May 2017 Mummies

Aww wow what a beaut! The Cathater was painful but so much relief when they got mine in lol. I don't know when they took mine out I was too high lol all I know is I don't have it in now lol
Awww he's such a cutie!! I think May mummies might well have the cuties babies around! Lol!

So I'm bleeding again today. It's just like a period although a tad lighter than my normal. No idea if it is AF or just post partum bleeding starting up again? Just seems odd that it would start up with red bleeding again having previously stopped but it also seems odd that I would be having AF already.

So unfair if it is AF!! I only gave birth four weeks ago!!

I'm not certain but I think there has been a slight increase in my milk supply. Yesterday I was only able to express 1ml in each session and that's been about as much as I've got recently. But, last night I got 2.5mls and then 2mls and today I've got 2 mls out each time too! Hopefully the domperidone and fenugreek is making a difference!

That's great news. My son is driving me mad we've just had a 1.5 hr argument and to top it all off he's blocked the toilet he won't leave anya alone and is always trying to kiss her in the mist annoying way and trying to wake her up then complains he hasn't had a hold and I have and when he foes hold her if she isn't kicking off he gets bored. I just want to tell hi to fuck off for a bit but he's 8 it's not his fault I just can't wait for him to be back at school but I know he's dreading it coz he's vein bullied and he alway uses that as a excuse for e ery bit of bad behaviour at home. Hubby's out for his bday anya won't settle coz she got trapped wind so us trying to use my nipples as a stress reliver all I wanted to do was to measure up for a show rack and watch TV instead I'm annoyed and my predictive text is a twat and garblING everything I type. And son has broke his tablet through repeatedlystanding on it despite being type old nit type old and has excuse "i brought ut out my own mobey" since when did he have a fuckubg job it's my money. When did he become an entitled arsehoLe. Argh hubby get home!
I'm having an angry evening too! My hubby has done one night feed since we had Eleanor (did sit up with me a couple of times in the early days when I was having a breakdown) but that's it. When he had 2 weeks off work I didn't ask for help as he had to get up and get our son to school and he's been sleeping on the pull out bed downstairs so has pretty much had undisturbed nights sleeping.

Last weekend I said I wanted help on a Friday and Saturday night as he doesn't have to work the following day and as she's not being ebf he can give her the bottle after I've fed her. We agreed he'd do the late feed at 11ish and the early feed at 5-6ush. Eleanor woke at 4.3,0 I bf her thinking any minute now hubby will go and sort her bottle but nope. I got the bottle and when I came back upstairs to wait for it to cool he said oh you should have woken me, I muttered it's fine thinking he'd then take over and give her the bottle but he bloody rolled over and went back to sleep!

He had to work this morning so slept on the pull out bed last night. I've just asked him where he's sleeping tonight and he was non committal at first and was just like where do you want me to sleep, where is easiest for you? I just said I don't care but I need to know cuz if you're going in the nursery I need to move the changing stuff out. He said I'll sleep in there then. That's me getting no help to feed her tonight then!!

I'm so angry!! I wouldn't expect him to help in the week as he has work and can't rest in the day but I've specifically asked for help at the weekend and he's obviously got no intention of doing so. He's been great in so many other ways but he's shit when it comes to helping at night and then he's a moody arse when he has had interrupted sleep and is tired.

The other thing I've asked for help with is walking the dogs. We have three and they are not the best behaved in the world (terrible given my profession but hey ho!!lol!!) and I can't walk them with the pram and it's not going to be easy managing them with Eleanor in the carrier. He said he'd walk them once he's finished work. He doesn't!

I've not asked for help with much apart from those things and I'm really disappointed in him for not doing it. Then he'll have the nerve to say he's tired and he's worried I'm not getting enough rest! Bloody help me then!!!!!!!!!!


That ended up being quite long!!

Sorry girls!!

so oh sprung it on me today that hes been invited to a stag do in 2 weeks. he will be staying out because i dont want him here when hes drunk and he wont be able to get home. i honestly dont think i can cope with aria overnight on my own yet with my pnd :( once it gets to about 7pm she just cries constantly and i get really panicky and upset. i really dont feel comfortable with him going out yet but hes adament hes going. its a mate of his mate so its not like its a best friends stag do
Rant away Emily. I would feel the same too. My OH can't help with night feeds as breastfeeding although he could be less vocal with his response to her crying when changing nappy during the night. My OH is being amazing with helping me, doing the ironing and cooking but sometimes wish he would help more with the baby. She is very attached to me so often can't get everything I need to do done. When I have a bath he calls me as soon as she starts crying and says she needs a feed which she usually does as she cluster feeds in the eve but sometimes I think he could try harder to comfort her so I can actually wash!! My OH hasn't changed hardly any nappies either. I think 3 or 4!! Doesn't bother me too much but when he tells me she has done a poo, rather than just changing her, I do get a little annoyed, esp when I am doing something already.
I hope he has realised and helps you out tonight xx
Nikki, if you have PND and you are struggling in the eve then he shouldn't be going to the stag, esp as not even a close friend. Sounds like an excuse to go out rather than it being of actual importance.
You say she is quite fussy in the eve? Do you think could be colic, it is often around the same time of day? Sophie was like that, she is loads better now with infacol xx
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I must admit my hubby is excellent with anya. It's my son who's getting on my nerves lol. Sounds like we are all having difficulties though. Emily I hope he starts to jrlp out annrellt night more and lisey I hope he starts changing more nappies. My oh had to do most of the nappy changes at the start as I was in too much pain to bend to do it at the start thankfully he's continued doing it now it can move! Mind you I am giving him 8 months of my mat leave so I would expect help around the house and with her! Nikki I too agree with trying infacol I missed it tonight and anya wouldn't settle but when she has it she managed to get herself off to sleep! And def speak to go about pnd maybe even take oh with you so he can get told how much support you need!
I think I might give Eleanor some infacol.

