March 2021 testing thread

Same here. Tested this morning and got big fat nothing. Oh well. Bought myself a set of new saucepans to cheer myself up.

Thank you. I’m feeling very nervous about it to be honest time will tell hey! I’ll be testing like a mad woman until it sinks in I think!

Sorry to hear you got BFN xx
Oh ok yes easy @ home have been better for me than FRER it’s so weird!

I feel so silly for being so negative even though I’m still in a bit of limbo it’s really given me hope that I can conceive after months of negatives. I’ve just done a 25 miu wondfo test and that has a faint line on it too x

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Wow! I am so excited for you! I have been keeping up with your roller coaster of a ride! Hope this is it for you!

So I posted in another spot earlier this week, and they were Evaps, question now is, I have a guestimation of how many dpo, but am not really sure. I do know that my period is supposed to arrive on the 23rd. I have no one symptoms at the moment. Am I out if I am still testing negative? Or should I just keep waiting it out? With my last miscarried pregnancy I had a negative five days before, and then a blazing positive in the day of my missed period. I am using the Walmart cheapie First Signal One Step. Thanks for any and all comments!
Woo! Definitely a bfp @Mrsbridge17 congratulations!

Try not to worry about the bleeding to much. Easier said than done I know. I've had bleeding with both my pregnancies.

Infact, I turned 23 weeks on Friday and I'm still having light bleeding along with clots evwy 3ish days for a day or two at a time.

Good luck! Keep us updated xxd
Woo! Definitely a bfp @Mrsbridge17 congratulations!

Try not to worry about the bleeding to much. Easier said than done I know. I've had bleeding with both my pregnancies.

Infact, I turned 23 weeks on Friday and I'm still having light bleeding along with clots evwy 3ish days for a day or two at a time.
Wow congrats @Mrsbridge17!!!
Those are very clear lines! I hope the bleeding stops soon! Is it bright red of brownish?

Good luck! Keep us updated xxd

Thanks both it has kind of tailed off now to be very light It is now more pinky brown and very minimal at the moment. I’ve just done three more tests I can’t quite believe it. The top one is supposed to be 10 miu but I don’t see it on there not sure on the answer one but the clearblue is 25!!! This might be happening! X

Well I don't know what to think ladies. I've been taking the OPTs and it's been slowly getting darker, premom says that I should be ovulating today but my tests haven't gotten dark enough to be positive yet. We BD'd this morning (work has prevented us from doing so the last couple days much to my frustration and disappointment). I'm going to keep testing until the lines get fainter again, but what's going on?

I've been testing fmu and over lunch after a 4 hour hold the last week, evening urine has been too diluted to test. I drink too much water

Well I don't know what to think ladies. I've been taking the OPTs and it's been slowly getting darker, premom says that I should be ovulating today but my tests haven't gotten dark enough to be positive yet. We BD'd this morning (work has prevented us from doing so the last couple days much to my frustration and disappointment). I'm going to keep testing until the lines get fainter again, but what's going on?

I've been testing fmu and over lunch after a 4 hour hold the last week, evening urine has been too diluted to test. I drink too much water

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I don’t think the easy at home tests are accurate enough to be used with FMU. You could see a rapid increase in a day or two as mine went high low high low peak very strange x
I don’t think the easy at home tests are accurate enough to be used with FMU. You could see a rapid increase in a day or two as mine went high low high low peak very strange x

It's been steadily rising, even the fmu tests. There's a little wavering but it's small variations.
Thanks both it has kind of tailed off now to be very light It is now more pinky brown and very minimal at the moment. I’ve just done three more tests I can’t quite believe it. The top one is supposed to be 10 miu but I don’t see it on there not sure on the answer one but the clearblue is 25!!! This might be happening! X

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Definitely happening! :clap:
Thanks both it has kind of tailed off now to be very light It is now more pinky brown and very minimal at the moment. I’ve just done three more tests I can’t quite believe it. The top one is supposed to be 10 miu but I don’t see it on there not sure on the answer one but the clearblue is 25!!! This might be happening! X

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Amazing news! Congratulations!!! :)
Thanks all again! I’ve dipped my toes in to due in November but will come and update the thread as I’ll still be peeing on all of the sticks! X

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