Hi all
I've got a doctors appt this afternoon, where hopefully they will tell me everything I need to know about what happens next (other than bowling ball leaving my body in about 7 months time). This is our first child, and I cannot believe how little I know.
We are IVF, hence why we know the EDD so early, although the consultant was at great pains to tell us that other doctors and midwives will probably try to change it due to scans and sizes, and that we are not to let them as we know "conception" to the hour!!
I'm waiting for him to email through the pictures from Wednesday's scan, then the plan is to tell parents this weekend. I'm not sure about telling other people - I know that it is "normal" to wait till 12 weeks, but in reality the people I would be likely to tell would also be the people that I would ant around me if we are unfortunate and lose the baby before 12 weeks...so I probably will start to tell people that need to know. At present that really isn't that many, as I took VR at the beginning of the year, so no work complications to negotiate!
I'm feeling pretty crap. I'm nauseous most days (although not for the last 2, so fingers crossed that is a good sign), and so damn tired. Most afternoons are spent cuddled up with the dog snoozing on the sofa, which is no bad thing, but I am feeling a bit guilty. I've piled on weight like nobody's business, and look completely bleurgh at the mo. I'm blaming the drug cocktail that I'm still on from the treatment, as the blueberry sized little person in me can't be to blame just yet! I think I have to take the plunge and get measured for some maternity bras...way earlier than I was expecting to, but the boys are just massive, and every bra I have is starting to feel like torture towards the end of the day.....any recommendations for where to go - all the ones I've seen remind me of my gran's washing line!