March 2021 testing thread

Honestly doubt we have a chance this month my little one is not sleeping at all! I'm in bed with her now trying to get her to go down and she's just fighting it

How are we going to get pregnant when we don't get any time to have bloody sex!?

Honestly wonder if we need to give up for a few months, I'd say to focus on her routine but she has a good routine! It just doesn't work and what works one day won't the next!

@DinoMum i know the feeling! By the end of the day we are just too tired haha x
@flowerbomb I have read it somewhere I’m not sure if just someone said it on here or if I’ve actually read it on google lol! I’m putting my focus on getting fit for now got a Fitbit and getting in 10k steps a day minimum and making better choices food wise as I know when I have my tests they will just say lose weight etc x
Wow thats a fab goal. You'll feel amazing each day knowing how much you've done. I wear my sons fitbit sometimes and I struggle to get to 5k :rotfl:. I think i need to start walking the school run instead of going in the car :rotfl: xx
Wow thats a fab goal. You'll feel amazing each day knowing how much you've done. I wear my sons fitbit sometimes and I struggle to get to 5k :rotfl:. I think i need to start walking the school run instead of going in the car :rotfl: xx

I was the same @flowerbomb so I decided I really needed to shift my bum and do something! Not even going to look at the scales until next month just going to keep going and see what happens x
I'm sure you'll deffo lose some in a month. Good luck with it.

How are you doing? Xx
@flowerbomb thank you hun!

I’m not too bad I got peak just now but I’m on CD25 I will get a BD in tonight and tomorrow and see how it goes could just be LH surge for AF although do you get a period if you don’t ovulate? X

How are you? Xxx
Eeek get BDing. Your cycle could just be delayed this month because of the SI's.

I'm good thanks, I just find this tracking ovulation stressful because its constantly on my mind. My clear blue was blank face again this morning, but ive done an opk stick an hour ago and its a dark line but not positive yet. I've been having bad cramps and twinges yesterday and today. Its just a waiting game ;) xxx

Eeek get BDing. Your cycle could just be delayed this month because of the SI's.

I'm good thanks, I just find this tracking ovulation stressful because its constantly on my mind. My clear blue was blank face again this morning, but ive done an opk stick an hour ago and its a dark line but not positive yet. I've been having bad cramps and twinges yesterday and today. Its just a waiting game ;) xxx

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That looks good @flowerbomb! I’ve also switched to pregnacare and on the box it says they’ve had reports of it causing cycle issues too! Just got to give it a shot and hope for the best! X
Yeah course, can only try these things and if it means delaying your cycle abit but working then it's all good :smile: xx

Do you think my opk is nearly there?
Yeah course, can only try these things and if it means delaying your cycle abit but working then it's all good :smile: xx

Do you think my opk is nearly there?

Yes hun. I’ve got to do another easy at home as I only held for 2 hours not 4 and although it’s dark I want to make sure it’s darker x
I'll do another one this evening too.

I'm not sure if I'll get to BD tonight though. OH isn't feeling well so the chance is very slim. We did BD last night . Xx
@flowerbomb thank you hun!

I’m not too bad I got peak just now but I’m on CD25 I will get a BD in tonight and tomorrow and see how it goes could just be LH surge for AF although do you get a period if you don’t ovulate? X

How are you? Xxx
No hun you have to ovulate to get a period x
Hi girls. Clear blue still showing a circle. But Ive got those either positive or negative ones (2day). No smiley face yet. One step is very faint but poundland ov test is a bit darker. Could it be one step is just crap?
Hi girls. Clear blue still showing a circle. But Ive got those either positive or negative ones (2day). No smiley face yet. One step is very faint but poundland ov test is a bit darker. Could it be one step is just crap?
One step aren't very good, the lines are light. I bought one step and the line was so faint so I got easy@home after seeing a few say one steps weren't any good.
On the same sample I used a one step and an easy@home and the one step had a vvfaint line, whereas the easy@home was readable. X
You've got a positive! Yay
Exactly! One step is not as good as before. Top one step, bottom poundland.
I will try again this evening.

One step aren't very good, the lines are light. I bought one step and the line was so faint so I got easy@home after seeing a few say one steps weren't any good.
On the same sample I used a one step and an easy@home and the one step had a vvfaint line, whereas the easy@home was readable. X
I thought this too. Then i had a trigger this month and tested using a one step and omg! Look how dark it is - looks like you have to have a super high reading to get the dye. Mine usually with one step are so faint!

Eeek. Typical OH is not feeling well, I dont know if we'll be able to BD :-(

We BD last night night, if we don't tonight will I miss it?

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