I struggle to get her to bring up her wind after a feed so hopefully that will help.

Nikki that's really unsupportive of your oh! Hope he sees sense and stays home.

I'm still angry with my oh! It's all catching up with me and I'm really tired and sat here glaring at the wall knowing he's had an undisturbed night sleep on the other side of it!

Oh and the night sweats have come back! Joy!

I just woke oh up to watch her while I went to the loo as she's often sick after a feed. Definitely try infacol Emily. The tiredness makes everything worse! Hopefully you can give oh both kids in the day while you sleep and native that will convince him the better deal is to help out with one kid at night!!
The way I look at it night sweats are awful but it's shedding excess weer and thus excess weight! Go sweats go lol
My night sweats have come back too, it's odd. It's mostly my head though, my hair feels wet in the morning, horrible. I will take getting rid of excess weight though :) xx
I've just started Harper on Infacol as she was whinging after every feed and I could tell she was really trying to get the wind out. She looks so relieved when she gets the farts out, lol!
My OH is not the best at functioning during the night. He will do the feed just before bed and then I just ask him to pass me things I need during the night rather than ask him to feed her/change her nappy. It's just easier that way. He will rock her back to sleep and then put her down if I ask though but she normally settles herself.

Emily when he gets in hand him the dogsand tell him to walk them before tea. Try being more direct, sometimes men don't think and need it spelling out.

I'm feeling lucky, my oh isn't about much but as soon as he comes in he wants to hold g and play with him. He can't feed but will change him, although he can't smell when he needs chamging and I have to point it out but he will then go anddo it.

G has been very unsettled mainly in the evenings and the last couple of nights he has really screamed at bedtime. What are colic symptoms then? He is ok once he settles and will feed then settle fine during the night so not sure what all the earlier screaming is about. I think heis growing as he fed all agternoon yesterday and still wanted more.
Colic is crying usually with knees pulled up and it usually settles after
A fart or burp and typically at the same time of night/day if I remember right
we were using infacol but it doesnt seem to be helping much. i might try gripe water and see if thats any better? she always starts about 6-7pm she will fall asleep for 5 mins and then wake up crying. i spoke to oh today and all he said was guess i wont be going then. hes not happy. im going to phone my hv tomorrow
ARF? He's gorgeous dovekie xx

Acute renal failure? I've just had my catheter taken out again. They're checking my urine, but I don't understand how that means anything because last time I was weeing normally afterwards too!
I went into acute renal failure because I was severely dehydrated before I even went for surgery, this wasn't picked up on at the time as I'd been passed through departments by then. Then I lost 1.5l of blood which made the situation critical and I nearly died on the operating table! I was so dehydrated because daisy was in an awkward position and so my contractions were making me sick with pain so I couldn't even keep water down for 48 hours. They left my catheter in for longer than normal because I'd been so ill I couldn't function for a while afterwards. It hurt to wee for quite a few days later, then on day 3 after the section I got an infection. They were measuring my fluid intake and urine output as the should about balance, at one point fluid was being pumped into me and nothing was coming out due to the kidney failure. I'm doing much better now 12 days later, hope you're on the mend too. Are you still in hospital?

Daisy is much more settled since we got some infacol yesterday. She even let me put her down after feeds last night without complaining. I've heard gripe water is good too but not sure if it's any more effective. Her eye infection is awful. We've got antibiotic drops but it doesn't seem to be getting any better and it's breaking my heart :( sorry to hear about your oh's not being too helpful. I try not to disturb mine but he will happily help if I ask with anything, anytime. Honestly he's been an absolute saint and I feel guilty for ever thinking he didn't have it in him. He's really bonded with daisy as he had to look after her whilst I was so ill. He's also seen me in a different light I think and seems more bonded to me too after almost losing me. I'm so grateful xx
We picked up some infacol yesterday, so we'll see how he gets on with it. But I know it's not just wind. He's been going into screaming fits lately in addition to his colic crying, so my dw did some reading. Apparently babies can have pretty bad crying fits at different times that coincide with brain development. As they hit these milestones, their world becomes bigger and they need more comfort as they adjust. Aidan's been wanting to be attached to one of us. The crying is different- it really does sound like a scream of distress rather than a discomfort or hunger. The first one comes around 4-5 weeks. I'm hoping it won't last long as I'm on my own from tomorrow.

We went for photo selection on Friday- I can't wait to get all the photos, our two canvases and our photo album. It'll be a few weeks yet, but can't wait. She got a really good one of him smiling in his sleep. Whilst she managed to get a lot of newborn shots, she also got a couple with his eyes open and one on his belly with his head lifted- you can really see his personality in these. I was very impressed with the bump photos as well.
ive bought some gripe water today so going to try that today shes been fussing all day :( falls asleep for 5 mins then wakes up crying again

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