May 2017 Mummies

He hates bath time, lots of screaming! He was a bit better last time. I think next time we might try him in the bath with his daddy and see if that is any better.
Eleanor is staying awake for longer too and really focusing on our faces when we talk to her.

She's got quite dry skin so yesterday's bath will be her first and last for a while as her skin has dried out again.

Betty, hope you feel better soon so you and the gorgeous baby of yours can go home and enjoy cuddles.

Swimming this soon? Many of the ones recommended to me in the area won't allow you to start until the baby is 3 months old. Honestly, that's fine by me. We will do water babies then. Swimming and baths are still off limits right now, especially swimming. I can't wait until I can get back to working out again. At least I'm doing a lot more walking. Even managed a trip into Waterloo the other day to see my Aunt before she headed back to the States.

I'm so exhausted. Little man has been very fussy. He's generally really good in the mornings, feeding and sleeping but from about 3pm onwards he just wants to be attached to me. He also loves being cheeky. He is mixed on baths, but I think when he screams it's more to do with that he's hungry. I've had to give him a last minute bath a few times already as he had decided to wee everywhere, including all over himself. Nearly got it in his mouth the other day. And I'm pretty quick with nappy changes; he just seems to know when to time it. He also did a projectile poo that got the wall and fire place but nothing on the changing mat. He also did one right on the floor as I was taking him to his bath- just glad it didn't get on the carpet. These poos come right after he just finished going. He tends to poo in cycles- a couple back-to-back and then nothing for a while before it's back-to-back poos again.
Lol anya did mega poop today it went through her clothes and all over my mum! She quite liked the bath though. I think it's coz we haven't washed her hair yet but she managed to get poop on her hand then her face so her face got washed at first she was shocked then she settled back down until she got hungry. Our house is warm though so maybe that's why she's not as fussed as my son was in our old cold house.

Anya seems to have a similar poop cycle to your little boy kabuki. We've not had any power poops like your Lil one yet though. They do understand funny but awfully messy!

For the first time ever my sonew isn't kicking off for doing chores... maybe he's actually growing up too lol
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You have to have a sense of humour to have kids.

Anyone else still Sweating like crazy in your sleep? I have to sleep on a towel. I forgot to last night and it was like waking in a puddle. Even a short nap on the couch has me covered in sweat and leaves me with puddles of sweat behind my knees. Any sleep over 20 mins and I've sweated like I've just finish a spartan race in 30+ degree weather.
I'm not as bad as I was but I'm usually sat in front of the fire on the hottest day of the year and now Im on top of the covers and still I'm warm!
I seem to have finally finished with the sweating, so took about 5 weeks for me. Not sure how much of that was the warm weather though.

We have the poop cycles too, a big poop, change and then another big poop, then nothing for a while. At the moment he isn't pooping overnight, which is great as he has a clean nappy at midnight then nothing until about 7am so i don't have to get up and change him. I've also been feeding him laying down in bed overnight, so we don't have to get up for that either.

He is just so cute! I can stare at him for hours.

My mum took me swimming very early on, I've actually got a swimming badge I 'won' when I was a couple of month old for being able to push off and float! I will take him swimming at some point, personally I hate swimming, the water makes my skin peal off, so I hope his daddy will be able to take him more than I can and that he doesn't have the same skin issue.
The night sweats are easing off. Still get it a bit but not as bad. I had to sleep on a towel too. My doctor said you get night sweats when breast feeding, to do with the hormones.
I have a little madam on my hands. She hates being put down or even into someone else's arms, sometimes she accepts it after a little while but she wants me a lot. She settles in Moses basket at night just fine but during the day, she wants to be held. I don't agree with controlled crying or leaving them to cry it out, esp not at this age so I am pretty much holding her all the time. If she has a long nap and goes into a deep sleep I can get her into the carrycot of pushchair (just about). I read its very common with newborns. Anyone else? My son wasn't like it at all xx
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I'm having issues where she likes mummy cuddle's but isn't as find of boy cuddles she will eventually but kicks off. She still settles in her basket at night much much better than my still on though. She does prefer daddy for burping and mummy through the day. She needs to get out that habit as I'm at work in a few months :(
My night sweats aren't as bad as they were. For a while I was waking up soaking! Ewww! Apparently it's your body getting rid of the excess water retained during pregnancy.

