## March 2018 Mummies Tri 1 Thread ##

I'm not sure the harmony test was a much discussed thing last time for me, what is it? What does it involve?
Booking appointment today! I hope, anyway...it's been rearranged three times and I'm not 100% confident about this one actually existing...fingers crossed!
Ohh exciting merry - let us know how it goes!

Into week 8 today, when found out at 4 weeks 12 week scan felt like forever away but now only 4 weeks to go. booking in @ 10 + 3, staying strong in resisting the early scan.

I've really been struggling with work with sickness and high pressue job and struggling to keep up whilst feeling like this. By boss works remotely so don't get much contact but he's in the office tomorrow - I am wondering if I should tell him how I'm feeling so I don't need to feel as guilty when I'm not being 100 productive? Planned to wait until the scan but if somethin did go wrong I would tell him anyway as I would probably need time off for appointments etc. Bit torn on what to do. He's a really nice guy and I think he would be understanding it just feels 'wrong' telling before the scan.
Hey March Mummies!

I have my dating scan this Thursday although I will only be 11 + 1. I had a private 9 week scan on the 27th July and all was good, baby wriggling away so fingers crossed all is ok this week too. Still have some fatigue and nausea not as bad. Boobs sore on and off and very firm. Tummy very round and firm too! Hormones got the better of me on Saturday and I was weepy all day.

I am just a wee bit concerned that if everything shows well on Thursday that I am not past the 12 week 'safety stage'. I mentioned this to the sonographer at my 9 week scan and he said that a dating scan is between 10 and 12 weeks and if all is good then there is nothing to worry about if it is a bit before 12 weeks. I was going to see if I could delay my appointment by a week to be sure but impatience is getting the better of me to see the little one! I guess I could always just ask them on Thursday if I can have another scan in a couple of weeks lol, it doesn't hurt to ask!

This first trimester really is being in limbo isn't it? I have pretty much been hibernating and avoiding socialising and wearing baggy shirts to work. Having to hold off buying baby stuff and starting to get the house organised, e.t.c!
I did attend a family 50th wedding anniversary and I did end up telling a few people, another few guessed.

Ohh exciting merry - let us know how it goes!

Into week 8 today, when found out at 4 weeks 12 week scan felt like forever away but now only 4 weeks to go. booking in @ 10 + 3, staying strong in resisting the early scan.

I've really been struggling with work with sickness and high pressure job and struggling to keep up whilst feeling like this. By boss works remotely so don't get much contact but he's in the office tomorrow - I am wondering if I should tell him how I'm feeling so I don't need to feel as guilty when I'm not being 100 productive? Planned to wait until the scan but if somethin did go wrong I would tell him anyway as I would probably need time off for appointments etc. Bit torn on what to do. He's a really nice guy and I think he would be understanding it just feels 'wrong' telling before the scan.

I think you should tell him Summertime, especially if he is approachable and understanding. He would be able to give you some leeway. I know it feels really wrong telling people before the scan but some people just need to know especially bosses in highly pressured or active jobs.

I just wrote about having a dating scan a little early, mine is 11 + 1! x
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Yeah I think it will stop me getting more stressed and then trying to stay late to get more work done. I'm sure it's going to pass but at the min just feeling really rough.

I think once you've had dating scan fine to tell people, lots of people go at 12 weeks and then get dated earlier anyway. I think I could be in that boat as had irregular cycle since coming off the pill and pretty sure I didn't ovulate on Cd14.

Exciting you get to see your little bean again in a few days you will have to post a pic to keep us March Mummies going that still have a while to wait! X
Thanks ST,

If it will help prevent you getting more stressed then deffo tell him.

I never got round to posting the 9 week scan pics, they were pretty good (they printed about 12 out for me!), I was amazed at the detail. So interested to see what developments there are in the space of two weeks! If I get a chance to post them I will today.

I am sort of dreading telling work as my supervisor suffered a miscarriage last year and was devastated. She has since split up with her partner. She works in a different location to me so I dont think I could tell her face to face so do you think it would be ok if I emailed her (I would be copying in the operations manager as well)?
Hi ladies, i'm glad to read i'm not the only one who has been eating stodgy food, only thing making me feel less sick. I still have to get through another couple of weeks under the EPAC before I can arrange my booking in appt. Just over a week until my second scan and hopefully after that I can relax, well a little bit.

Is anybody else still working out as I am trying to but between feeling sick/tiredness/being on edge its a struggle, mainly sticking to light cardio and swimming. x
Same here fairycake, only basic carbs has helped curb the nausea like cereal, bread and potatoes. Thats mainly what I have been living on lately.

I have stopped jogging as I am just too afraid to do it now, even lightly. Even though I know it can b fairly safe. But I walk to and from work which is a total of 4 miles so I am continuing that for as long as possible. I also go swimming now and again. I do yoga but not been at all in the first tri, I am signing up for pregnancy yoga after 14 weeks though. I really want to try and keep fitness levels up as much as possible, though it is hard sometimes when you're so tired!
Thanks ST,

If it will help prevent you getting more stressed then deffo tell him.

