March 2021 testing thread

@Charlotte9 since November 2018.

@RainbowMama no I don’t have any. I have found FRER can have some pretty promising looking evap lines but the trick is if it’s blank after 10 mins pop it in the bin and defo don’t open them up they dry mega fast! I also don’t care if blue or pink dye I genuinely don’t see the difference as evaps can be just as convincing on a pink x
That is a long time too hun. Where do we all get strength from.
Exactly! I find it so interesting how advice varies within different trusts.

I’ve made a very big decision this afternoon. If it doesn’t work this time. I need the time to think on it but I don’t think we will try again after this cycle. It hasn’t worked out so far with 3 mc since nov 18.

I’d love to have investigations as I strongly believe I need metformin but I am also not mystic Meg and when I need my AF for testing it doesn’t look like it’s going to arrive! Not in time at least anyway. I just feel like I’m wasting so much time with all the opks and trying to time BD when we both can’t really be arsed to BD just feels like it’s not the right thing anymore x

Aww thats a big decision. TTC is so hard, and I really can't imagine how it must feel for you TTC since 2018. One lost is hard enough never mind 3.

Then again this decision may not need to be made, you may get your BFP :pray:

Wow that is very cool spreadsheet! Really good idea:)

Thank you! I’ve got all my BBT charts to take with me Thursday too. :lol:

@Mrsbridge17, I really hope you find the strength to continue your journey, my inbox is always open for support and I really really hope you continue... x
I’ve just counted this is month 28 I’d tried not to count in months but I was curious to see how many it had been. Now it just feels worse, I always just kind of assumed it would happen and it hasn’t yet.

I think my focus has to be on getting healthier and trying to regulate my cycles I’ve not been diagnosed with pcos but to me it seems pretty clear that is what’s going on. Can it just happen or?

We’ve been having Gousto boxes lately so I’m eating way better. It wasn’t particularly bad before but just from scratch now rather than packs. My walking has tailed off though I’ve been very bad this week! Way less than 10k average about 5 k a day this week! I don’t think the news of our friend has helped I just want to stay lazy x
I hope you find your strength to continue. I know its very hard. 28 cycles is a long time. It will happen if you don't give up.

Hurry up Thursday! I hope doctors give you some answers!

Poundland tests are ok so far, no evaps.
I’ve just counted this is month 28 I’d tried not to count in months but I was curious to see how many it had been. Now it just feels worse, I always just kind of assumed it would happen and it hasn’t yet.

I think my focus has to be on getting healthier and trying to regulate my cycles I’ve not been diagnosed with pcos but to me it seems pretty clear that is what’s going on. Can it just happen or?

We’ve been having Gousto boxes lately so I’m eating way better. It wasn’t particularly bad before but just from scratch now rather than packs. My walking has tailed off though I’ve been very bad this week! Way less than 10k average about 5 k a day this week! I don’t think the news of our friend has helped I just want to stay lazy x
Mine came after my first child i had loads of investigations before and didnt have it but had irregular periods... then came after him! So it can happen later in life xx
I hope you find your strength to continue. I know its very hard. 28 cycles is a long time. It will happen if you don't give up.

Hurry up Thursday! I hope doctors give you some answers!

Poundland tests are ok so far, no evaps.
Mine came after my first child i had loads of investigations before and didnt have it but had irregular periods... then came after him! So it can happen later in life xx

Thanks both. I think I just need to step away from opks and pregnancy tests for a while. I’ve not been very active in here until the last few months and have found such great support from all you lovely ladies! I think there are just other areas I can focus on positively like my weight if I don’t focus on TTC so much x
@Charlotte9 this is cycle 3 for me, I’m not expecting to fly pregnant quickly as took ages with baby number 2 but want to get a handle on my cycles.

I don’t have anything to report but reading the forum to keep up to date with all your progress and testing x
@Mrsbridge17 I've read you get get pcos at any stage. It will happen for you, try to stay strong.

I think opks and trying to time bd is stressful and it just consumes you, but if I stopped testing I think I'd be stressing whether or not I missed/caught ovulation. .....arghhhhhh
I’m 100% out again! 8DPO hubby and I BD it is his bday after all tomorrow. :rotfl:

I had pink blood when cleaning up after sorry if TMI. It’s so strange I have none of my other AF symptoms but my cervix always gives me the heads up! I lad LLETZ in jan 2020 and if she’s (cervix) disturbed around AF I’ll spot :( we were a little more amorous than normal but yeah I wouldn’t expect to bleed! I am beyond devastated this was last chance saloon :cry:

I’ll get myself off page one and just update for you guys. I was feeling ok about this cycle I’ve not a single symptom of AF apart from this x
@Mrsbridge17 omg nooooo way! I really expected this to be your month.
Could it not be implantation as its 8dpo? Or could it just be because you've disturbed the cervix?

See how the bleed is today.
Hope you're ok xxx
Do sorry @Mrsbridge17

I've done my first test today BFN - should have expected that as don't think I'm due on for a week but still disappointing to see
I’m 100% out again! 8DPO hubby and I BD it is his bday after all tomorrow. :rotfl:

I had pink blood when cleaning up after sorry if TMI. It’s so strange I have none of my other AF symptoms but my cervix always gives me the heads up! I lad LLETZ in jan 2020 and if she’s (cervix) disturbed around AF I’ll spot :( we were a little more amorous than normal but yeah I wouldn’t expect to bleed! I am beyond devastated this was last chance saloon :cry:

I’ll get myself off page one and just update for you guys. I was feeling ok about this cycle I’ve not a single symptom of AF apart from this x
I’m so sorry lovely!

take a step back and have a little break! Take stock of things and have a real good think about what you want. It’s not to late lovely if that’s what you want.

I’m 40 in June with PCOS and type 2 diabetes and trying for my first. I’m not doing opks as it stresses me out. I’ll BBT & BD every other day. But I will drink lots of water, watch my diet and get those steps up and see what happens.

my best friend was had her little boy at 40 naturally, after trying for 25 years. She had a few losses along the way and she also had only one tube after an ectopic. But it happened :) he is now 2/12.

so if this is really want you want then go for it. Just don’t put any pressure on yourself and you’ll get there! Sending you all the love in the world. Msg me if you want to chat xx
I'm so sorry @Mrsbridge17. I was really rooting for you this month. Am I right in remembering you were taking a month off next month? Maybe that break will be what you need to start afresh in May. If not then you can take a little longer and come back to it if and when you feel ready.

I can't imagine how stressful it is on you, especially with losing your friend recently too. Sending you so much love and positivity, and I hope we see you back here soon :hug: xx
Thank you all. It has stopped so I don’t know! I had similar when I conceived Amelia back in 2018. I tested with easy@home today and I saw the faintest line but I have binned it off as a negative as hubby couldn’t see anything.

I will test again tomorrow morning that will be 10DPO should really be seeing something by then I reckon but I’m really not holding my breath. I said to my husband I just don’t see the point in TTC anymore it clearly isn’t working for us so it’s just a massive waste of time and money to keep buying opks and tests x

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