May 2017 Mummies

Meh, I'm not holding my breath but as long as I've got milk she can take what I've got.

It's so hard to know if my supply has increased though. As of yet the amount I'm expressing hasn't increased at all. Overnight she only took about 60 mls max top up after feeding from me and was then asleep for three hours.

I'm worried about reducing the formula though as I don't want her to start losing weight again but it's the only way I'd know for sure. Not really sure how to proceed from here really!

I watch her feed and try to see how often she swallows but I've only ever heard one swallow per feed although I'm sure she does swallow more often than that! Lol!

My SIL said I could borrow her breast pump. It's a manual one I think and I'm not hopeful that I'll have any better results with it but I've not tried one yet so I guess it's worth a go eh?

HV suggested doing a baby moon feed, where I would basically just spend the whole day in bed feeding her from the breast just continually swapping from side to side. Again, I'm not sure how to do this without jeopardising her weight gain as she'd still need the top ups . I think she has to work quite hard at the breast to feed (or is not a very efficient feeder) as she seems to tire quickly and falls asleep.

So much to consider but I can see us just carrying on as we are, which to be fair is working OK for us at the moment.

It's whatever suits you best really. You're doing a great job!
Oh ane the 4 week thing with child benefit it does say 3 months but it's the working tax credit which has to be changed/amended in 30 days. (I forgot to tell both about my husband and sons change of name last year lol)
You know what hun, you're right! I am doing a great job!!

I've been focusing on the fact that I've failed at exclusively breastfeeding, but I should be celebrating the fact that I'm successfully combined feeding.

I should be celebrating the fact that I'm doing the very best I can! That despite all the difficulties I've faced with breastfeeding, not only am I still feeding my daughter myself, I'm still trying to increase and/or maintain my milk. I'm still expressing daily despite only getting 1ml at a time. I've persevered through it all and I should be proud of that!

So she has to have formula as well! So what? If that's what's best for her and what she needs then that's what she shall have!

Exactly Emily! You should be proud! My LO is getting expressed breast milk as well as formula. I just thought I'd be able to breast feed no probs before I had her but that hasn't been the case because of her tongue tie. I'm proud of the fact that I'm continuing to express multiple times a day. So what if she has to have 2-3 formula feeds a day. I'm doing my best and that's all we can do!

I'm in awe of you two I tried desperately to combine feed my Don and failed miserably in a few weeks we are going to start combi feeding anya breast and breast milk in a bottle to be honest after the you've we went through with my son im dreading it which is part the reason I've stopped using my pump as much x
Good offer on wipes and nappies at toys r us!


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So I've just got back from the docs. My section scar started weeping yesterday and really picked up today so thought I best get it checked. They took a swab and I've been prescribed antibiotics for a suspected infection.
Oh no! Nothing seems to be going smoothly with our births and recovery thankfully our babies all seem to be doing well!
How soon can you get AF after birth? Eleanor is 4 weeks old tomorrow and my cm has gone from being clear to being blood stained this evening, just like the start of AF! Better bloody not be!!

Daisy has been really unsettled the last couple of days. We think she's got quite bad wind despite being mainly breastfed. Our latch isn't always good and seems impossible to get right half the time so I think she takes in a lot of air. Is there something you can give windy babies?

She also has an eye infection which we've been prescribed antibiotic eye drops for. It's horrible seeing your child in pain :( xx
Get some infacol it's suitable from birth and helps get the wind up it isn't absorbed into the baby's body so you can't give her too much either.
You can give infacol for colic. We have been using it. Sophie is breastfed too but apparently it's just as likely with breastfed and bottle fed babies from what I read. Sophie has a good latch but she guzzles and I think that's why she takes in lots of air when feeding. It is so horrible when they're in pain xx
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I also got told breastmilk in the eye can help clear up the infection quicker too by my midwife lol poor little mite
I also got told breastmilk in the eye can help clear up the infection quicker too by my midwife lol poor little mite

Yes, they told me this too as bubs had a gunky eye xx
Lol awesome did hubby had a cold that I thankfully didn't catch mw told him to drink my milk too lol he wasn't so keen on that but my antibodies worked anya didn't get it lol
Really? My OH wants to try the milk lol. Not directly from me of course lol xx
Apparently breasthe milk is like the most super superfood you can have. It's so full of good stuff it's super healthy. (That's why you can sell it for a small fortune if you find the right buyers!) Lmao I want to try it too. Hubby can't help but get dropped on if we are intimate lol. He actidently brushed my boob getting in bed which made me leak all over him. After he's had the snip and we can actually dtd again he's going to have to wear a rain coat lol

But yea 20 mind after encountering a new bug the antibodies are in your milk ready to be passed on to baby.
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Betty, is ARF like what I had then? Did they put a catheter on you? I still have one in. I just want to be well and enjoy my baby.

She's gorgeous! I can't get enough of mine!

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Dovekie, he is just gorgeous. Love his little sleepsuit too xx

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