*March 2019 Testing Thread*

So this month has been really strange as last month my cycle lasted 39days (it’s usually 33) I’m using OPK and am yet to get a positive result, usually I get a flashing smiley face at least but this cycle I keep getting the blank circle. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m giving up trying. This morning I check and I had EWCM but wasn’t sure it means I’m ovulating because I haven’t had any cramps or anything and usually I do. :(

Has this happened to anyone else before ?

Do you have any other OPKs to test on? Just in case the digitals are being weird (I havent used them before about to try them if I dont get my BFP)? Can you try testing more than once a day?

I know we have some ladies here who have insight and best of luck to you <3
so I spoke to my manager and told him the truth and I will go to the EPU unit to get bloods taken tomorrow

I just want you to know I have been praying my heart out for you and hope this sticks. I really do. You are in such a tough spot right now having your previous experiences but I do hope everything you feel is for good and not another loss. It's definitely possible!
This is the weirdest pregnancy ever. I swore I was having a miscarriage as my boobs were less swollen and all symptoms were stopped in the day too but now all of a sudden I am feeling nauseous very slight but it’s there. Still cramping but not as bad.
This is the weirdest pregnancy ever. I swore I was having a miscarriage as my boobs were less swollen and all symptoms were stopped in the day too but now all of a sudden I am feeling nauseous very slight but it’s there. Still cramping but not as bad.
These are all good signs. The symptoms can come and go some don’t even feel ill till after 6 weeks and some even breeze through without a symptom at all. Got everything crossed for you xx
This is the weirdest pregnancy ever. I swore I was having a miscarriage as my boobs were less swollen and all symptoms were stopped in the day too but now all of a sudden I am feeling nauseous very slight but it’s there. Still cramping but not as bad.

I’m so pleased you’re more positive today. My pregnancy with my daughter I had hardly any symptoms the whole time. Sore boobs that would come and go and I think I had a migraine once. Don’t get too hung up on them x
Thank you. Did you also have cramps?

Yes I did, all of my bfps I’ve had cramps with, like period pain and some sharp pains too
I definitely echo what everyone else is saying about it being too early for symptoms at this stage, so don’t worry too much about symptoms coming and going right now, I’m praying for you that this little bean hangs on in there and you will be taking a gorgeous baby home in Dec, I think that test you posted a pic of is looking very promising x
This is the weirdest pregnancy ever. I swore I was having a miscarriage as my boobs were less swollen and all symptoms were stopped in the day too but now all of a sudden I am feeling nauseous very slight but it’s there. Still cramping but not as bad.
You're still so early Maximus, symptoms come and go, so try not to worry too much about it :) I know easier said than done! I've had some really sharp pains as well and even some bleeding for about half a day last week and my hcg was still rising. Some women don't get nauseous at all and I've only started getting that now. So try not to beat yourself up so much if your nausea comes and goes, its totally normal :hugs:
Thank you all again. Cramps are definitely easing off but I am still going to EPU to get bloods taken. I have another frer so I will do that tomorrow morning and see if there is any progress
I just wanted to say that I had my first session of counselling for my miscarriages and it really helped. We talked about worry and how it doesn’t help and how to relax etc. Talking to someonr and someone to listen to was very helpful
crampy, brown and watery CM not much...is there still hope? Im due for AF in a week...
The spotting was only there that one time. I think I need to chill and not symptom "spot" (lol bad pun. I just really feel AF is gonna hit me in a week as usual.
I did a frer this morning and the colour same as yesterday. Also a question the line doesn’t appear straight away. It take at least 3minutes to become clear. But I remember with my first miscarriage it was coming up straight away. It might be dark but you could see it. This time it takes a long time from blank to visible?

I did a frer this morning and the colour same as yesterday. Also a question the line doesn’t appear straight away. It take at least 3minutes to become clear. But I remember with my first miscarriage it was coming up straight away. It might be dark but you could see it. This time it takes a long time from blank to visible?

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Yes it is but even yesterday’s one looked darker in different lights. It’s just that it takes a long time to turn this pick
Yes it is but even yesterday’s one looked darker in different lights. It’s just that it takes a long time to turn this pick

I was hoping you’d say yes cause I’d say the top one is definitely darker! X
You can tell a massive difference between the two tests. The top one is much darker than the bottom one. I didn’t even need to zoom in.
Today’s test is looking good maximus, definitely darker, I’m praying this is it for you x
I am so glad you said the top was today’s! That’s good line progression!

I’d see if you can hold off testing for a little while now, easier said than done, I know, I’ve peed up to 8 sticks in a day when trying to confirm if it was a chemical. But your lines are getting stronger and the repeated testing isn’t good for your mental health lovely.


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