I never got round to posting the 9 week scan pics, they were pretty good (they printed about 12 out for me!), I was amazed at the detail. So interested to see what developments there are in the space of two weeks! If I get a chance to post them I will today.

I am sort of dreading telling work as my supervisor suffered a miscarriage last year and was devastated. She has since split up with her partner. She works in a different location to me so I dont think I could tell her face to face so do you think it would be ok if I emailed her (I would be copying in the operations manager as well)?

Thats awkward as obviously you feel bad for her. At my company our policy says we can notify our manager our manager however but need an email confirmation to HR. I think this would vary company to company. I'd rather tell me boss f2f so i can gauge his reaction! I don't think he will be bothered as the project I'm working finishes in march so he won't need to find cover. I am guessing I will be made redundant which I would be happy with as too stressful to go back to with 2 children.
Same here on the food front, just eating a jacket potato with butter and ready salted crisps for lunch!

I usually jog 3 lunchtimes a week just for 30 mins but felt so bad last couple of week haven't felt up to it. I do wonder what's 'ok' to do and think I might switch to swimming/walking and pregnancy yoga in T2. I had some bleeding at the start of the pregnancy after I went running - I don't think it was related just old bloody came out when I was running but made me a bit cautious.

I puton way too much weight with my son though so know I need to keep active.
Back from my booking appointment! Went really well - the midwife was lovely and she said they try to make sure you see the same person every time (not sure if that's normal or not?) Obviously lots of form filling but she went through it all pretty quickly which was good (my medical history pretty much consists of having my jabs as a child, nothing more exciting!) My husband came along too and she was really good about addressing us both.

She didn't seem surprised at my wanting a home birth, and says that she runs the hypnobirthing course for the hospital, apparently it's the only NHS trust to offer them for free. Really happy about that, just need to get my name down as apparently they book up quickly!

Also hopeful I'll get my scan soon as I'm 11 weeks according to my LMP, so fingers crossed. All feels a bit more real now!
How exciting Merry!! I dont think it really hit me until the midwife was talking to me about everything!

I didnt really discuss birthing options with the midwife at the booking appointment but I have been thinking of a water birth and have a few questions about that for the next time.

It was funny, that was one of the first questions she asked - where are you hoping to have the baby? I was unsure how supportive she would be since it's my first, but she didn't query it at all.

I'd like a water birth too - done lots of reading about it and think it sounds great. My go-to when I'm not feeling good is hot water bottle/hot bath anyway, so think it would really help me relax more. I've even looked into birth pools to hire / buy - turns out there's a lot of options!
Sorry ladies been quiet - been back at work and it's been hard work - had an awful day with nausea today. I have my 12 week scan on 24 aug

What's a harmony test? I'm a bit out of the loop as we don't have NHS here

Summertime, you can't see much at all! But we were shown the heartbeat and I was happy with that. I was measuring 7+5 and was 7+6.

I'm considering getting the harmony test as well, it's just the cost that's putting me off just now! When are you having it, ljd?

Hey, I'm going Saturday to the fetal medical centre in Harley Street. Hoping everything is ok as will then tell my mum and dad. My best friend saw me yesterday and guessed! I can't hide anything from her. Lol.xx
Hello ladies!

Hope everyone is keeping ok. I had my first appointment last week with my community midwife. I have my hospital picked (but I really don't know if I am happy with this as I really still do not know everything I need to know, it is so early!!!) so now just have to wait to hear from them to get my first scan date. Time just seems to be going so slowly. I don't think it is really going to seem real until the scan! I am now almost 7 weeks pregnant, symptoms kicking in now, I feel exhausted all the time, I have completely lost my appetite, my boobs are so sore today. I am so worried about my diet also as I am just struggling to eat enough, it is so hard to force yourself to eat food when you have no appetite at all!!
Anyone else here having their first baby? I am finding it all so overwhelming, everyone seems to know exactly what they want for their birthing plan but I really have no idea. I did tell the midwife that I have always liked the idea of a birthing pool. I just feel like such a beginner with no clue what is ahead of me! We have just been so fixated on getting pregnant that I had not even thought as far ahead as the actual labour, ahhh!!

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Hi Victoria, this is going to be my second baby but still feel like that to be honest! I won't believe there is anything in there until I see the scan. Also this pregnancy is so different to with my son, I barely had any symptoms last time where as this time feel constantly awful, really hoping it eases off soon.

In the info the midwife sent me about my booking in it says to think about where you want to have the baby ie labour ward, widwife unit etc, I really think it's too early for me to know that so I think asking a 1st time mum is a big question! I think ideally I would like a water birth but after my difficult first birth I'm keeping my options open.

Looked at my app today and saw I'm 8+1, so 2/3 of the way through tri 1! 2 weeks until my booking in with the midwife. Still having my accupuncture as helped so much with my cycles and feel great after so sticking with it until T2. Have fully weaned myself onto decaf coffee now and just having the odd can of pepsi so know I'm well under the recommended caffine limit.

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