## March 2018 Mummies Tri 1 Thread ##

I should be due on the 27th March, I am soooo exited!
This is my second pregnancy but hopefully first baby. We have an early scan in 2 weeks to check everything is ok :)
I don't really have any symptoms yet, not that I'm complaining lol.
I hope you all have a very happy, heathy pregnancy!!
Hi Summertime,

Thanks for adding me to the due date list 😀

I had a terrible time during labour with my son. I was induced and had a 36hour labour, got to 8cm but it then resulted in emergency section. He was 10lb12 and also over the 100 centile so I am expecting an even bigger baby this time! My husband is 6ft4 so it's his fault! I have multiple sclerosis and unfortunately none of the drugs for use during labour worked, had an epidural which only made half of my body numb and left the other half in excruciating pain. It was just one disaster after another which was obviously very stressful. 3 months after the birth I then had 2 MS relapses back to back lasting 3 months, one which affected my vision and one that affecting my walking, not easy with a newborn. I am convinced that the stress of the labour contributed to the relapses.
So a c-section seems like the way forward for me!
Plus they said that it would have been very unlikely that I would have gotten my son out naturally even if everything had gone to plan as he was so big and I'm quite a small size 10.
The forceps delivery must have been very stressful. Are you thinking of requesting a c-section?
Plus they said that it would have been very unlikely that I would have gotten my son out naturally even if everything had gone to plan as he was so big and I'm quite a small size 10.
The forceps delivery must have been very stressful. Are you thinking of requesting a c-section?

My goodness you've been through a lot. Sounds like a very good idea asking for an elective c section this time around.
My gynaecologist has said I can have a c section if I'd like one. I'm a small size 6/8 and my little boy was 95th percentile with his head and 7lb 5. Although 7lb 5 isn't huge he was a big baby for me. The gynaecologist also said a second baby is usually bigger and that he was surprised I managed to push my son out in the first place as I'm so tiny.x
I had an emergency c section after a 4 day labour. I couldn't get her "round the bend" and she got stuck :-(. Was all very touch and go and they had to go in and push her back up to get her out of my belly.
They did say at the time that I would have to have a c section next time but if I'm honest I'm hoping not. I know I went through a bad time but I couldn't walk properly for 10 weeks and it was so debilitating I got a bit down. I know it's different with a planned one but still a big recovery x
See that sounds awful I think electivebis way to go after that.

My hubby is 6foot 6 with a massive head so maybe it was inevitable, it was the 3rd attempt of forceps they got him out before I had to have a section but a lot of tearing. I have no idea if I will have option of section I am going to ask if it's an option and if I'll be offered a growth scan to check how big the baby is.

I know they are keen to push natural birth wherever possible and discourage elective, I dug out my hospital notes so I guess I should take them to my booking in? It ldetails my labour issues.

Despite last time birth still so thrilled to be pregnant again as know whatever happens as long as baby arrives safe it's worth it x
I should be due on the 27th March, I am soooo exited!
This is my second pregnancy but hopefully first baby. We have an early scan in 2 weeks to check everything is ok :)
I don't really have any symptoms yet, not that I'm complaining lol.
I hope you all have a very happy, heathy pregnancy!!

Welcome to the thread, I've added your due date :-) x
See that sounds awful I think electivebis way to go after that.

My hubby is 6foot 6 with a massive head so maybe it was inevitable, it was the 3rd attempt of forceps they got him out before I had to have a section but a lot of tearing. I have no idea if I will have option of section I am going to ask if it's an option and if I'll be offered a growth scan to check how big the baby is.

I know they are keen to push natural birth wherever possible and discourage elective, I dug out my hospital notes so I guess I should take them to my booking in? It ldetails my labour issues.