My little lady has times where she just wants to be held but on the whole is pretty good, especially over night. Touch wood!! During the day a couple of times I've had to put her in the wrap or hubby and I will tag team through dinner. Thankfully she's not worried whose holding her as long as someone is! Touch more wood!!

First day of the school run today! Wish me luck! Wonder if it's a bit early to start getting ready? Don't want to be late after all!! Lmao!!

My night sweats are shocking! I wake up soaking, especially on my neck and around my boobs. Yuck! I was worried I was getting an infection they're that bad but my temp is fine.

I'm the same Rachel. Was checking temp regularly at first as I was worried.

Question for those who have had a c-section. My incision is healing up nicely, however I have like a shelf above it. I'm guessing it's swelling, but not sure. No swelling below and my stomach is now a small pouch, so my uterus as mostly gone back to normal size. But the skin above my incision is swollen out over my incision. I have to carefully push up and in to see the incision. Anyone else have this? I just want to know that it'll go away.
Kabuk, I have that too. I was a bit worried cos it's more pronounced on the right hand side where I also have occasional stinging/burning pain. My mw said it's totally normal as most surgeons are right handed so stand on the right and then finish with knots etc on the right. She also said there are three layers of stitches and the stitches in the layers under the skin are made of a much tougher material. I guess it's just a case of waiting for everything to heal.
I feel a bit sad that I didn't have a vaginal birth. If we have another baby I will want to go for a VBAC.

Thanks Rachel, good to know. I get those same feelings as well. They can be quite uncomfortable and are worse at night. I'm hoping my dw will still have baby number 2, so hopefully I won't have that decision to make. But if it came to that, as long as there were no concerns and no need for induction, I would try for a vbac too. But if there were concerns and they were considering induction, I'd go for a planned section as they are easier than an emcs to recover from. I don't think I'd play the odds after this past experience.
im still really emotional and crying over silly things lol im not in any pain now though and the doctor said i am ok to drive which is good :)
Same here Nikki. I'm finding the sleep deprivation difficult, especially since I have to express at night too, along with the nappy changes and feeds. A couple of nights I've just sat there expressing with tears running down my face.
I also almost cried when we took LO into my partner's work and everyone was asking how I was!

Awww girls :-( hate to think of you all being upset and crying. I was the same though especially in the very early days but things have settled down now thankfully.

I'm off to the docs tomorrow to get my bp checked now that I've stopped my meds. Going to ask the doc to prescribe me domperidone as it can help with milk production and although Eleanor is predominantly formula fed, I want her to have as much of my milk as possible. With her not feeding exclusively from me and with me not being able to express more than a whopping 2.5 mls *rolls eyes* I don't know how long my supply will last, so anything I can do to help keep it up/ maintain what's there!!

Hey ladies, have been lurking but not posting the last few days as there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day!

Hope everyone is well. We are doing okay although today has been pretty awful as Oli has wanted fed all day and will not be put down at all. He screamed the house down when hubby tried to settle him and the other kids have been naughty today too. Hopefully tomorrow will be better as it is unlike him to be so unsettled.

On the up side, we started digging our foundations yesterday and also ordered our kit! Exciting. Trying not to get too ahead of ourselves but my hope would be that we will be in our new house for Oli's 1st birthday...fingers crossed!! Xx
Hi all :) How is everyone getting on?

G is 6 weeks old tomorrow, he had his 6 week check at the GP today and is now 9lb9! He is also getting a little better at being put down, so those of you worrying about that there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel! He still has some days where he will only sleep on my knee but we are getting there. He is happily in his swing at the moment and is wide awake. He is really interacting more with us now too, which is lovely. GP also said my hip and arm that I hurt when having him should heal fine by itself with a bit more time. He is feeding really well too, so that is great. I've not tried giving expressed milk in a bottle yet, I'm not sure how much he eats and how much I would need to express.
Had Eleanor weighed today and...

:dance: she is now ABOVE her birth weight :dance:

It's only taken 3 1/2 weeks but we've finally got there!!

GP happily have me domperidone and my bp was all good. Hopefully the fenugreek and the domperidone will help my milk supply maintain and if I'm lucky increase a little bit. I'm going to go back to the bf support group on Friday just to make sure that latch etc is deffo all OK and that she's feeding efficiently from me.

Things are really good at the moment and I'm feeling very content with my little family.



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