May 2017 Mummies

Nikki I'm stopping my bp meds this weekend and then got to get my bp checked on Weds to make sure it's not crept up again.

On the guidance notes I've got for child benefit it says that payment can be back dated for 12 weeks. I've got an appointment to get Eleanor registered on Thursday, so she'll be an official little person and I can sort the forms then. I've got to fill them out beforehand though as apparently it's only a quick appointment.

I can't believe she's three weeks old tomorrow! It's going way too quickly for my liking!! My son is back to school on Monday so I've got the school run to contend with! Hopefully he won't be late!

That's fab Emily :)
Wry, how do you get the red out before dying pink? Do you lighten first? Xx
Yea I used a 90 min lightener it goes like copper blonde on the reddesr but I don't mind the two tone look. I was two tone before I went pink and I'll be two tone after my "roots" were down to my shoulders pretty much anyway.
Glad that it's 12 weeks not 4.I've not looked at the form yet but was Def told 4 weeks maybe they say that to hurry you along so you don't miss out lol
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Bore it dried and before styling etc here's how it looks lol. I need to add a few streaks in it not sure if I should go the whole hog and use my extentions or if I should just wing it with hair chalk. I'll probably go extentions maybe 4 purple or blue one's maybe 4 black I dunno I need to see how it looks in the morning once it's had time to settle lol so before after and ofc baby pic lol coz they are much more interesting than hair changes lol. Finally feel like me again after 7 years of looking "professional" lol


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ery im so jealous i would love my hair that colour! how cute is anya lol
Hi all. Haven't been on for a while as I've been really ill since the birth. I'm still in hospital and will be here for a while yet. I went into acute kidney failure, became critically anaemic due to blood loss and managed to get an infection and have had a raging fever. I had to stop breastfeeding as I have hardly been able to get out of bed let alone lift up my daughter so the midwives and John have been caring for her. I've managed to express since yesterday so at least she's having my milk now alongside formula.

A bit of a traumatic time but Daisy is my saving grace. She keeps me going and trying to get well. Hope you're all doing OK xx
My little princess xx


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Oh dear betty, that sounds difficult. I have to say, it seems most of us had a bit of a hard time with the births. Not very straight forward. Hope you're feeling better soon xx

Ery, your little bubs is super cute.
I have used the hair lighter before. I have naturally very dark, almost black hair and it turned my hair neon orange lol xx
Awww, she is so sweet betty xx
Awww Betty she's so cute! I'm sorry that you've been so poorly and had such a tough time. Really hope you're better soon.

Hearing how tough some of your births have been, really makes me grateful that mine was so quick and straightforward.

Lol I think we're jealous of your birth Emily!!!

That sounds awful Betty I hope your better soon. She is gorge though! All you anemic girls make me glad ive got haemochromotosis or whatever it's called. I wish I could give you all some of my iron. Heck I make too much if everything lol I made too much hcg they thought it easy twins too much iron too much milk... I'm allergic to my own progesterone production.... if anyone needs anything I'm sure I can make enough for two :rofl: maybe I have a hidden siamese twin somewhere!

Nikki you should go for it! Lisey the lightener I used was specially designed for dark to black hair. My "Virgin hair" was fairly dark and went super white. The copper bit was left over from the red dye but still most of that came out
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I just gave Eleanor her first bath. She sat in it quietly for a minute and then decided she didn't like it! Things got bad when I washed her, worse when I washed her hair and then tragic when I got her out! Bless her little heart!

I can't believe she's three weeks old today! The time is going too quickly for my liking! I don't want her to grow up too quickly :-(

Sophie screams the house down in the bath!! I hope she grows to like it as it's a bit of an ordeal! Xx
Bless her. We gave Anya a bath a few days ago. For us she didn't mind the bath too much she went in with her dad and the water was at 36 degreed we didn't wash her hair that much just lay her down and dipped her head in. The problems we had was on the way out she first wanted a feed then weed on me then threw up on me so she went back in the bath and wasn't as much a fan the second time round!
Betty you poor thing! Such a cutie though and will keep you going like you say! I hope u recover soon!

Leora screams in the bath but then likes it at times! I am taking her swimming tomorrow with water babies! Bit nervous about it! X
Finally got measured for a bra today. 34E. :shock: long long way from the 30b/32aa I was when I first met hubby! Nice to see his eyes pop out his head a little. It still feels a little tight when I'm full but hopefully after a few washes it will be perfect. Any nearly has full head control now. At least for a few mind st a time before she gets tired again. Her annoying habit at the moment is trying to grab my nipplw with her hands ouch!
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Oh wow swimming. What age can they do that from?
Betty she is gorgeous! Sorry you had such a rough time, I hope you are feeling better soon.

Ery jazzy hair! I've never gone pink but had purple hair for a while at one point! Gosh that was a long time ago now when I think about it!

The lady who registered the birth for us also did our child benefit form, that way you don't need to send a copy of the birth certificate with it.

G is doing well, he feels heavy and looks bigger, weigh in this week. He eats well and is having periods of being very awake now where he will interact with us.

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