Despite last time birth still so thrilled to be pregnant again as know whatever happens as long as baby arrives safe it's worth it x

My thoughts exactly, if they tell me it's safer to have the section then that's what I'll do. I wouldn't want to put this baby through what my little girl went through. Her head was a mess and she couldn't bare for it to be touched for days :-(
Hey ladies, how are you all?
I have a chest infection so I'm at home today.
I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow so I booked in with the midwife, 24th August! Seems ages away and I'll be 9 weeks then :)
I do think I'm going to book a private early scan, we have the money and if it stops me from getting more and more anxious then it's worth it. Think I'll book it for when I'm between 8-9 weeks and then hopefully we'll see a bit more. Last time I had one at 10 weeks and it was very similar to the 12 week one, So hopefully they'll be a nice little baby in there for us to see.
Hi all!

I'm so new to this! I'm 7 weeks 5 days and feeling like I've been hit by a bus. I live in Dubai so the heat isn't helping at all! . Due on 18th march 18.

Is anyone else feeling like this?
Hi all!

I'm so new to this! I'm 7 weeks 5 days and feeling like I've been hit by a bus. I live in Dubai so the heat isn't helping at all! . Due on 18th march 18.

Is anyone else feeling like this?

Congratulations! I felt pretty rubbish around the 7-8 weeks point, but have picked up a lot now. As long as I keep eating!

Re the weather...Yorkshire is demonstrating its finest summer conditions at the moment, so one minute I'm outside enjoying some sunshine and the next it's chucking it down! Not got above 18* for over a fortnight!
Hey, Welcome and congratulations!
I'm only 6 weeks (tomorrow) so not got anything other than sore boobs and extreme tiredness up to now.
I was pregnant through the summer last time and was awful so I feel your pain.
Is it your first?
Hi. I think I'm due end of March beginning of April. Going by LmP on 23rd June puts me at 5+4 with a 37 day cycles but only got a 1-2 on digi so 3 to 4 weeks x
Congratulations! I felt pretty rubbish around the 7-8 weeks point, but have picked up a lot now. As long as I keep eating!

Re the weather...Yorkshire is demonstrating its finest summer conditions at the moment, so one minute I'm outside enjoying some sunshine and the next it's chucking it down! Not got above 18* for over a fortnight!
Thanks merry - I miss the UK summer!! I'm originally from chester but we usually spend xmas in howarth! I wonder if that's far from you!
Hey, Welcome and congratulations!
I'm only 6 weeks (tomorrow) so not got anything other than sore boobs and extreme tiredness up to now.
I was pregnant through the summer last time and was awful so I feel your pain.
Is it your first?

Hi haylian, yep my first - in fact it was a heck of a surprise!
Ooh really? I do like surprise stories :) there were a few surprises on here when I had my little girl. Always love hearing all about people's journeys
Congratulations! I felt pretty rubbish around the 7-8 weeks point, but have picked up a lot now. As long as I keep eating!

Re the weather...Yorkshire is demonstrating its finest summer conditions at the moment, so one minute I'm outside enjoying some sunshine and the next it's chucking it down! Not got above 18* for over a fortnight!
Thanks merry - I miss the UK summer!! I'm originally from chester but we usually spend xmas in howarth! I wonder if that's far from you!

I know it would be too hot for me in Dubai, but a bit more consistency would be nice! Yep, Haworth is about 6 miles away :)
Hi all!

I'm so new to this! I'm 7 weeks 5 days and feeling like I've been hit by a bus. I live in Dubai so the heat isn't helping at all! . Due on 18th march 18.

Is anyone else feeling like this?

Welcome M2B, I've added your due date to the first page :-) in 7+1 and also have the bus feeling, only come on in last few days so hoping we'll pass x
Wow ladies we have 16 March mums to be, it's going to be a busy month!

I'm into week 7 now and the symptoms have come on feeling nausea, tired and like I've got a hangover that won't go away. Feels like so long until my scan and holiday so just focusing on getting to end until each week.

Does anyone have their scan date yet?? I think the first scans will be in next 3 weeks so seeing those will keep me going. Also notice the April Mummies thread is up so we aren't the newbies anymore!

Hope everyone is doing well xx
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