May 2017 Mummies

I'm so looking forward to tomorrow. I'm going to dye my hair!!! I've not done that at all when I was pregnant and now I'm off I think I'm going to go pink.... or maybe blue... but im thinking pink! Not had ny hit wacky since uni 10 yes ago
Had the Hv today and they weighed Oli...11lb 4oz at 3 weeks old! He was wearing an up to 3 months suit last night and it only just fitted! X
Wow, he is doing well missyeovil :) xx
missy that is the same weight as becsy's boy at 5 weeks! My little dude isn't as big as that yet and he is 5 weeks today (and has just gone in to upto 1 month clothes). Being weighed next week at 6 weeks, so we will wait and see how big he has got. I didn't realise they grew so fast!
I'm hoping my little lady will be back to birth weight tomorrow when we take her to be weighed and that we can finally be discharged from the midwife!

I think she's grown though as her up to one month sleep suits look like they fit a bit better than some of her newborn ones - she's got rather long legs! Mind you some of her newborn stuff still looks huge! There's such a variation in sizes.

There really is I go off weight on the lBrls rather than size she's out of dome newborn stuff but still in others. I put her Inn a 0-3 month sleepsuit yesterday as inns all I had to hand and it was gigantic on her! It looked like a kid wearing thir parents clothes lol. She loves sleeping on my bf pillow I can curl it up like a nook of sm arm so I actually get to eat my tea some nights! We are registering her name on Monday so exiting!
I really need to arrange getting my girly registered!! Must try and remember to give them a call tomorrow.

Anyone know how you sort child benefit? I had a form in amongst all the paperwork when I had Cam but not got anything this time.

We were given a form when we registered him. You only get 3 weeks to register them in Scotland so we did it last week.xx
You get 42 days to register birth in England and 4 weeks to register for child benefit I got the child benefit firm in the bounty pack from the hospital i haven't read it yet but I will do tomorrow. I need to dig out my hospital info they are supposed to call me to make an appointment to make sure my iron levels have gone back down before June 2nd and I've heard nothing as yet!
What happens if you don't register within 4 weeks?

I need to check my bounty pack and see if I've got a form!

I didn't get a form. I didn't know you had 4 weeks. It's 4 weeks for me tomorrow xx
lisey ive already changed her milk from cow and gate to aptimil. i think its when shes being greedy and has a bit too much.

ery im doing the same ive always wanted to go blue but im currently red and dont want to bleach my hair so on monday im having red at the top with black tips being done im so excited to have some pampering lol
I'm red right now too and I miss being blonde which is my natural colour so bleach is coming out then pink going on! It's called "shocking pink" if I don't like it itve got some ultra violet too. I can just about get away with a dark purple or a red at work it just birders on what's acceptable lol. If I fully worked for jlp it would be "too wacky" but at cep tables I with for a company but based in jlp as long as no xustomers complain and it's not too out there I get away with it mainly coz (not to blow my own tumpet) I'm good at my job and on a good day I put half the departments money through the till so they tolerate my slightly weird style. Lol

If you don't sign up for child benefits in the first 4 weeks you just lose out on a bit if money. They only backdate it 4 weeks.
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Emily check online I had to make an online booking appointment to get a date and time to register the birth by going on my local council website x
I read that they backdate 12 weeks? What form do we fill in? As it's an additional child? It's not v clear on website. I am going to have to ring them. Don't know how I will fill anything in with bubs. She has colic :( cried pretty much all day yesterday xx
Nikki, mine does the same if she over indulges, it's not often but sometimes she doesn't know when to stop!! Xx
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I thought it was 12 weeks but for told 4 at the hospital maybe it's been changed I don't know I'll look into it 2more
My lilife miss over indulges when it's hot. My hv told me when I think she'll take to much to feed her in an upright position so she gets a better sense of when to stop
I found the forms to fill in but need to send off the birth certificate with them so I can't do anything about it until she's registered anyway. I'll try and get that all sorted next week.

Weigh day for Miss Eleanor today and hopefully she'll be back to birth weight and we can officially be discharged from the midwife. She's three weeks old tomorrow and I can honestly say I've quite had enough of trapsing to and from the hospital every other day!!!!

She's gained weight again :)

Still 30g off birth weight but as she's had consecutive gains we've been officially discharged from the midwives!

I can stop my blood pressure meds on Sunday and then see my gp in the week for a check to make sure it's not crept back up again.

thats good news emily :)

i need to go to the doctors next week to have my bp checked again :(
Great news Emily! !!

Well I'm officially not red any more just waiting for the pink now x lol argh!


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