March 2021 testing thread

Oh I'm so sorry :hug:those were some nasty evaps!

See how you feel over the weekend. If you go then at least you have a head start if you do feel ready to ttc again. But absolutely understandable if you chose not to go x

Thank you @Shan92 I think I probably will go as CD3 is ideal time I’m just throwing my toys out of the pram! I definitely won’t be ttc in the next few months I wouldn’t think. It has mentally drained me just lately x
Well my AF just arrived! I kind of knew it would deep down.

I am not even sure I’ll go have my lh FSH blood test on Tuesday now as not wanting to continue TTC. I am absolutely crushed xx
I would go hun just for answers even if your not ttc. Hope your ok xxx
Well my AF just arrived! I kind of knew it would deep down.

I am not even sure I’ll go have my lh FSH blood test on Tuesday now as not wanting to continue TTC. I am absolutely crushed xx
Omg no way!! I'm so sorry, big hugs <3

See how you feel over the weekend, but it may still be worth going for the tests and getting answers for if you do decide at a later date whether to TTC again.

There are clear lines on every one of those tests! What dpo are you now? Possible implantation?

I am 10 DPO today xxx

I feel like a real idiot too I was absolutely convinced I got AF yesterday x
This is the first one I did as it was what I had left in the bathroom. I had put the others away so had to go in to my bedroom and wake hubby up.

I used the same sample for all the tests and the FRER is so faint x

This is the first one I did as it was what I had left in the bathroom. I had put the others away so had to go in to my bedroom and wake hubby up.

I used the same sample for all the tests and the FRER is so faint x

View attachment 92602
That line is so clear in that picture too! What test is that?

The frer might be faint but I can definitely see it, frers were always my go to for early lines but clearly there are better ones out there!
That line is so clear in that picture too! What test is that?

The frer might be faint but I can definitely see it, frers were always my go to for early lines but clearly there are better ones out there!

This is an aidteq from Amazon. Xx
I won’t update page one yet until the bleeding settles as it’s on and off at the moment.

This has given me a little glimmer of hope but I dare not get too excited yet xxx
I've tested again and its a negative, so I think definitely out. I'm 11dpo now and I'd have a line by now if I was.
I'm absolutely gutted
Just using easy@home, thats all I've I got. I've got 1 frer but didn't want to use that till I got a line on the cheapie x

Oh ok yes easy @ home have been better for me than FRER it’s so weird!

I feel so silly for being so negative even though I’m still in a bit of limbo it’s really given me hope that I can conceive after months of negatives. I’ve just done a 25 miu wondfo test and that has a faint line on it too x


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