amazing with helping me, doing the ironing and cooking but sometimes wish he would help more with the baby. She is very attached to me so often can't get everything I need to do done. When I have a bath he calls me as soon as she starts crying and says she needs a feed which she usually does as she cluster feeds in the eve but sometimes I think he could try harder to comfort her so I can actually wash!! My OH hasn't changed hardly any nappies either. I think 3 or 4!! Doesn't bother me too much but when he tells me she has done a poo, rather than just changing her, I do get a little annoyed, esp when I am doing something already.
I hope he has realised and helps you out tonight xx
Nikki, if you have PND and you are struggling in the eve then he shouldn't be going to the stag, esp as not even a close friend. Sounds like an excuse to go out rather than it being of actual importance.
You say she is quite fussy in the eve? Do you think could be colic, it is often around the same time of day? Sophie was like that, she is loads better now with infacol xx